How Curated Content Marketing Works (Tried and Tested Methods)  

Are you curious to know how content curation works?

Content curation is an interesting marketing strategy where you’ll refer to other internet sources, curate the content, and publish it on your website. And moreover, content curation greatly works for traffic generation, trust us, we’ve experienced it in real-time.

If you’ve clicked on this post, then you might be thinking about embracing “content curation” in your marketing strategies. No confusion, you’ve landed in the right place. 

In this post, we’ve elaborated on how content curation greatly supports content marketing. Without any further ado, let’s dive in. 

1. What Content Curation Mean?

In today’s fast-forward age, people are running out of time. Before reading a blog or viewing a video, the first thing they look into is, the length of the post or duration of the video.

Did you know?

In a recent heat map analysis, CoSchedule found that only 10-20% of readers were actually making it to the bottom of their posts.

And, this seems to be a major constraint for content creators like us. 

Understanding this, the frontier content strategists conferred and devised a new strategy, called content curation, pithy, crispy, & scroll-friendly content pieces. 

According to Wikipedia, “Content curation is the process of gathering information relevant to a particular topic or area of interest, usually with the intention of adding value through the process of selecting, organizing, and looking after the items in a collection or exhibition”…

In simple words, content curation is an easy way to create content. You’ll need to simply collect insights either from various resources or your previous experience, list them down, and ultimately publish it as a post..

2. Why Content Curation is Important? 

Not that content curation helps for specific industries, it can be a working-out strategy for any business type & size, when done right. Look at the perks you can leverage through content curation. 

Improve Traffic

As you’re aware, curated content is short & crisp to consume…It’s a wonder-working content strategy to generate more leads & conversions. People prefer to read short content rather than lengthy articles. 

So, it’s not that you should completely kick away long-form articles from your bucket list. To talk about a topic elaborately, writing full-length articles is the go-to option. So, keep your listicle posts as a threshold, it should pique the interest of the readers to explore more about the topic. 

Give a proper link to your in-depth blog post within the curated content. Place the link in the right section so as to redirect them, only then you can retain the traffic you generated. 

This is how curated content helps to amplify your website traffic! 

Minimal Effort

“Anyone can do content curation”. 

Yes, you’ve read it right. It’s as simple as that. 

Now, you’ll ask – “How will anybody without writing experience deliver flawless content? Hilarious, so you’re telling us to do quality-less work?!” 

Not like that. Curating items from the web requires less minimal effort & less content writing skills. Anybody can google for the ‘top content writing tools’ and prepare a list. By following a few parameters, a curator will be able to make the consolidation. Just because a tool comes up in the very first SERP position, you cannot make it your ideal choice.  

You’ve to dig a little deeper and research the customer ratings, reviews, features, prices, and others to pick the best that suits your audience.    

More Numbers more Engagement

Generally, internet users use ‘top’, ‘best’, and other similar terms to get accurate results. Content creators shade the same as keywords and incorporate these within the content. 

In addition to it, ‘numbers’ & ‘figures’ are included which makes the curation persuasive. Only in curated content, you’ll find possibilities to add such facts & figures. This is quite challenging in ‘how-to’ articles and educational posts.  

You can post content with topics like below, 

  • Number mentions – 22 Different Content Types
  • Year mentions – 24 Content Writing Trends 2024

Top mentions – Best Content Writing Tools

Build a Community

Content curation is a great medium through which you can connect with peers, competitors, and influencers within your network. By referring them in your blogs through links and mentions, you can build a community and request backlinks from them as well.  

While many others are creating a showoff of themselves in their posts, if you find time to expose other brands, then you’ll be considered as a brand creating content for USERS.  

Related brands that you’ve not mentioned may also come to you for mentions. This will boost your credibility. And, followers for the brands in your curation will jump into your post. All these can possibly help you to improve your brand awareness. 🙂  

SEO Advantage

SEO is the backbone of content. After creating content, you’ll need to optimize it for search engines or move it to the SEO’s plate. If you’re not active or hidden on the second or third or beyond, then people will not be aware that a brand like yours exists.

See how can you leverage SEO perks through content curation.

  • Easy to rank for relevant keywords
  • Usage of numbers, facts, and figures can be an SEO advantage
  • Updating content is one of the key ranking factors in SEO. Adding trends, years, and the latest info will make search engines understand that you’ve done recent updates to your content 
  • In your curation, you’ll include certain links, with that, you can ask for backlinks and take advantage of them as well 

3. How Content Curation Works?

Undeniably, content curation is a working-out strategy for ColorWhistle. We were able to see a massive difference in our website traffic. Unfortunately, along with the traffic, we felt our bounce rate also hiking up. However, after placing links to our in-depth articles in the appropriate sections, users were properly redirected. 

With our experience and research, we’ve hand-picked a few tried and tested curated content types for you to take inspiration from.

1) Ideas and Inspirations

Whether to, 

  • Build a new website
  • Design a logo 
  • Create an ad
  • Formulate strategies 

Everybody is looking out for inspirations. So, aggregating these ideas and inspirations is a wise option to experiment with content curation. At ColorWhistle, we’ve tried this in many ways, we’re listing a few below.

Everyone including entrepreneurs and customers nowadays is excited to know what’s rolling out in the trends? So, curating popular trends is a great deal for content curation. Based on the niche & industry you belong to, you can choose topics. 

Suppose you’re a web design agency, you can write a blog post on this like – Top web design trends in 2024…Here are a few blogs written on trends, 

3) Category-based Curation 

You write articles on different topics. Based on the topic, you can segregate topics into various categories. Ensure your categories are in line with your services. Categories will help users to navigate through your blogs quickly. 

We’re a digital agency, and we’ve categorized our blogs under different sectors like branding, design, development, SEO, and e-commerce. When it comes to category-based curation, if we take a category, for example, branding, we’ll make curation fall under this specific category. 

Our e-commerce category-based curated topics for your inspiration, 

4) Industry-based Curation 

To whom you deliver your services? For industry-based businesses, it may be travel, hospitality, real estate, e-commerce, manufacturing, etc. You can make curations based on the specific industry, this will help you target appropriate industrial-based groups. 

At ColorWhistle, we frequently publish two or three industry-based curation topics. We’ve broken down a few topics on the healthcare industry here below,

5) Curate Information from Statista

Statistics, facts, and figures are always a boost to your posts and articles. As statistics help in the decision-making of what works well and what doesn’t, the majority of businessmen like to read statistics-based blog topics. 

Ensure you’re accumulating large numbers of stats & figures. Moreover, top brands like Statista, HubSpot, and Webfx, write statistics-based blogs. We’ve topics like something below. 

6) Curate Resources  

You might have written a number of blogs on a specific topic. Linking to other posts in a blog is of course a welcoming practice, however, linking to all 100 posts will be overwhelming for readers. 

So, here is an idea. You can curate those blog posts as a dedicated resources library and publish them as a post. Ensure whenever you post a new blog, you update it on the library. 

We’ve a few resources library like something below. 

7) Add an Infographic as a Summary 

Infographics are visuals with information. To consume information in a matter of minutes, infographics are helpful. Adding infographics to your posts will make your post loaded with a lot of information. 

For example, we’ve curated statistics from different resources, designed an infographic, and published it as a post like this – Interesting SEO Infographics

Text-only content will make readers get bored. Infographics will make your posts appealing and engaging. You can curate those infographics and publish them as individual posts. 

Example, we have done a quick infographic on all points covered above 🙂

Content Curation Types - ColorWhistle

Looking for Content Marketing Services?

Seize and experience the transformative impact of your business with ColorWhistle’s Content Marketing Services.

Content Curation – An Idea that Works for ColorWhistle, will also Work for You!  

It’s not that curated content forms will pluck away in-depth educated articles off the root. As highlighted before, you can keep your curated posts as an entry ticket to your lengthy articles and drive your audience. 

It’s nothing like, people read only curated posts or only in-depth articles. Whatever big or small post it is, creativity is what matters. To make your post engaging & innovative, taking professional assistance from experienced hands is a worthwhile investment. 

To discuss more on this, drop us a message or give us a call at +1 (210) 787 3600 any time. You’re no more Creators or Curators, we’ll make you evolve into ‘Cureators’… 🙂  

In quest of the Perfect Content Marketing Services Agency?

Be unrestricted to click the other trendy writes under this title that suits your needs the best!

What’s Next?

Now that you’ve had the chance to explore our blog, it’s time to take the next step and see what opportunities await!

CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.

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