Website Design Statistics for 2024 and Beyond

Did you know that 38% of website visitors will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive? This highlights the critical role that design plays in retaining and engaging online audiences. Crafting an appealing website design is not just about aesthetics; it’s a fundamental factor in keeping visitors on your site and encouraging them to explore further.

Statistics on website design offer valuable insights crucial for creating visually appealing websites. By delving into these web design statistics, you can uncover the preferences of your website users and tailor your site accordingly.

In this blog, we’ve gathered the most compelling web design statistics through thorough research. So, grab a cup of coffee and delve into these statistics to gain a deeper understanding of how to prioritize essential elements for crafting an impressive website design. At the top of your reading list, you’ll find a particularly enlightening insight that can transform the way you approach web design.

Eye-Opening Statistics About Website Design

  • As of January 2024, the number of websites is estimated to be closer to 2 billion
  • Global retail eCommerce sales for 2024 are still being projected, but early estimates suggest they could reach between $6.7 and $7 trillion
  • 42% of users abandon websites if they encounter poor functionality or usability issues
  • Among website users, 46% prefer the color blue, while only 23% prefer the color yellow in website design
  • A well-executed User Interface (UI) design can boost website conversion rates by 200%
  • Similarly, a practical User Experience (UX) design can increase website conversion rates by 400%
  • Slow-responding websites cost retailers $2.6 billion in lost sales annually
  • The U.S. had 200.64 thousand web developers and designers in 2022, expected to grow to 228.58 thousand by 2032
  • From 2018 to 2023, the market size of web design services experienced a decline of -2.7%.
  • Retailers experience an annual loss of $2.6 billion in sales due to slow-responding websites.


Here are some interesting statistics about websites:

  • Active websites: There are approximately 200 million functional websites.
  • Websites created daily: On average, 25,200 websites are created daily.
  • Websites created every hour: Around 10,000 websites are made every hour.
  • Websites created every minute: Approximately 175 websites are created every minute.
  • Websites created every second: On average, three websites are created every second.


Ecommerce Web Design Statistics

  • It was projected that the market would experience consistent growth and surpass 200 billion yen by fiscal year 2024. This expansion would be driven by increasing businesses adopting online distribution channels
  • The opinions of consumers indicate that 85% consider product information and pictures as crucial factors when choosing a brand
  • A notable finding is that 23% of small businesses need dedicated websites and instead rely on their social media accounts
  • According to 60% of buyers, usability is the primary characteristic they seek in an online shop
  • As of 2023, the worldwide sales figure for retail Ecommerce stands at 6.7 trillion
  • The website design of a brand holds significant importance, as 75% of buyers determine a brand’s credibility based on its design

Did you know?

73% of customers agree that customer experience helps them decide whether to purchase something.

UI/UX Web Design Statistics

  • Every $1 invested in UX returns $100 (ROI = 9,900%)
  • 39% of users will only engage with content when the images load or the loading time takes too long
  • 85% of adults think a company’s mobile website should be as good or better than their desktop website
Website Design Statistics 2024 and Beyond - ColorWhistle
  • 88% of users are less likely to return to a website after a bad user experience.
  • Mobile users are five times more likely to abandon a task if the website isn’t optimized for mobile​​.
  • 13% of customers will tell 15 or more people about their bad experiences. 72% will tell six or more people about good experiences.
  • Only 1 out of 26 customers complain when unsatisfied; the rest churn without saying anything. 91% of unsatisfied customers who don’t complain leave.
  • Nearly 40% of users will leave a website if they find it visually unappealing
  • More than 90% of users put poor design as a primary reason for not trusting a website
  • 40% of users don’t return to a website after an unpleasant experience
  • Two-thirds of visitors prefer a beautifully designed website over a simple one
Website Design Statistics for 2024 and Beyond - ColorWhistle.
  • If your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices, users are 5 times more likely to abandon it
  • A well-designed user interface can boost your website conversion rate by up to 400%
  • 76% of users cite ease of use as an essential aspect of website design
Website Design Statistics 2024 - Reasons Why B2B Buyers would leave a Website - ColorWhistle

Website Speed Statistics + Loading Time

  • The average page speed of the first 10 Google results on SERP is 1.65 seconds.
  • E-commerce sites that keep the load time under 1-second notice 2.5x higher conversion rates.
  • 70% of shopper say slow page speeds is the reason they change their purchasing decisions.


Responsible & Mobile Web Design Statistics

  • In 73.1% of the cases, non-responsive design is the reason why visitors leave a website. 
  • 60 % of all website traffic comes from mobile devices in America.
  • An estimated 1.71 billion websites are now responsive which accounts for 90% of all websites. 
  • According to Google research, 72% of people prefer mobile-friendly website navigation.


Statistical Insights into the Current Utilization of AI by Web Designers

  • According to HubSpot Blogs research, 93% of web designers have used an AI tool or technology to assist with a web design-related task in the last three months.
  • 7% of designers surveyed indicate that they either haven’t used AI in the last three months or aren’t sure
  • 58% of designers surveyed indicate that they use AI to generate imagery or other media assets for a website. 
  • 50% use it to create complete web page designs. 
  • 49% use it to experiment with new design strategies or elements. 
  • 43% use AI to identify ways to make their designs better. 
  • 40% use it to track design performance or quality.
  • 20% use it for auditing user experience.


General Website Design Statistics

  • 75% of website credibility comes from design
  • 89% of consumers shop with a competitor after a poor user experience
  • 74% of users are more likely to return to mobile-friendly websites
  • 73% of companies invest in design to help their brand stand out from competitors
  • 66% of people prefer to look at a beautifully designed website if given 15 minutes to consume content
  • Slow-loading websites lead to a $2.6 billion revenue loss each year


Website Design & User Experience Statistics - ColorWhistle

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Bottom Line

We hope these website design statistics have provided great insights for you. A poorly designed website will tarnish your business credibility whereas a website with perfect design can influence the visitors and extend your user-base.

Now after going through these statistics, you would have got some inspirations to design your website. If you like to give life to those design ideas, we can assist you in designing a professional website that best reflects your expectations.

At ColorWhistle, our skilled graphic designers and web developers will understand your business requirements and design a website that is tailored to meet your business objectives. We are also experts in social media design services. Contact us or give us a call +1 (210) 787-3600 to collaborate with us for your web design project. We are happy to work with you!

About the Author - Archana

I'm Archana and I love all things social media. I enjoy curating content and designing engaging visuals that help people connect with the content they love. I also have a passion for accounting and human resources, which I also pursue currently. I love using Statista to help me understand the latest trends in the world of social media. I also enjoy reading books, spending time with my pets, and I'm also a bit of a crafter - I enjoy making things with my own two hands!

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