Surprising Facts About Content Marketing

Marketing is telling the world that you are a rock-star, content marketing is showing the world that you are one

Robert Rose

44% of marketers consider content marketing as their main challenge. 73 per cent say that when it comes to purchases, quality is just as important or even more so than price point – this means you’re competing against all other companies for your customer’s attention! 

And with Google giving less priority to text-based articles over others in its search algorithm recently (something we know many businesses struggle through), there has never been a better time to make sure yours stand out by providing top notch material day in/day out! 

Surprise everyone!

Having a Documented Content Strategy

SemRush’s blog about content marketing statistics has a lot of surprising elements about content marketing and how it has been received by growing businesses…

In a survey that covered 1500 businesses ( employee count upto 10000+) across 20 industries, that range from e-commerce to IT sectors, these were some of the surprising results (Infographic below).

57% of respondents had a documented content marketing strategy!

Surprising Facts About Content Marketing (Content Marketing Usage) - ColorWhistle
Anatomy of Top-Performing Content – Key Stats from the SEMrush State of Content Marketing Report

The above infographic clearly indicates that the business have started to understand the importance of Content Marketing and are already using it as part of their marketing strategy. While there are still a good chunk of them working on taking their first steps, the ones that have already started are going to see a good opportunity lying ahead of them in Marketing.

73% of companies that spend from 10% to 70% of their total marketing budget on content marketing were very successful

It’s from the same survey, we are able to quite evidently understand that content marketing is always a golden fruit that can show stunning results when strategized and executed properly.

Most brands use content marketing for either or all of the below reasons..

  • Generate leads
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Attract traffic to their website
  • Increase in revenue via sales
  • Improved customer engagement
  • Improved brand presence

All these can be achieved by proper documentation and using creative content strategies backed by a thorough research and proper understanding of who your customers are and what they seek in you.

60% of marketers create at least one piece of content each day.

That’s a surprising number… When it comes to content marketing, consistency is the key. Be it a team effort or a single person’s effort, the whole point of creating a content is to reach the target customer. 

A piece of content can either be a blog post or an email content or an ad copy whatever. Creating and producing content daily is a big benchmark and it can be achieved by constant, strategized efforts. And afterall the created content should be engaging as well!

Here are few interesting inferences by Buzzumo

Surprising Facts About Content Marketing (Average Content Share Types) - ColorWhistle
Surprising Facts About Content Marketing (Blog Post Word Count) - ColorWhistle

Articles that are longer (>3000 Words) Received 3X more Traffic

You heard that right! Lengthier the content, more number of visitors.. This is compared to articles that are of 900-1200 words in length. Results say that these blogs have a good resourceful piece of content with a good number of backlinks as well..

That said, writing a longer article will help to generate more traffic and rank better in the search engines 

  • Long-form content gets an average of 77.2% more links than short articles. (Backlinko)
  • Articles with a word count over 2,500 earn the most links. (HubSpot)
  • 2,500-word posts get shared 3x more than 1,000-word ones. (Buffer)
  • Long-form blog posts generate 7x more leads than short-form blog posts. (Curata)
  • The average Google first page result contains 1,447 words. (Backlinko)
Surprising Facts About Content Marketing (Content Marketing Report) - ColorWhistle
Anatomy of Top-Performing Content – Key Stats from the SEMrush State of Content Marketing Report

64% of B2B marketers outsource writing

That’s quite a good number. Outsourcing content marketing strategies and content writing has been in the business models for long. More than writing content inhouse, marketers chose to outsource content to get a third eye view and more experienced hands into the project. 

Content marketing outsourcing has its own pros and cons. While onboarding an efficient team to write for the brand and adding capabilities are a challenging one to do inhouse, companies opt to outsource to a more efficient team who can understand and help achieve the brand strategy for content marketing. 

Read more about the pros of outsourcing content marketing here.

Talking about the cons, the outsourced team might lose track of the actual strategy thereby leading to situations that do not handle the brand messaging properly. Also, it would be a challenge if there is a lack of effective communication between the teams.

Content Marketing Case Studies with Surprising Results

Case studies are always a way to give us proper insights on what worked and what didn’t in the first place. Let’s have a look at a few of the outcomes of content marketing which are clearly an inspiration for anyone who is planning to invest more into content marketing.

  • AppSumo grew organic traffic 843% and revenue from organic traffic 340% – This was possible with a four-part approach that included in-depth research, strategy development, high-quality content production, and building backlinks. The results were stunning and promising that Appsumo started seeing 340% uplift in revenue from organic traffic.
  • YourTherapySource gained 2000% of what they invested in ActiveCampaign by providing their audience with creative content that mattered to them. This result they claim was achieved by producing content with a purpose and doing things that worked for them in marketing consistently and repeatedly.
  • SAP achieved 7X content marketing ROI thereby generating $750K from nearly 1000 leads. Half of these came from their daily readers and newsletter subscribers. Do have a read at the case study for more insights.

Looking for Content Marketing Services?

Seize and experience the transformative impact of your business with ColorWhistle’s Content Marketing Services.

Winding Up

The content marketing strategy you create should be strategic, creative and engaging. It needs to accurately reflect your company’s values so that it resonates with readers – which means including the right messaging in all aspects of its development.

If executed properly a great campaign will provide an excellent return on investment for any business looking at improving their online presence through increased customer engagement rates.

If you are looking at effective content marketing for your business, you can give us a call @ +1 (210) 787-3600 or drop us an email via our contact us page.  At Colorwhistle, we have a team of efficient content marketers who can think strategically for your brand and bring effective results.

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About the Author - Sankarnarayan. R

The founder and mastermind behind ColorWhistle is Sankarnarayan, a professional with over fourteen years of experience and a passion for website design services and digital marketing services. At ColorWhistle, our team has a wide range of skills and expertise and we always put our clients’ satisfaction first. This is what sets us apart from the competition – an eye for detail and the best website development services from the start to the completion of your project.

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