Content Marketing Myths Vs Facts

“Marketing is telling the world that you are a rock-star, content marketing is showing the world that you are one”

– Robert Rose

A woodcutter is asked to chop a tree in 30 minutes, he spends 20 minutes of his time sharpening the axe. Similarly, if you want to unlock the potential of content marketing, a proper strategy/plan is the key, investing your time and effort. 

Before starting with a plan, have a clear picture of what you should do? and what not to do?, simply known as ‘the fascinating content marketing myths and the actual facts” 

In this blog, we’ve shared a few of the popular myths and facts that are rolling out in the content marketing industry.  

Let’s explore the world of content marketing.

“Good content is not storytelling, it’s telling your story well”

Ann Handley

1. What Content Marketing Actually is?

We looked for answers to this question in Google results… And, all we found were definition-type answers resembling a 6th-grade student’s notebook…They were not very convincing!   

And suddenly, we got an idea of understanding content marketing from the common reader’s view… We started it from our whistlers…We didn’t put up a direct question like “What’s content marketing”?

Alternatively, we went generic, for example, For what purposes do you utilize your internet connection? How did you use your mobile data this weekend? Our beloved Caroline, she is one of our web designers, you know, what did she say?!

“I read an article from the news website. Watched a few random videos on YouTube. Boredom! Then, I went through the latest blog published on our ColorWhistle site. After giving the full read, I was scrolling through the web design board on Pinterest and found an attractive infographic that covered the same YouTube video I watched before. Somewhere within me, I was fully satisfied with spending my one day quite productive. With the same, I slept listening to Russell Brand’s podcasts”…   

Her reply just caught our attention…We’ll tell you why? You can count everything as CONTENT. It’s not only about blogs or newsletters or YouTube videos. As Avinash Kaushik quotes, “Content is ANYTHING that adds value to the reader’s life”. If you utilize the content piece for promoting your brand or products or services, then it’s CONTENT MARKETING. 

But, remember, your content should not sound ‘too salesy’.

2. The Fascinating Myths Vs The Actual Facts

“Content marketing is the Atomic Particle of all digital marketing”

Rebecca Lieb.

Content marketing becomes hard to crack when you delve into it without a proper strategy. Before formulating the best one, you must first know which are all the deceptions surrounding the content marketing world and the actual truths. You’ll get to know about them in the sections below.

Myths can be the wrong-site surgery for your business. Imagine you formulate a content marketing strategy based on a myth and implement the same. It can be a disaster for your entire plan. Myths are “fake delusions disguised as truths”, let’s delve into such myths and facts to encounter them.  

Myth #1 – “Just hit publish, it’s all finish”

Fact: Be it a blog or infographic or Instagram reel or Podcast or any type, creating a piece of content doesn’t come very easily. You sit for hours together putting your heart & soul into delivering a masterpiece that your audience loves. 

And, when you’re about to hit on the ‘publish’ button, you should take the victory lap and remember “the journey has just begun”… It’s like you don’t stop once preparing your meal. You transfer the dish onto a bowl and serve it hot! 🙂 Right?  

Similarly, you’ve to perform certain promotion activities after you hit the publish button. Because these will help your content meet its sole purpose.  

What all you’ve to do after posting the content?

  • Send push notifications to your website visitors’ devices 
  • Host an email campaign and check its performance regularly using analytics tools. Send another mail to users who haven’t opened the mail yet. Make sure you don’t frustrate your users by sending back-to-back emails
  • Promote your content on social media
    • Create your own networks instead of following the masses
    • Post during peak hours, i.e., based on your audience availability
    • Don’t forget to promote your content on social media 
    • Use appropriate hashtags
  • Join communities to build your reputation and then start with the promotion activities
  • Use automatic social media sharing tools
  • Choose a budget for paid advertising
  • Acquire more backlinks from reputable websites 
  • Be active on Q/A platforms 
  • Post your images & graphics on Pinterest
  • Encourage influencers to share your content

Myth #2 – “Not all businesses, industries, & audience need content marketing”

Fact: Content marketing is the closest friend of all businesses belonging to any vertical. It builds trust, authority, communication, and something beyond marketing, and that’s – a long-lasting relationship

Content is the emotional and informational bridge between commerce and consumer.

Jay Baer

So, no matter what type of niche you’re in, either manufacturing or finance, don’t think that you cannot create engaging content.   

Crow Horwath, an accounting firm optimized 48 pieces of content like case studies, infographics, checklists, Q & A, videos, and briefs on 4 different topics to target C-level prospects in financial institutions. And ultimately, with a 70% open rate, around 778 contacts were engaged, worth $250K revenue.  

Also, there is this myth associated with this – “No content is required for my audience, they don’t consume it”. Infact, 62% of millennials surveyed agreed that the content they read and see online on websites, social media, and in the news from a company makes them feel more connected and loyal to the brand. 
Your users are ready to consume your content if it doesn’t make a sales pitch but instead piques their interests. One-third of the 500 U.S Millennials, in a survey conducted by NewsCred responded that they’re likely to buy a product if the brand’s content isn’t salesy and instead feels authentic and truthful.

Myth #3 – “Quality doesn’t matter, quantity is what matters the most”

When you read a blog post, what will you look for? “Number of words” or the “values it provides”… As you’re reading our article, it’s understood that you’ll obviously look for ‘quality’. 🙂

Creating more content is not better, what matters the most is, creating more better content…We don’t mean quantity is an overstatement, it of course contributes to your web visibility. What we would say is, just for the sake of writing something and sacrificing quality over quantity, is like getting leads, but they don’t convert. 

The sole purpose of content marketing is to educate the audience and drive them toward actions that you want them to. There’s a difference between clicking and clicking with a motive to purchase.  

One must understand that traffic means nothing if it’s not driving to positive outcomes. 

Which is profitable? Traffic or Conversions… we would say both, there should be good traffic for your content and also traffic should be converted to qualified leads. The same applies to the length, frequency, consistency, and cadence of publishing your web content. 

Tips to bring in both quantity and quality in your content

  • Repurpose your blogs to podcasts to videos to infographics to webinar topics and to many other forms 
  • Break down a lengthy topic into 2 or 3 or more small topics and write in the series format
  • Set a content calendar with deadlines for consistent content delivery
  • Do in-depth research on the user’s intent through analytics tools, comments section, Q/A platforms, and community forums 
  • Develop your own juice of creative content. We don’t mean that you shouldn’t take inspiration, but we would suggest using it only if needed. Moreover, too many inspirations will make your content look clumsy and you’ll be lost 

As you produce high-quality content at regular intervals, people will see you as a subject-matter expert in that particular niche. You’ll get both traffic and conversions for your content!   

Myth #4 – “Content marketing is a one-time approach”

Fact: Content marketing is a strategy to approach your audience, it has a purpose that can never be met with luck or magic or wizards. For example, having a single YouTube video and expecting a million views for the channel will just be a vain imagination. 

Content marketing is not an ad campaign, it’s a long-time engagement with your audience. Below are a few tips for formulating a content strategy that works in the long run.   

  • Set achievable and realistic objectives
  • Research your buyer persona
  • Conduct an audit on your available content
  • Create an outline/rough draft of your content
  • Schedule your content for publishing
  • Track the metric of your content performance

Content marketing is not something you do once and wait for some miracles to happen, it’s a long-term approach. It’s a continuous process that demands updation, assessment, and optimization frequently. 

Also, content is not something that expires, once you publish, it will last on the web. But one thing to remember is, you want to show your content for the world to see.   

Sneak Peek into Other Content Marketing Myths & Facts…

Content marketing myths

Costs a fortune

Content marketing facts

There are so many free tools that help in creating various content types without even hiring content creators 

Content means only text

Content means everything, graphics, videos, podcasts, and whatnot

Content marketing happens only online

Every offline material like posters, TV ads, fliers, etc., come under content marketing

Content should not be shared anywhere other than your website due to copyright issues

Promote your content on forums, social media, buffer, and other third-party sites with logos, watermarks, and others such elements to show yours’ is the original content

You need not be an expert to create content

If you’re not that much focused on content marketing, then it’s okay to do it alone. But when you go deeper, you’ll need professional guidance

Content marketing results cannot be tracked

It’s possible to track your content performance after being published, like how many users have read, from which regions, how much time they spend, and so on

Looking for Content Marketing Services?

Seize and experience the transformative impact of your business with ColorWhistle’s Content Marketing Services.

Wrapping the Content Marketing Facts & Myths

So yes, we’ve covered most of the important myths in this blog. Other than these, there are also so many other myths. Only when you get on the grounds, you’ll practically get a better understanding of the myths and the truths behind… 

If you find it hard to create your own creative juice of healthy & out-of-the-box content, then you can take assistance from skilled content marketing professionals

At ColorWhistle, we thoroughly research and understand your brand’s tone & voice. Moreover, we don’t deliver content with the regular plain text, nor stick to the same platform or format. We try out different content formats, types, and platforms inline with the trends.  

And moreover, we’ve written plenty of blogs on content marketing trends and strategies, you can checkout our blog page to explore these.  

If you’re interested to collaborate with our content writers, you can contact us by phone +1 (210) 787 3600 or +91 (944).278.9110 or text. We’re ready to share our expertise with you! 🙂 

In quest of the Perfect Content Marketing Services Agency?

Be unrestricted to click the other trendy writes under this title that suits your needs the best!

What’s Next?

Now that you’ve had the chance to explore our blog, it’s time to take the next step and see what opportunities await!

CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.

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