Best Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations

Healthcare API (application programming interface) is crucial in the market nowadays.


Healthcare is a prominent part of everyone’s life. It is our right to obtain healthcare services at any moment. A new era of technology has emerged—and with it, a new way of healthcare solutions. On the other hand, even the most basic medical supplies and healthcare services are out of reach for plenty of people across the world living in the countryside, in poverty, or dealing with the effects of war – even the most basic medical supplies are out of reach for them.

Electronic health has a vast scope in this modern era, and it uses telehealth, wearable gadgets, mobile health, and telemedicine. Healthcare solutions have empowered hospitals, pharmacies, and other healthcare facilities to enormously boost the delivery of medical services and products to their patients through healthcare websites and mobile/web applications. 

Exploring the realm of healthcare APIs and their vital role in achieving seamless integrations, this guide delves into the top APIs available. From the perspective of both custom API development companies and healthcare website development agencies, we uncover the key solutions that enable smooth connectivity within the healthcare ecosystem.

A few advantages of Healthcare APIs are to make healthcare services simple for people

  • Increase access to healthcare
  • Enhance the quality of care
  • Cost efficient
  • Help people living in remote locations 
  • Reduce the number of people/physicians affected by deadly infectious diseases
  • Provide more customized healthcare for patients

Healthcare API and its Importance

Healthcare organizations use API to sweeten how they interact with doctors, patients, hospitals, pharmacies, labs, insurance companies, etc. Using healthcare APIs as an element of electronic health records (EHRs) makes it uncomplicated for physicians and patients to get and transfer important health conditions and treatments.  

API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of standards that allows applications to transfer data to other software since the 1960s. In short, APIs act as middlemen that carry your requests to providers and deliver their responses back to you. If you have ever used a mobile or web application on your device to buy a flight/train ticket or pay a bill, you’ve likely operated an API.

Did you know?

In 2015, ONC recognized the ability of APIs to revolutionize healthcare data exchange, as it has already reconstructed data exchange in other industries. ONC published a regulation that contained “certification criteria” for APIs.

Let’s take the Amazon app as an example to understand how healthcare API works. Here you are a client/user, the Amazon app is an API and the distributor is the server/backend. When you place an order through Amazon, it will check with the distributor for delivery updates and then let you know about the order status. It additionally uncovers various administrations like order management, customer data, pricing information, and catalog content for other applications.

Likewise, healthcare APIs are needed to bring applications together to perform designed services like appointments, billing, symptom check, location, lab/MRI/CT tests, chatting, and account login.

Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations (Healthcare API and its Importance) - ColorWhistle

Importance of Healthcare API to develop flawless healthcare portal

  • Enable adaptive and smart apps
  • APIs can decode connectivity between systems 
  • Helps to extend the healthcare ecosystem
  • Hide complexity
  • Increase reusability and extend reach 

There are three substantial components of healthcare APIs

Data Exchange – Provides a standard format for exchanging structured data between two parties.

Data Access – Offers a variety of interfaces for accessing and manipulating data stored in databases.

Data Management – It boosts data management using various tools and practices.

Top healthcare APIs

Electronic Health Record (EHR) APIs

Advanced healthcare API structures are labeled as being knotty and costly. The EHR system has automated access to data and reduced the complexity of digital health through the smart usage of new technologies, insurance agencies, and patient record management. EHRs may include data on medical history, laboratory test results, vital tests, diagnoses, medication, radiological images, age, weight, and billing information. Combining several patients’ data from EHR systems has helped with new treatments in the healthcare industry. 

Human API

Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations (HumanAPI) - ColorWhistle
  • Human API is a user-controlled medium that permits users to securely connect and transmit their health data with your application or website. It associates you with real-time test results, hospitals, pharmacies, patient portals, and labs
  • It enables digital health businesses to competently serve their clients via access to our proprietary health data network, and it connects more than 260 million people across the US

Did you know?

Human API effectively achieved an independent SOC 2 Type II audit for their products, which demonstrates that their system effectively keeps their client and user health data secure.

Particle Health API

Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations (Particle) - ColorWhistle
  • Particle health API enables health businesses and digital health innovators to access healthcare data in an easy and secure way
  • This simple and elegant healthcare API platform has 270+ million patient records across the USA. Slotting their FHIR 4 API into other standard developer tools is easy, it also provides basic demographics and actionable data

Apple Health Records API 

 Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations (Article)- ColorWhistle
  • Apple has delivered Health Records API for application developers to build a better environment to help healthcare businesses maintain their health records efficiently.
  • Healthcare API firms collect data from Apple Watch and iPhone using Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) and EHR for better nutrition plans, diagnosed diseases, medications, and more. Healthcare API dealers provide a consistent relationship with EHR APIs and assure data encryption and privacy throughout the usage
  • When the client shares their health record with an authorized app, It will be directly sent from HealthKit to the third-party application.
  • Apple does not set any fees for iPhone enrollment for institutions to maintain a connection and enrollment is available in Canada, the U.K., and the U.S. only
  • Transferring health app data with providers is accessible in the US only

Clinical Data Management and & Analytics APIs

Google Cloud Healthcare API

 Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations (Cloud Healthcare API)- ColorWhistle
  • Google Healthcare API permits standardized and easy data sharing between healthcare solutions and apps built on Google Cloud. It provides storage and gains actionable insight into your data in any of the versions of FHIR (R4, STU3, and DSTU2)
  • The cloud healthcare API is supported by Google Cloud’s security and privacy qualities and supports HIPAA compliance. Google Cloud is HITRUST CSF certified, which means it is a qualified health information network

Amazon Comprehend Medical API

Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations(Amazon Comprehend Medical APIs) - ColorWhistle
  • Amazon Comprehend Medical API is HIPAA qualified service that uses machine learning to automatically extract and understand health data from medical prescriptions, test reports, and diagnoses
  • The main concept of Comprehend API is to understand and attribute sentiment within text so it uses an optimized Natural Language Processing model to study text. It is designed to perform flawlessly with other AWS services like AWS Lambda and Amazon S3
Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations (Amazon APIs) - ColorWhistle

Telehealth API

Telehealth platform is the technology that is used to deliver health-related services, self-care, and health information through digital communication. 

Here are the key components of a telehealth platform that assure quality and consistency of virtual consultations

  •  Mobile health
  •  Live video
  •  Virtual patient monitoring


Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations (Doximity) - ColorWhistle
  • Doximity is a telehealth API that helps over 80% of U.S. physicians and 50% of all other healthcare professionals to use its verification engine to confirm the identity of a user and allows them to authenticate using Doximity’s username and password credentials 
  • The free version of Doximity Dialer is available with few limitations for Med students, Pharm students, pharmacists, and MDs. This API is available for both Android and iPhone
  • Patient tokens and client secrets are considered sensitive, and they must not be distributed to untrusted third parties or kept as unencrypted texts on code caches

Bluestream API

Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations (Bluestream) - ColorWhistle
  • Bluestream+ is a patented platform to deploy end-to-end video visit solutions specifically designed for healthcare businesses. You can build your own virtual care platform, app, or product for your healthcare business with Bluest Ream’s comprehensive and secure virtual care architecture in the market
  • It is HIPAA-Compliance and believed by plenty of healthcare organizations

DrChrono API

Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations (Chrono) - ColorWhistle
  • Drchrono API is a cloud-based platform that allows developers to build software to interface with healthcare websites, iPhone, and iPad-based apps, EHRs, telehealth, and medical billing platform without a hitch
  • This API offers free services to universities for the education and learning process


Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations (Amwell) - ColorWhistle
  • With Amwell API, healthcare businesses can design simple and innovative telehealth programs to integrate with their EHRs, consumer experiences, patient portals, and existing workflows 
  • This telehealth platform gives high-quality connections to provide stable and HIPAA-compliant video connectivity in the healthcare market
  • 2000+ hospitals, 55+ health plan partners, and 103k+ providers using Amwell API

Drug Data and Interaction APIs

RxNorm API

Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations (NIH) - ColorWhistle
  • RxNorm provides standardized names and unique identifiers for drugs and medicines. It allows the software to communicate drug-related data efficiently and clearly
  • It gives a group of codes for clinical drugs, which are the blend of dose form, strength of a drug, and active ingredients. RxNorm dataset has over 61000 latest unique drug names (RxNorm January 2011 release)

DrugBank API

Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations (Drugbank) - ColorWhistle
  • DrugBank API is an interactive software organized around REST. It uses HTTP response codes to identify API errors and its URLs are resource-oriented
  • You can use DrugBank API to access endpoints, which can get their database data on drug interactions, drug products, and drugs. Its default response format is JSON (standard file format and data interchange format)
  • This API is a curated pharmaceutical knowledge base tool for drug-drug interactions, searching for information, check for alerts and side effects. We can check 1.3+ million drug-drug interactions with Drugbank in one API call. To search for information, we can use RxNorm codes, NDC numbers, and other identifiers


Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations (OpenFDA) - ColorWhistle
  • The OpenFDA API’s goal is to ensure the privacy and security of public FDA info, to create comfortable access to public data, and to educate people and save lives. This healthcare API provides APIs and download access to high-priority structured datasets, drug adverse events, recall enforcement reports, and drug product labeling
  • We can get public FDA (Food and Drug Administration) data like human drugs, animal drugs, medical equipment, devices, and food-related data results in JSON format

Symptom Checker APIs

Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations (Symptom Checker APIs OpenFDA) - ColorWhistle

Mayo Clinic API

Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations (Mayo) - ColorWhistle
  • Mayo Clinic API symptom checker will tell the possible diseases based on the entered symptoms 
  • With this symptom checker API tool, patients can get more clarity about the disease and get the proper doctor guidance for further consultation
Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations (Symptom Checker APIs) - ColorWhistle

Other APIs

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Healthcare APIs help digital healthcare businesses/solutions take the first action towards radically accelerating the pace of innovation. It is more comfortable for healthcare providers to share information from one system to another securely and efficiently.

Here are the few healthcare API benefits to constructing your healthcare business ahead of the pack

  • Provide secure data storage
  • Share medical data efficiently
  • Boost innovation in medicine
  • Better treatment results
  • Provide data integration
  • Mobile health
  • Insurance management
Healthcare APIs for Seamless Integrations (Constructing your Healthcare Business ) - ColorWhistle

Are you looking for immaculate healthcare website development services or custom API development or switching your running portal to another API? No worries! we will give you the perfect and custom API development service and integration solutions for your healthcare business. We are the soundest in the market to develop ordinary API integration services to multiple end-points custom API developments. ColorWhistle – We are a team of outstanding professional API developers to create secure, scalable, and customized web APIs for your business requirements. We are also a healthcare digital marketing company that can help you develop your telehealth business and reach your audience globally.

Make yourself comfortable and initiate contact with us by sending a message or a call at. +1 210-787-3600.
Let us know if you have any queries about healthcare API services, send a word in the comments below. We are excited to answer back.

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About the Author - Nandhini

I'm an artistic copywriter & SEO analyst at ColorWhistle. As a copywriter, I write academic, professional, journalistic, or technical-related, innovative and recreational content using my SEO knowledge. I am an electronics and communication engineer by degree and a copywriter by passion. I flawlessly use my research and adaptability skills while writing. When I'm not writing you'll find me wandering through music, pencil drawings, gardening, and bike rides. I'm also a lover of dogs, cats, a sky full of stars, and an empty road.

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