Content Marketing Statistics for 2024 and Beyond

It’s mid 2024, and the digital marketing landscape is buzzing with creativity and competition. In this ever-evolving terrain, content marketing stands tall as the beacon guiding brands toward success. But what exactly does the content landscape look like this year?

Come along as we explore the latest content marketing statistics for 2024. We’ll be your compass, helping you navigate through the data jungle and uncovering valuable insights that can fuel your brand’s growth. From the power of visual storytelling to the impact of authentic connections, each statistic we uncover paints a clearer picture of what it takes to thrive in the content arena.

So, buckle up and get ready to explore the statistics, challenges, and trends that await in content marketing for 2024. Together, let’s board on this adventure and discover how to utilize the true potential of content to drive your brand forward.

Content Marketing Statistics for 2024

  • 73% of B2B marketers and 70% of B2C marketers use content marketing
  • 72% of marketers believe their content marketing strategy has increased engagement and traffic
Content Marketing Statistics (Website Traffic) - ColorWhistle
  • 76% of marketers report that content marketing generates leads
  • 82% of companies use content marketing
  • 83% of marketers say focusing on quality rather than quantity of content is better, even if it means posting less often
  • 40% of marketers believe creating more visual and video content improves their content marketing


Content Marketing Revenue Worldwide from 2018 to 2026

Content Marketing Usage

  • 82% of companies use content marketing.
  • 73% of B2B and 70% of B2C marketers use content marketing as part of their marketing strategy.
  • Half of all marketers say they outsource some content marketing.
  • Blogging is one of the top media formats marketers plan to leverage for the first time in 2024
Content Marketing Statistics (Blogging) - ColorWhistle
  • 83% of the B2C marketers create short articles/ posts. 
  • Meanwhile, 61% of content marketers have created or used videos in 2023. The usage of long-form articles increased from 22% in 2022 to 42% in 2023. 
  • The pandemic lead to an increase in content usage by 207%.

The chart below shows how many individuals or businesses want to invest in content marketing compared to those who don’t.

The chart depicts that 83% of marketers believe it’s wiser to prioritize creating quality content over producing a large quantity of content.

Types Of Content Marketing and Their Statistics

  • 83% of the content marketers create articles and posts, while 61% create videos.
  • These are the top two contents B2C marketers used in 2023. The usage of long-form articles, including videos, blogs, and infographics, increased to 42% from 22% recorded last year.
  • Short content of 300 to 900 words attracts 21% less traffic and 75% fewer backlinks than articles of average length (900–1200 words).
  • Short-form video is the top leveraged media format in marketers’ content strategies. 
  • 87% of marketers say that video has increased traffic to their websites.
Content Marketing Statistics(Website) - ColorWhistle
  • Interactive content witnessed a 52.6% extra engagement rate compared to static content. 
  • Buyers spend an average of 8.5  minutes viewing static content and 13 minutes viewing interactive content.
  • According to 67% of marketers, video content has gained the most importance in the last year.
  • 38% of the marketers say that the video content produces the best results.

The chart below outlines various types of content and their popularity among marketers. 

While text might be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about content, but video is actually the most preferred type of content created by marketers.

Blogging Statistics

  • Blog posts are the most famous content format, with 9 out of 10 marketers using their blogs to achieve their content goals
  • Companies with blogs produce an average of 67% more leads per month than companies that don’t have active blogs
  • 43% of content marketers report using AI to help them generate ideas (43%), but just 3% use it to write entire articles
  • The average blog post length is 1,427 words — more than 70% longer than ten years ago
  • Only 3% of brands regularly publish blog posts longer than 2,000 words

Video Statistics

  • Short-form video is the top leveraged media format in marketers content strategies.
  • 91% of businesses use video as a marketing tool in 2023.
  • 42% of video marketers say they spend between $0 and $500 on an average video.
  • YouTube is the most widely used video marketing platform. Short-form video is the top trend marketers report leveraging in 2023
  • 96% of marketers agree that the optimal length of a marketing video is under 10 minutes.

Content Strategy

  • 29% of marketers actively use content marketing.
  • Over 41% of marketers measure the success of their content marketing strategy through sales.
  • Web traffic is among the top two most-common measurements of success for content marketing strategies.
  • 50% of marketers plan on increasing their investment in content marketing in 2024.
  • One in two writers use AI tools to boost the performance of their content
  • 13% of marketing leaders report that content strategy is their top challenge

Audio Statistics

  • 25% of marketers leverage podcasts or other audio content as part of their content strategy.
  • 47% of marketers who leverage audio content and podcasts plan to invest more budget in 2024.
  • Only 3% of marketers say they’ve used audio chat rooms like Clubhouse in their marketing role.
  • Ad spending in the digital audio advertising market is projected to reach more than $10 billion in 2023 and $13 billion in 2028
  • 86% of consumers recall podcast ads more than any other channel


B2B Content Marketing Statistics

Content Marketing Statistics (three) - ColorWhistle
  • 94% of B2B marketers create short articles and blog posts. (Content Marketing Institute)
  • 84% of B2B marketers use videos in their marketing strategies. (Content Marketing Institute)
  • 78% of B2B marketers incorporate case studies and customer stories into their marketing campaigns. (Content Marketing Institute)
  • 66% of B2B marketers consider their audiences’ needs over their sales goals when creating content. (Siege Media)
  • Attracting quality leads with content is the top challenge for B2B brands. (Semrush)

B2C Content Marketing Statistics

Content Marketing Statistics (four) - ColorWhistle
  • Just 37% of B2C content marketers have a documented marketing strategy. (Content Marketing Institute)
  • 38% of B2C content marketers plan to use AI content generation tools in their marketing campaigns. (Siege Media)
  • 36% of B2C marketers focus on link-building as part of their content marketing strategy. (Siege Media)
  • 63% of B2C marketers use paid media in their content marketing strategy. (Content Marketing Institute)
  • Social media and community building is the primary area of B2C content marketing investment. (Semrush)


Challenges Of Content Marketing

  • 57% of the content creators cited that creating the right content for the audience is one of the major challenges of content marketing.
  • Scaling content production is one of the most common challenges cited by 48% of content marketers. 
  • 48% of content marketers think aligning content with the buyer’s journey is challenging. 
  • Meanwhile, 45% of marketers think aligning content efforts across sales and marketing is a huge challenge.
Content Marketing Statistics (Challenge) - ColorWhistle

Here are further details about the situational challenges that B2B content marketers face.

Challenges B2B content marketers facePercentage of marketers
Lack of resources58%
Aligning contempt with the buyer’s journey48%
Aligning content efforts across sales and marketing45%
Workflow issues/ content approval process41%
Accessing subject matter experts (SME)39%
Keeping up with new technologies34%
Lack of strategy25%
Keeping up with privacy rules/ regulations19%
Technology integrations15%
  • Another 41% of marketers reported that attracting quality leads with our content seems to be the biggest challenge.

Here are some of the challenges that content marketers face while creating content.

  • Promoting content and generating enough traffic: 39%
  • creating content that resonates with our audience: 31%
  • Increasing the ROI of the content: 30%
  • Attracting quality leads through the content: 41%

AI in Content marketing

  • Most marketers use AI tools for text-based content. The top 3 use cases are: brainstorming new topics (51%), researching headlines and keywords (45%), and writing drafts (45%). (CMI)
  • 50% of marketers believe inadequate AI adoption is holding them back from achieving their goals. (Mailchimp)
  • 58% of US marketers said they have increased their content creation performance thanks to generative AI. (eMarketer)
Content Marketing Statistics (AI in content marketing) - ColorWhistle
  • 75% of consumers trust content written by generative AI. (Capgemini)
  • Nearly half of content marketers use AI to brainstorm new topics.
  • 46% use it to research headlines and keywords, and over 36% use AI tools for writing. 
  • 48% of content writers cited that working with new technology, such as AI, was the most popular skill of interest in 2023.
  • It was followed by interests like improving data analytics/data science skills (42%), and leadership skills (42%).
  • 58% of marketers using generative AI for content creation said increased performance is the top benefit.
  • 62% of content marketers are concerned that AI will result in less respect for skilled writers/editors.
  • 19.2% of marketers spend over 40% of their marketing budget on AI-driven campaigns.
  • 75% of consumers trust content written by generative AI.

Source: Ahrefs | Demandsage


As you navigate the ever-changing terrain of content marketing, remember to keep these insights as your compass, guiding your strategies toward meaningful engagement and lasting results. With creativity, innovation, and a data-driven approach, the possibilities for success in 2024 are endless. Here’s to a future filled with compelling content, authentic connections, and continued growth for your brand.

If you’re seeking a content marketing service for your website, feel free to reach out to ColorWhistle by sending us a message or calling us at +1 (919) 234-5140, and we’ll get back to you at the earliest. We provide services tailored to your requirements that suit your business.

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About the Author - Archana

I'm Archana and I love all things social media. I enjoy curating content and designing engaging visuals that help people connect with the content they love. I also have a passion for accounting and human resources, which I also pursue currently. I love using Statista to help me understand the latest trends in the world of social media. I also enjoy reading books, spending time with my pets, and I'm also a bit of a crafter - I enjoy making things with my own two hands!

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