White Label Marketing Automation – Best Practices and Strategies

White Label Marketing Automation – Best Practices and Strategies are essential for streamlining lead generation and nurturing processes while maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

When you run any organization, time and personnel are your finite resources. However, as the business grows, it becomes a mess to maintain one-on-one relationships with prospects and clients. Therefore, you will need to partner with the best marketing automation services company that will help you manage one-on-one relationships at scale.

It is the time when white label marketing automation comes in handy. As a matter of fact, nearly 51% of companies are currently using marketing automation and about 58% among them are white label companies that plan to adopt the technology.

Continue reading and learn all about white label marketing automation and its strategies.

What is White Label Marketing Automation?

First, B2B refers to ‘business to business’, a transaction or business conducted, but not necessarily between two companies, and may extend to modern-day remote teams. Second, marketing automation is any software that deals with your large number of white label marketing and early-stage sales-related events. Therefore, this software helps you streamline, automate, and measure marketing tasks and workflows. Consequently, it increases your operational efficiency and allows you to grow revenue faster.

White Label Marketing Automation is a huge step in the right direction to getting multiple stakeholders coming to the table, coming to start to talk about what your company is all about.

The goal of B2B Marketing is to make these teams within companies fall in love with the amazing content/services you have marketed to offer.

Marketing automation helps in automating almost everything from email marketing, to social media, and captures analytics for improved iterations. The sole aim is to increase revenue while developing efficient workflows.

The differences between B2C and B2B Marketing Automation

Before gaining further knowledge about B2B marketing, here is a sharp difference between B2B and B2C marketing automation. B2B is an acronym. It stands for Business to Business, while B2C is for Business to Customer. The primary and vital difference between the two marketing automation is in their customer.

In B2B business, businesses will sell their products or services to other companies and related stakeholders, while in B2C, businesses sell their products directly to individual customers.

Both businesses use marketing automation, but since they have differences in customer behavior, they need to adjust how they use their automation technology. Here is a quick difference comparison between these two businesses:







Rational buyer

Lead generation

Lead nurturing



Impulsive buyer

Brand building

Personalized customer journey

age/gender/purchase history

Best Practices for White Label Marketing Automation

To begin with White Label Marketing Automation, you may adopt the mentioned best practices:

White Label Marketing Automation Best Practices - ColorWhistle

Define buyer personas:

Buyer personas are nothing but imaginary versions of your scenarios, customers, and influencers. However, to master this strategy, you need to have a sound understanding of your buyers.

A buyer’s persona includes all kinds of your customers’ information and behavioral patterns. You must have information such as their education, skills, industry, job title, key responsibilities, challenges, goals, and demographic information. Interviewing your customers and focus groups, conducting surveys, and feedback on the product will help you develop a better buyer persona.

Furthermore, it would help if you looked at your analytics dashboard. It will also give you a good understanding of the ideal buyers.

Build your workflow:

Remember to keep in mind that every buyer is different. Hence, each buyer will have other problems and needs. Therefore, prepare yourself for various search queries for the same product.

The key is to make your workflow based on the Buyer’s Journey. You need to map content towards different stages of your buyer journey. It will also help you to send the correct message at the right time to the right prospects.

Seize the right lead information:

Turn information that you have collected from your visitors into leads. However, it may depend on the stage of your buyer’s journey. For example, there is no need to collect detailed information such as phone numbers and designation in the awareness stage.

In comparison, for a resource like A Buyer’s Guide, gather all information, including phone number, location, revenue, etc. The lead is possibly in the decision phase, and the chances of becoming a customer are pretty high.

Provide solid content to generate leads:

To break through and pull in leads, provide unique and high-value content. Based on the buyer persona, you need to create content that will target different stages of the buyer’s journey. Also, make sure that your content addresses maximum problems.

Make a lead scoring model:

Not every lead will be your customer right away. Some of them will be just testing the waters while a few of them are ready to buy from you.

The lead scoring model will help you in assigning a number to each lead based on their activities. It will determine how much effort the sales team employs. Also, it allows your sales team to scale their efforts by targeting the prospects. Furthermore, it helps marketers in sending out personalized content based on the score.

White Label Marketing Automation Tools

Social Media Tools
Email Marketing Tools
Templates for Faster Content Creation
  • Ready-made templates can save a lot of time & effort, especially in content creation for businesses.
  • Pete McPherson has got it right with his 1-Hour Blog Post templates.
Software Integrations

We recommend you go through this informative video by Pete McPherson, an experienced blogger. Niche white label marketing automation tool recommendations made above are briefly discussed in the video below.

And then, there are all-in-one marketing automation solutions like Hubspot, Pardot by Salesforce, Marketing Optimizer, Infusionsoft by Keap, Marketo, etc.

We have discussed more of these tools in detail in our previous blogs. You may click on the appropriate links:

White Label Marketing Automation- Real-time Application

  • CentricIT boosted lead generation by 59%
  • The marketing automation example improved the lead volume by 200%
  • Personalization increased online registrations by 15%

Here are a few case study examples of white label marketing automation for you so that you can know better about the analysis of the white label campaigns:

CentricIT boosts lead generation by 59%:

CentricsIT is the first example of marketing automation. Before Automation, CentricsIT didn’t include any proper method of tracking leads or nurturing them. The Leads were thrown into the email inbox so that you can check them, sort them, and manually forward them to Sales. This unstructured method also ended up including marketing automation in the process.

Through marketing automation, leads are automatically directed from landing pages to sales reps. It resulted in the increase of CentricsIT’s lead generation by 59%. Furthermore, $1.5 million was credited to the implemented marketing automation technology.

Hence, the best thing about this was integrating email with website lead tracking and emails to the right approach to sorting leads.

Marketing automation example improved the lead volume by 200%:

Rapid growth in businesses became difficult to manage manually, and a need for Automation arose. A white label cloud mobile Software Company started to implement lead-nurturing to handle a high volume of leads. Moreover, the help of different challenges and solutions resulted in the growth of lead volume by 200%.

Personalization increased online registrations by 15%:

A white label software provider offered a freemium product and a free trial for a different outcome. The main challenge was to convert the non-paying users into their customers. For the conversion, they ran some analysis to understand why ‘freemium’ users aren’t converting.

With few analyses on hand, they knew it had to create ‘pipelines’ so that they could bring non-paying customers closer to buying at each step of the pipeline.

Marketing automation was the only approach to get freemium users to respond to in-trial messages. The first step was to show users notes inside the product interface. This communication system also expanded to ads and pop-up notifications. These messages were tips and tricks.

Looking for White Label Partnership?

Seize and experience the transformative impact of White Label Digital Agency Services & Solutions with ColorWhistle.

Outsourcing White Label Marketing to Digital Marketing Agencies

Any repetitive task in your business can probably be automated. Identifying them and implementing them requires a thorough understanding of the outcomes, not to mention that your marketing team will have to be proficient in extracting the best out of the Marketing software.

This is where an experienced digital marketing agency can help you. Such agencies may have profound knowledge and experience in optimizing Marketing software tools.

ColorWhistle, for instance, is one of the active partners with HubSpot. Our digital marketers have good experience in getting the best out of marketing automation tools to help you make a mark in the online space.

Let us know in the comments below if you want to cover anything specific on white label Marketing Automation. We’ll be happy to help.

You can also call us at +1 (210) 787-3600 or leave us a line. We are ready to collaborate with you!

What’s Next?

Now that you’ve had the chance to explore our blog, it’s time to take the next step and see what opportunities await!

Manav Gupta
About the Author - Manav Gupta

Manav Gupta is a full-time CopyWriter at ColorWhistle, where he works to benefit both professionals & enthusiasts in the field of Digital Marketing, Branding & Web Development by creating engaging content. Prior to joining ColorWhistle, Manav was responsible for managing & executing content projects ranging from sales collateral to web content, ad copy to letters, business proposals to sales plans, and training manuals. A graduate of a reputed university, Manav holds an honors degree in Engineering. When not hard at work creating meaningful content, he enjoys perfecting his knowledge of music, playing cricket, and volunteering to build a carbon-neutral society.

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