Outsourcing Graphic Design Services – Single Vendor vs Multiple Vendors

If you’re a business owner looking to improve your branding and marketing materials, outsourcing graphic design services may be the right choice for you. However, you’ll have to decide whether outsourcing graphic design services from a single vendor vs multiple vendors – which one is better. 

This decision can be challenging, but it’s essential to choose the right option to ensure that your brand’s image is consistent and professional. This article will help you make a decision by comparing the benefits and drawbacks of outsourcing graphic design services to a single vendor Vs multiple vendors based on various factors. So, let’s dive deeper into this topic and help you determine which approach is right for your business.


Single Vendor

Multiple Vendor

Design Process

A single vendor might follow a standard design process for all their clients. The complete process will be streamlined and consistent but when it comes to ideas and innovation, it will be of minimum exposure.

Here the design process might be fragmented. As each vendor will follow their own design process, you might face difficulty tracking them, but it is an excellent opportunity for exposure.

Tools/ Design Software

Single vendors will have access to a wide range of tools and software but at times there are chances to get lagged if the vendor fails to keep them updated with the latest software or tools for graphic designs.

Here, each vendor will have experience with various tools/software which can help in boosting your expertise. It is also a chance for you to keep yourself updated with the existing and upcoming design tools and software.

File Management

When outsourcing graphic design services to one vendor or hire a graphic designer, file management is clear because there is only one vendor to coordinate with for file delivery and storage. The vendor takes on the responsibility of keeping track of all project files, design assets, and other relevant documents. With a centralized system for managing these files, clients have easy access to track the project’s progress, and there is less room for miscommunication or confusion regarding storage or version control. Ultimately, having a single vendor for graphic design services streamlines the file management process and ensures that all files are secure and readily available.

When outsourcing graphic design services to multiple vendors, file management can be more complicated as each vendor may have their own preferences for file delivery and storage. This can lead to confusion and miscommunication about where files are stored and how to access them. Additionally, version control can become challenging if vendors are not coordinating effectively. Managing files with multiple vendors requires more communication and coordination to ensure everyone is on the same page, and files are properly organized, updated, and accessible.


Outsourcing graphic design services to a single vendor can result in a more efficient workflow since the vendor can manage the entire design process. This means that the vendor can take care of all aspects of the project. Having one vendor overseeing the project minimizes communication barriers and prevents delays which can eventually lead to a more efficient workflow, resulting in a faster turnaround time and a more satisfying final product.

Outsourcing graphic design services to multiple vendors can result in a less efficient workflow because each vendor may have different workflows and timelines. Since each vendor has its own set of deliverables and responsibilities, coordinating and communicating with multiple vendors can lead to delays and miscommunication, resulting in a slower design process. For example, if one vendor falls behind schedule, it can delay the entire project’s progress,  impacting the final product’s quality.

Design Standards

Here, maintaining design standards can be easier since the vendor is responsible for all design work. This means that the vendor is familiar with the brand’s design standards, and it’s easier to provide feedback and direction on design work.

This ensures that the designs meet the brand’s guidelines and that any necessary revisions or adjustments can be made promptly.

When outsourcing graphic design services from multiple vendors, each vendor may have its own interpretation of design standards. This can make it difficult to ensure that all design work meets the same quality standards and adheres to the brand’s guidelines. It is quite challenging to coordinate with multiple vendors, each of whom may have different design processes, software preferences, and workflows leading to confusion and delays in the design process. As different vendors may have different levels of expertise and experience in certain areas of design, it can result in inconsistencies in the final product.


Communication here will be streamlined with proper coordination.

You can experience a seamless integration as you have to communicate with only a single vendor for any updates, troubleshooting, and more for the completion of the outsourced assignment

When you engage with multiple vendors for the completion of your project, communication with proper coordination will be a major risk. It is quite acceptable to expect proper coordination from multiple vendors but, at times it is unpredictable. While trying to coordinate with more than one vendor you may end up with poor project management where they may fail to produce the expected result

Brand Consistency

Outsourcing graphic design services from a single vendor, and maintaining brand consistency can be easier since the vendor is responsible for all design work. This means that the vendor is familiar with the brand’s guidelines and requirements, ensuring that all design work adheres to them. Moreover, a single vendor can provide consistent designs across all the project’s deliverables, resulting in a more professional outcome.

This also streamlines the approval process, ensuring that all designs go through the same approval process and meet the brand’s standards.

Here it can be quite challenging to maintain brand consistency as each vendor may have different interpretations of branding guidelines. Different vendors may have different understandings of the brand’s guidelines and preferences, leading to inconsistent designs that don’t align with the brand’s identity. As multiple vendors are involved, there may be scenarios with a lack of coordination, leading to inconsistencies in color schemes, typography, and other design elements.

Furthermore, different vendors may use different design software and tools, leading to inconsistencies in design language across the various deliverables

Social Media Management

Graphic designs play a major role in e-commerce websites especially when the products are to be promoted across various social media platforms. Social media management for an e-commerce website from a single vendor involves outsourcing all aspects of social media marketing.

Here,  the vendor is responsible for managing and executing social media campaigns, developing social media content, monitoring and analyzing social media metrics, and interacting with customers on social media channels.

This is what an adroit team of marketers from ColorWhistle can do for enhancing your presence across the wide sea of social media platforms.

Social media management for an e-commerce website from multiple vendors can be challenging as there are various aspects to consider, including content creation, scheduling, monitoring, and analysis.

When outsourcing social media management from multiple vendors, each vendor may have its own approach to managing social media accounts, which can lead to inconsistencies in content, and branding. Moreover, managing communication and ensuring everyone is on the same page can be difficult, leading to delayed or missed posts and responses to customers. To address this, it’s important to establish clear guidelines and expectations upfront and regularly communicate with vendors to ensure consistency

Additionally, each vendor may have its own reporting and analytics tools, making it difficult to track and measure the overall social media performance accurately. This can make it challenging to optimize the social media strategy and identify opportunities for growth and improvement.


Choosing a solution from a single vendor may limit your ability to customize it according to your specific needs.

On the other hand, the advantage of this approach is that the solution will likely be more consistent and easier to integrate and maintain.

If you opt for multiple vendors, you can have the advantage of greater flexibility as you can choose from a variety of services offered by different vendors. However, this approach may result in a less consistent solution as it involves multiple vendors, making integration and maintenance more complex. However, dealing with multiple vendors also gives you an advantage in negotiating pricing and terms, as you can compare offerings and potentially get a better deal.


In situations where a single vendor is responsible for providing services, accountability is usually straightforward.

Here, the vendor is responsible for all project aspects, including procurement, delivery, and support.

This means that there is only one entity to hold accountable in case of any problems that may occur.

When collaborating with a single vendor it is easy to know who to hold responsible if something goes wrong. However, when you have multiple vendors, it can become more complicated because each vendor has its own responsibilities and there may be dependencies between them. It may be harder to determine which vendor is responsible for a particular problem, so there needs to be more communication and coordination between the vendors.

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Which One Will You Go For?

The best option for you will depend on your specific business needs and preferences. If you value simplicity and convenience, a single vendor may be the way to go. If you are looking for more customization and are willing to invest the time and effort to manage multiple relationships, working with multiple vendors can be a good choice.

Before you make a decision, analyze and choose the most suitable vendor for your business.

For more interesting and professional digital marketing services,  you can contact ColorWhistle by sending us a message or call us at +1 (210) 787-3600, we’ll get back to you at the earliest. We provide services tailored to your requirements that suit your business.

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About the Author - Varsha

I am a zealous copywriter with an enthusiasm to learn everyday. I am able to diversify my knowledge at CW as I get the opportunity to write for various industries. What I love about writing is the research part when I can explore on the data while googling. I am also experienced in playing with words for the WooCommerce plugins and eCommerce platforms. When am off from writing I love experimenting new dishes and also a booklouse at time.

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