Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Digital Marketing

You are well aware that you need help with digital marketing and understand that it is the best way to get exposure and to generate more qualified leads. Now, the big question is, should you outsource digital marketing?
If you are contemplating on whether outsourcing your digital marketing is worth it? Or, if you could manage it by yourself, we can help. To help you make an informed decision, in this blog, we will explain the pros and cons of outsourcing digital marketing. We’ll also offer a recommendation on the right path you must choose.

Before we dive into the pros and cons, we’ll give you a little spoiler alert! Outsourcing is the best option.


According to Small Biz Genius, ‘59% of companies use it to cut costs. This way, they don’t have to invest in the workspace or equipment. What’s more, 57% of companies feel outsourcing lets them focus on their core business, and 47% use it to solve capacity problems.’ But, outsourcing digital marketing needs is not a suitable option for everyone. If you want to grow your business really fast and get hundreds of leads within a short period of time, outsourcing will not be a good option for you. To achieve all this, you either need a magic wand or a miracle!
That said, do your requirements sound like this?

  • You need consistent leads
  • You want to have a greater online presence
  • You want to well then your current situation
  • You want to be more visible than your competitors

These are some significant reasons for investing in digital marketing.

First off, what do we mean by digital marketing?

Digital marketing is not only about SEO, content creation, social media, enhancing your website, or lead generation.

It is a combination of all this.

Digital marketing is creating awareness and demand for a product or service among the target audience, driving them to a website, and helping them to take action.

So, if you are thinking about amplifying your digital presence, these are the skills that are required,

There are a few ways in which these skills can be acquired.

Hire in-house

– Might not have all the necessary skills and may need to outsource for skillset or add multiple headcounts

Hire a solopreneur or freelancer

It- Cheaper than hiring in-house. But, you have to hire multiple freelancers to get the skill set you require

Full-service digital marketing agency

– The good thing about outsourcing digital marketing to a mid-sized agency is that they will have the skill set you require and will not increase your overhead price tag

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Digital Marketing of your Company

Today, there are professional marketing agencies that specialize in digital marketing, similar to web design and web development companies that create a website. You can easily outsource the work of marketing in the digital world to these companies and be relieved of your burden. This simple act can save you a lot of time and help you concentrate on your core strengths of running the business.

Like every coin, even outsourcing digital marketing work has both advantages and disadvantages.


  • You might lose the personal touch in the marketing activities done on behalf of your company. You might have to face a lot of initial internal inhibitions in you. However, it is for the greater good of your company, and hence, the sooner you get over these insecurities and inhibitions, the better it is for the company and you.
  • Brand identity might get diluted. There will always be a difference in the work that you do for you and what others do on your behalf. This is why you should properly communicate about your idea about the brand to the concerned people while outsourcing digital marketing
  • If you change the agency frequently, the brand image of your company will lack consistency. So, you have to make sure you employ one agency for a long time. This will ensure consistency in your brand image.
  • You may not be the only customer they are working for. So there might be potential delays in the completion of the project 

There are some other disadvantages of outsourcing digital marketing activities for creating and building your brand identity. Having said all these disadvantages, it is important for you to understand the advantages of using a professional digital marketing agency.


  • A professional agency that specializes in digital marketing will know what to do and how to do it. As their staff is more experienced in digital marketing, it makes them better equipped to take care of the marketing for your company
  • It frees up a lot of crucial time for you. You can concentrate on other ways of expanding your business. This will ensure that the job is not only done efficiently but also effectively.
  • Just as hiring a web design and web development company reduces the designing cost for you, the advantages of hiring a marketing agency for digital marketing is also a cost-effective solution. Instead of hiring in-house, you can get the job done in a fraction of the cost without compromising on the quality of the work
  • Whether you are setting up a new website or planning to start a new digital marketing campaign, working with companies who outsource digital marketing can help you get better SEO for your web projects

Keep in mind that there are pros and cons of outsourcing and in-sourcing. So, create a list of your needs before making a choice. 

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Should You Outsource Your Digital Marketing? How To Make the Right Decision?

Working with external experts definitely has many advantages. The burden of not maintaining a full workforce will also help brands during the initial stages of growth. 

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses are operating in a changing environment. According to the Economic Times, many companies are expected to outsource their work during this time. 

The 2020 Global Managed Services report, based on a survey of 1,250 executives in 29 countries including India, said that 45% of organizations will outsource more than in-sourcing in the next 18 months, with 57% citing security risks as a key challenge of managing IT in-house. 

In the coming years, from web design to digital marketing, outsourcing any kind of work is going to exponentially grow. Even you can enjoy these benefits with the right white-label service provider by your side. 

In conclusion, there are many benefits to outsourcing your digital marketing requirements to a digital marketing agency. You just have to find out how to leverage the advantages properly.

If you need any help with your digital marketing efforts, do not hesitate to get in touch or call    +1 (210) 787-3600 our ColorWhistle team. We have amazing talents who are well-versed in the digital marketing arena. Our team can amplify your online presence and provide you with the value that can help to move your business in the right direction. 

CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.

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