How to Hire a White-Label Digital Marketing Agency?

Are you worried about not knowing how to showcase your business in the digital space? No worries, hiring a white-label digital marketing agency would help you establish robust visibility across various channels in the digital space.

Nowadays, clients are looking for a tech-guru that provides a one-stop solution for all their marketing needs. Almost, every service provider is striving hard to be the number one in fulfilling the requirements of the customers.

When a client makes a request, simply giving lame excuses like “We don’t provide those services” or “We don’t have expertise in that area” or “We are familiar with the old methods only” will end up losing customers.

To unlock the success of any business, client satisfaction is the key. Through white-label digital agency marketing partnerships, you can, of no doubt, put a smile on your customer’s face.

White-label partnership serves as an additional revenue stream through which you can expand your portfolio page. Moreover, you can showcase your brand as an expert in the areas which you lacked expertise.

In this blog, we have given a detailed outline of the process of hiring a white-label digital marketing agency. If you have plans to hire a white-label digital marketing agency, then you can keep this blog as a reference.

Let’s get started.

Which Business Can Hire a White Label Digital Marketing Agency?

Having got complete awareness about the benefits of the white-label partnership, many of the tech-giants became active partners with white-label service providers. To name a few,

  • Google outsources its phone and email support for AdWords
  • Alibaba outsourced its website development work to a digital agency when they started
  • Slack outsourced its app, website, and logo to a white-label design firm when it first started

Of course, white-label marketing partnerships provide ample opportunities and benefits to businesses belonging to any category and sector. However, white-label services can work wonders for clients who are looking for cost reduction, branding, and resource extension.

Businesses that are looking to reduce cost

When it comes to a service-based business, the salary package for the in-house team, furniture price, current charges, special wages for sick leave, maternity offs of the employees, online tools/software purchase cost, etc have to be maintained.

Hiring full-time digital marketing specialists is pretty expensive. According to statistics, SEO/SEM specialists are earning $62,500, copywriters salary comes around $66,500, and content strategists earn up to $73,000.

More than all, your in-house team members would quit the job at any time. In fact, 30% of U.S. companies said that a bad hire cost their businesses more than $50,000. All your expenses will go in vain.

Through the white-label partnership, you can avoid managing an in-house team of experts on a full-time basis instead get exactly the amount of resources you need and cut all these expenses in a shoe-string budget.

Niche-based clients that consider branding

Branding is the lifeblood of businesses to establish a unique identity in the competitive world. Effective branding is responsible for creating a memorable impression among your audience and distinguishes your brand from the rest of the competitors in your niche.

Moreover, branding refers not only to your logo. It includes your blog articles, social media posts, email content, customer response, etc. Therefore, showing some uniqueness in all of these is imperative.

Just like that, you cannot carry out the branding practices. Based on the current trends and competition, you have to apply branding strategies. The best way to resolve this is by partnering with a white-label digital marketing agency.

Companies that need extended resources

When you don’t have experience in digital marketing, you can opt-in for a white-label digital marketing partnership.

For example, your client may require copywriting services as an adjunct to your social media marketing services, but unfortunately, you don’t currently offer copywriting. Instead of turning down your client, tapping into a white-label marketing agency can help you provide the level of service your client needs.

Which Countries to Outsource?


India still remains the leading country to outsource tech support and IT-related services. Aside from 24/7 customer support, it boasts its cheap fees, top-of-the-line equipment, and strong proficiency.


Its westernized culture and strong English proficiency are some of the reasons people choose the Philippines. The country boasts its cheap labor cost, high-quality service, and 24/7 support.


Bangladesh tends to be an ideal place for white-label digital marketing as it has got an enormous number of agencies.

Moreover, when we compare the salary of white-label digital marketers in various regions, India is the only country where the hiring cost is low.

How to Select a Company From the Country?

Before hiring an agency, you have to look for certain qualities listed below.


Expertise is immensely needed to provide high-quality services. If your white-label marketing agency doesn’t have the required expertise, then you may lose clients. Make sure that your white-label marketing agency has experts for all different services.

Quality Service

Quality service refers to the degree of excellence in a particular service. It is very important to provide result-oriented quality services for client satisfaction. Services without quality may lead to client dissatisfaction. Make sure that your white-label marketing agency can primely focus on quality.


Keeping your entity’s information private is very important. Make sure your white-label partner maintains your confidentiality.


Reliability is the degree to which one produces stable and consistent results. Make sure your white-label marketing agency can offer on-time delivery and they don’t approach your clients directly. To measure the reliability of your partners, you can consider their reviews, testimonials, and case studies.

Effective Project Management

Effective project management includes good chatting skills, technical expertise, calmness under pressure, and team building. Project management is the enactment of initiating, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meeting specific success criteria at the given constraints.


Client reporting is the most reliable way to build and grow your client & agency relationship. This helps your clients to validate and detect how hard you are working for them. It’s how you turn one-time clients into recurring clients.

Access to the Latest Tools & Technologies

The white-label digital marketing agency you choose to partner with should be readily up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies. Agencies should have the best technological tools to carry out the services efficiently.


The right agency should be more than ready to share with you how they would implement your program. There should be complete transparency between the client and the agency. If some project involves work that is outside the agency’s area of expertise, agencies should convey this at the very beginning to avoid delivering poor-quality solutions.

How Much does White Label Digital Marketing Cost?

At ColorWhistle, we make sure to give a higher return on investment for the dollars you invest with us. When you partner with ColorWhistle, you can experience a plethora of perks along with a flexible pricing pattern.

Moreover, you might have a shoe-string budget with unique requirements, then you can make use of our pricing engagement models listed below.

Fixed Cost Model

If you are a company with a clear idea about your business requirements, timeline, and budget, and have a fixed scope, then our fixed cost model would be an ideal choice. After an initial consultation and brainstorming, we will formulate a fixed budget for your project

Time and Material-Based Model

If you don’t have a determined scope or you are an R&D agency, or an agency working on futuristic tasks, then you can choose this engagement model. You have to pay for the resources and time spent by them. This is because these resources will be spending their working hours and skills exclusively on your projects.

Hourly Based Model

  • If you have fixed routine tasks, web maintenance, technology update works, then you pick the hourly-based model. Here, you will be charged tasks on an hourly basis.

Of course, ColorWhistle always focuses on providing top-notch white-label services that laid down a big route for the success of your business in the competitive world.

  1. Project basis (blog writing and link acquisition) – Depending on competition and the number of blogs you want to publish will come to around $400. Click here to learn more about pricing
  2. Retainer (Content optimization, analytics, and tracking setup, GMB setup, and optimization, website responsiveness check, and optimization, social media graphics, and management) – Will come around $300. Click here to learn more

The above price is just an approximate price to give you an idea about the charges. To know the exact cost, send us a message.

Looking for White Label Partnership?

Seize and experience the transformative impact of White Label Digital Agency Services & Solutions with ColorWhistle.

Over To You

In this tech-savvy world, every business has to opt-in for digital transformation. Without powerful digital marketing practice, it would be a daunting task to get maximum exposure in the online business space.

Carrying out the digital marketing activities individually would be overwhelming. To be on the safer end, you can take assistance from white-label digital marketing professionals for marketing your online business, then feel free to collaborate with ColorWhistle.

We have extensive knowledge and experience in providing excellent digital marketing services. You can drop us a line or give us a call +1 (210) 787-3600 at any time. We are happy to work with you!

Do you have questions regarding our white-label digital agency services? Let us know in the comments box. We are here to clear your doubts.

CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.

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