How to Increase Student Enrollment via Digital Marketing?

Most of the professional course providers are looking out for the best ways to increase student enrollment.

According to Statistica, the e-learning market worldwide is forecast to surpass 243 billion U.S. dollars by 2022.

This rapid increase indicates a healthy market where even competition is growing fiercely.

In this fast-paced digital world, it is becoming hard to increase enrollment of students. In spite of that, digital marketing has become a proven way to reach more students and families who do online research to find out the best educational institutions.

In this blog, we have discussed 5 ways educational institutions can increase student enrollment using digital marketing.

If you want to learn more, keep reading. On the other hand, if you want to employ tailored digital marketing strategies to improve your student enrollment, give us a call at  +1 210-787-3600

Student Enrollment Statistics

How to Increase Student Enrollment via Digital Marketing? (Student Enrollment Statistics) - ColorWhistle

How to Use Digital Marketing to Multiply Student Enrollment?

Below are some amazing ways educational institutions can use to multiply student enrollment. These tips can give you a head start on improving the reach of your professional course institution in the online space.

1. Content Marketing

When content marketing is done right, it can help to strengthen your education institution’s brand significantly. Right now, content marketing is considered to be one of the most important strategies to improve online presence.

As people use search engines and social media on a regular basis, content marketing has earned the perfect spot to promote educational institutions.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, “Nine in ten students are estimated to use the internet to find the next study destination or pick their future career path.”

Here are some of the top ways to succeed in content marketing,

  • Website – One of the best ways to appeal to the online audience is to create a professional education website through which potential students can know everything about your institution. You can either create the website or hire a dedicated developer to do the work for you
  • Blogs – Publishing blogs on a regular basis can attract new students and invoke conversations with the exiting ones. It’s best to leave things to content marketing specialists if you don’t have a dedicated writer on board
  • Testimonials – Asking current students to share their experience and employing it in your content marketing strategy can appeal to potential students and even their parents
  • Infographics – You can highlight the main attraction points about your institution as an infographic to attract more students to enroll
  • Keep up with trends – Each year, content marketing trends keep changing. So you have to keep up with the changing trends to better promote your brand

2. Email Marketing

From preschools to colleges, universities and professional course providers, every type of educational institution can benefit from the power of email marketing.

According to Statista, in 2019, global email users amounted to 3.9 billion users. This figure is set to grow to 4.3 billion users in 2023. This figure is nearly half of the world’s population.

Email marketing is one of the best ways to keep in touch with students, parents, and staff. You can use it to inform students and parents about upcoming events, create interest in fundraisers, and keep prospective parties informed about what’s happening at your institution.

Here are some quick email marketing campaign tips that will help you to get things started on the right foot

  • Personalize the subject line – Personalization in email subject lines will lead to better open rates. Plus, it should be a summary of what your email contains
  • Keep it short – The major goal of email marketing is to redirect people to your website. So make sure that the email offers the smallest and informative content that will want readers to learn more
  • Simple layouts – Avoid adding flashy graphics or huge fonts. Keep the layout professional, simple and easy to navigate. If you want to create professional layouts, you can also hire a dedicated graphic designer
  • Call-to-action – Make sure you have a call-to-action so that readers can take action
  • Avoid overdoing it – Don’t send emails on a daily basis. People will get annoyed. Monitor the metrics after a couple of months to see your subscriber’s behavior

3. Social Media Marketing

When students search for professional courses, they are not only looking for world-class programs or facilities and faculty but, they also search for a place where they can fit in. Students and prospective candidates can connect with your institution 24/7 through the power of social media.

Many professional course providers are starting to embrace social media. Most of the institutions have started to understand what students want and started to use social media to share their campus culture through Instagram photos, YouTube videos, Tweets and more.

“Social media has been key for us and has been a great audience connector not only with prospective students but with prospective parents.” – Kayla Germain, E-Media Coordinator, The College of Saint Rose

Now that you know the benefits of using social media in the education field, here are a few tips you can follow to streamline your social media presence.

  • User-generated content – You can create hashtags for the events like graduation day, orientation, and class reunions and encourage students to use those hashtags
  • Create groups – For example, you can create separate Facebook groups within for alumni, clubs, sports, etc
  • Go live – Use live streaming options on social media such as Facebook and Twitter. It is a great way for real-time sharing and interactions
  • Use social media analytics – After you figure out what to post on each social media, you have to analyze to see how they have worked. For that, you have to use the in-built analytics of the respective platforms you use

How to Increase Student Enrollment via Digital Marketing? (Vancouver Island University-Instagram photos) - ColorWhistle

Vancouver Island University has done a great job by utilizing Instagram to attract students who love outdoors.

4. Paid Advertising

With more and more students looking for online sources for searching for the perfect professional courses, a paid advertising campaign can go a long way to improve your inquiry and application rate.

Earlier, paid advertising used to be optional for professional course providers, but now it’s becoming more essential as competition is heating up.

According to WordStream, “MBA” related keywords were in the top 10, coming in at over $60 per click!

With the right strategy, even a small amount spent on paid advertising can create a positive impact on admission numbers.

Here are some tips you need to consider before setting up a paid campaign,

  • Set goals – Whether you want to advertise an event, promote a specific program or improve brand visibility, you have to set goals. Write down what you want to achieve out of the ad campaign
  • Define your audience – Once you have figured out the objective, next you have to identify your prospective student base
  • Understand conversion – Before you start working in your campaign, you need to understand how the conversion funnel works

5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Gone are the days where prospective students would ask their acquaintances or seniors for the best professional course institutions in the city or country. Nowadays, they rely on search engines such as Google or Bing to start their search. Most of the time, they go into the website of an education provider that has a strong presence in the organic search results.


According to Tsunela, “67% of internet users use search engines as their first source of information for higher education institutions”.

SEO for educational institutions helps to make a better digital presence and build a connection between prospective students.

For example, if your college is located in New York, and you want to show up when someone searches for ‘New York college’ or ‘college in New York’, you have to employ SEO tactics to increase the chances of your website appearing for those queries.

Clean your website – Do a website audit to identify issues that may prevent users and search engines from identifying your website

Mobile – Make sure your website is properly optimized for mobile because the world is rapidly shifting to mobile

Content update – Use tools like SEMRush and Seach Console to find for which keywords your content is ranking and try to add them inside your blogs

Give importance for local visibility – Make sure you give correct information like contact number, address so that you will stand out

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It’s Time to Get More Student Enrollment with Digital Marketing

Creating a plan for your educational institution can be hard if you have no understanding of the importance of each branch of digital marketing. The best way to approach the components in your plan is to read about everything in advance.

If you want to improve the enrollment of your professional course institution or not sure how to optimize your website to reach potential students, ColorWhistle can help you. As a full-service digital marketing agency, we’ve helped many in the educational sector to meet their marketing goals and improve ROI.

Feel free to contact us or our digital marketing strategists to get a tailored quote according to your requirements. We can’t wait to hear from you.

Which digital marketing method are you planning to try? Do share your thoughts in the comments section below.

CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.

One thought on “How to Increase Student Enrollment via Digital Marketing?

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