Best Live Streaming Content for Businesses

In our daily life, when you interact with people in offices, fitness studios, stadiums, houses of worship, beautiful moments are made. On the other end, when you want to virtually connect with your employees, customers, subscribers, or followers, live streaming is the best option.

The growth of live streaming has been exponential, with the market growth increasing from $30 billion in 2016 to an expected value of $70 billion in 2021 and $184 billion by 2027. To leverage the live streaming benefits, all that you need is an internet-enabled device and a platform to live stream.

Today, we have got a plethora of live streaming platforms. Countries like Russia, China, and South Korea have their own websites exclusively for live streaming. If you aren’t aware of adding live streaming video on your website, then check out our blog.

Moreover, 67% of live streaming viewers are more likely to buy a ticket to a concert or event after watching a live video of that event or a similar one. To stay in touch with customers, content creators have embraced live streaming.

Amazing 6+ Content Ideas for Live Streaming

Our content creators at ColorWhistle have put together a list of 6 fresh content ideas that you can optimize for your upcoming live streaming activities.

Let’s dive into the ocean of live streaming content ideas.

1. Interviews and Q&A

Today, you can gain insights about any topic from the web, but the problem is you cannot claim whether the information you read or listened to is an expert’s opinion.

To showcase you as a thought leader in your industry and provide in-depth & authorized information to your audience, live stream interviews with industry experts. For instance, Citroen Spain, the car manufacturer’s Spanish arm, used a live Q&A stream. This resulted in gaining 1100 highly qualified leads and boosting the customer satisfaction rate to 97%.

Q&A live sessions humanize the brand pulling viewers into the conversation. Social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc serve as a perfect platform for hosting live Q/A sessions. B2B digital marketers can make use of Instagram & LinkedIn. If you want to host Q&A live sessions about gaming, then Twitter is a good option.

Before going live, you should be aware of your demographics, industry, and topic. Use a smartphone/laptop/tablet along with an internet connection and reach a wider audience at a pocket-friendly budget.

2. How-to’s & Tutorials

Luckily, most of the users on the web, search with an intention to get answers for their how-to queries. Therefore, undoubtedly, you can put out quality tutorials. By helping people with valuable answers, you earn their trust.

For instance, Hercules Candy attracts a large audience with live how-to videos. Their videos are of high quality and make the audience grasp the concepts clearly.

Best Live Streaming Content Ideas (YT) - ColorWhistle

3. Product Demo

Of course, live demos are the perfect choice for giving your consumers a first look at your product, its functionality, and details about how to use it. In fact, a clarity-rich demo of the products encourages potential customers to opt-in for your deal quickly.

Cyberpunk 2077 shared 17-minute gameplay about their first-person shooter. The live event attracted over 282,000+ views making for a successful demo.

Best Live Streaming YouTube Product Demo - ColorWhistle

Whether it’s a demo about your product or service or SaaS, if you follow these ethics it would bring you more benefits.

Introduction: In the intro session, you can introduce the name of your brand & product and the story behind creating the product. Also, you can share information about to whom you’ve introduced this product. Keep it to the point.

Outline the Problems: Talk about the problems and the consequences if your clients ignore to or adhere to. Also, mention how your products & services can solve your client’s pain points. After that, you can jump into the features & functionalities of your products.

Q/A: And finally, you can get into the Q/A session and start answering your viewers’ questions.

Call-to-action: Include a call-to-action at the end of your product live demo. You can give them a direct link to purchase your product instead of directing them to your website homepage, or others.

Before you do a live product demo, you can refer to these steps and create an effective outline.

4. Webinars

Are you worried that you will not be able to connect with your audience as before? The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic would have pushed you to cancel all your seminars, trade shows, exhibitions, etc. To rescue you from that desperate situation, webinars enter the scene.

Despite any situation, webinars don’t constrain you from connecting with the audience anywhere at any time. Live webinars are well-suited for conducting business, marketing, and other professional presentations.

In a webinar, you can interact with the audience through videos, images, PowerPoint presentations, etc. Any webinar software platform gives you an opportunity to use their screen capture feature for seamless communication.

Other platforms allow you to host a poll, survey, or simply ask questions to your audience. Using the software’s whiteboard and live chat support, your webinar participants can converse with you and co-participants too.

If you don’t know how to do a presentation for your webinar, then we can give you some ideas. In the first slide, you can start with an introduction about your brand, products, and services. In the following slides, you can highlight the unique features of your products & services.

Also, if you like to outline the benefits precisely you can add a demo video as well. To round it up, you can host a Q&A session with your audience.

Raise your hands if you go online to know what is trending at present. All of us wish to be the number one to consume trending content. Trending topics are a surefire for boosting your brand awareness.

For instance, Football Daily live streamed about Alternative Deadline Day, an additional opportunity for premier league teams to transfer players. Using a panel of experts and involving their audience to engage with them in real-time, they racked up over 300,000+ views.

Social media is a repository of trending topics, you can pick anything that suits your brand voice and include them in your live streaming content.

Suppose if you’re streaming about your product launches and updates, you can include the relevant hashtags. For this, you can make use of media monitoring tools like HootSuite, Sprout Social, Zoho Social, etc.

6. Behind-the-Scenes (BTS)

Do behind-the-scenes (BTS) videos eat up a lot of your time? Yes, most of us are curious to know what is happening behind the camera. BTS videos cover the different pieces of the puzzle right from planning, shooting, equipment used, team culture, etc.

All this storytelling content would humanize your brand and your audience will experience a personal relationship when watching your BTS live streaming.

A recent survey by Livestream in collaboration with the New York Magazine concluded that 87% of people will watch a video if it includes behind-the-scenes content. Here, we give some BTS live streaming content ideas,

  • Showcase your project’s planning process
  • Interview your team members
  • Tell your brand story, your mission, your vision, etc

BTS footages are powerful in grabbing the audience easily with fewer efforts. Moreover, BTS videos breathe in a sense of authenticity into your brand. It shows the audience the personal side of your brand and paves the way to draw them close to you.

What to Avoid while Live Streaming?

Popular live streaming platforms like YouTube and Twitch keep updating their community guidelines constantly to give a positive user experience to their viewers.

Moreover, if you violate the guidelines, they even have the right to remove your live stream or remove the ability to live stream or terminate your account.

YouTube says, your channel will automatically lose its ability to live stream if it streams content violating the guidelines. Have a look at these community guidelines before kickstarting your live stream. If you want to go through the live streaming community guidelines of Twitch, then click here.

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Over to You

Whether it’s sports, breaking news, product launch, or anything a live-stream content has a different magnetic power. They create curiosity among the viewers in knowing what’s going to happen next. Utilize all these live streaming content ideas in your business strategy and share your experience with us!

Today, there are enormous live streaming platforms like YouTube Live, Periscope, Instagram Live, etc to kickstart live streaming without any difficulty. If you don’t know how to make use of these technologies, then feel free to reach our team.

At ColorWhistle, we have got profound knowledge and experience in operating these tools effectively and creatively. All you have to do is, send a message or give us a call (+1 (210) 787-3600) to discuss your requirements.

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CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.

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