Curated List of YouTube & Blogs to Setup Virtual Events

With the emergence of COVID-19, the demand for ‘virtual events’ has skyrocketed. You might be aware of the growth of virtual events these days. 

  • Over 67% of businesses use virtual events complementary to in-person events 
  • It’s estimated that 40% of marketers are planning to project their virtual events in 2023 which is a 5% increase from 2020
  • According to the post-COVID-19 event outlook report, an overwhelming 93% of organizers plan to invest in virtual events in 2023 and beyond 

When this is the case, on the other end of the curve, many of you might withdraw due to lack of experience in setting up virtual events. So, we decided to guide you on that concern. 

At the time of research, we came across so many blog articles and YouTube videos to be helpful resources, no matter if you’re in square one. 

We just wanted you to also check out these blog posts and videos, so we curated every item in this post. Do checkout.  

Let’s dive right in.  

List of Youtube Videos that will Help You Setup a Virtual Event

Here, we’ve curated a list of YouTube videos that will educate you on hosting virtual events without any assistance or experience. Sit down with a pen & note and start watching the videos one after the other. You’ll get super-exciting guidance and directions. 

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List of Informative Blogs that can Help You Setup a Virtual Event

Host a virtual event that will bring repeat audience: The below blog helps the readers to host fun and engaging virtual events and encourage repetitive audiences who will come back for more. Give it a read!

(How to Host a Successful Virtual Event: 10 Tips –

An A-Z guide on virtual events: This blog talks about how to turn a multi-day conference, filled with networking opportunities, educational sessions, and the attendee insights they generate into virtual events. Also this blog enlightens us with tips to engage the audience. Do checkout!

(The Complete Guide To Virtual Events in 2023 –

Plan a successful virtual event: This blog talks about a few tips on how you can plan a successful event for a global audience. Few interesting details are discussed in this blog which will help plan and thereby organize a virtual event seamlessly. Have a read!

(7 Easy Steps to Successful Virtual Event Planning –

Strategy, planning, and marketing to hosting and presenting – This guide will cover the basics, the benefits of planning virtual events as opposed to in-person events, etc. How to plan a virtual event and how to host a successful virtual event are also discussed here. You should definitely not miss it! 

Organize online virtual experiences – This guide will explore everything planners need to know about virtual events, from why they should consider hosting a virtual event, to what a virtual experience is actually like and how to make it a success. Take a look at this blog! 

(The Complete Virtual Meetings and Events Guide –

More tips and tricks (Very Useful!) – We have given a few topics that cover tips and tricks. But this one also cannot be missed. This topic also covers small details that can add value when you are planning for a virtual event. Have a read! 

We hope the above blog posts and videos from YouTube would have given you some useful insights. Would you like us to write a detailed blog covering any subject matters regarding virtual events? Do comment on your ideas below. We can come up with some detailed articles. 

Further, if you like to talk with our team at ColorWhistle about anything related to virtual events, feel free to give us a call at +91 (944).278.9110 or drop us a message. We can come up with a solution for setting up your events virtual like a pro!  

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Be unrestricted to click the other trendy writes under this title that suits your needs the best!

What’s Next?

Now that you’ve had the chance to explore our blog, it’s time to take the next step and see what opportunities await!

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CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.

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