Increase Online Course Subscription via Digital Marketing

Education Digital marketing is a profitable investment to promote online courses to a vast group of prospective learners.

According to the 2015 survey of online learning, almost 30% of students now enroll in at least one online education course. That makes for a total of almost six million online students.

Many educationalists have embarked on providing online courses to learning aspirants. If you want to stand out in the competition, then embracing digital marketing is a wise decision

Here, we will walk you through the best practices of digital marketing to increase your online course subscriptions. To learn more, keep reading.

Let’s dive in.

Best Digital Marketing Tactics to Increase Online Course Subscription

1. Content Marketing

According to the Content Marketing Institute, “9 in 10 students are estimated to use the internet to find the next study destination or pick their future career path.” Content elements like blogs, social media posts, infographics, case studies, etc serve as the perfect resources to promote your online courses.

Each day millions of content pieces are uploaded on the web, standing out and building a loyal following around your content is pretty challenging. Therefore, before content creation, you have to clearly understand who it is you are trying to attract and what action you want them to take.

Here, we have curated a few result-generating content marketing strategies to promote your online course

  • Create online learner personas for education content marketing
  • Research online learning based keywords
  • Create multiple contents suitable for posting as blogs, infographics, podcasts, etc
  • Offer resources related to your institute’s online learning platform
  • Add virtual events to your content marketing strategy
  • Create a content sharing strategy to amplify your institute’s reach

2. Social Media Marketing

According to Docebo, social learning approaches have a 75:1 ROI ratio in comparison to formal web-based training. Moreover, introducing social learning increased course completion for HBS online by 85%.

Kayla Germain, e-media co-ordinator from The College of Saint Rose says that “Social media has been key for us and has been a great audience connector not only with prospective students but with prospective parents.”

Social media is an excellent platform to promote your online course, connect instantaneously with your learners, and maintain a robust relationship with them. Here, we will walk you through effective social media techniques to drive quality traffic to your online course.

1. Define the personas and USP of your online course

For instance, this Facebook post from Everest Language school lays out the value of their new online courses.

Increase Online Course Subscription via Digital Marketing (Define the personas in Social Media Marketing) - ColorWhistle

2. Showcase your courses through video content

For instance, in this recent YouTube video, International House London combined footage of its remote students and its LMS to create a vibrant and engaging promotion for its new online ESL courses.

3. Go live on Facebook

For instance, Vancouver Island University hosted this online information session last month in relation to its online ESL program.

Increase Online Course Subscription via Digital Marketing (Facebook Live Marketing) - ColorWhistle

4. Share resources like quizzes, reading materials, and others on social media

For example, IH Bristol offers free trials of its online language courses to followers on Facebook.

Increase Online Course Subscription via Digital Marketing (Share Reading Materials in Social Media) - ColorWhistle

5. Post stories related to online learning

For example, The University of Glasgow created a story that asked students to share their best tips for studying from home, then shared some of the answers.

Increase Online Course Subscription via Digital Marketing (Post Stories Related to Online Learning) - ColorWhistle

3. Online Communities

Create an online community through a page or group on various social media platforms and keep your learners engaged and updated.

Encourage them to comment, like, share or simply express their own opinion and interact with each other. Also, you can take part in other subject-related forums or communities to contact other potential students who might be interested.

Facebook is a great place to build a community. Create a group and give an update about your course to your audience. You can create a poll, add a questionnaire for all new members, announce an event, and much more.

Instagram is a social network with a high audience engagement rate. You can create posts and stories, expand your reach with hashtags, connect with bloggers, go live, and launch ad campaigns. You can also switch your profile to a business profile to take advantage of all the cool features.

Pinterest is a visual social media, where you can post and share images, videos, and infographics. Create an infographic related to your course topic and share it online. Add a course link to your post to get traffic. There are plenty of online tools like Piktochart, Venngage where you can create infographics with no design experience.

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Time to Apply All These Digital Marketing Strategies

As you perform all these activities for promoting your online course, you will be able to engage potential learners and gain maximum exposure in the search results as well.

Of course, taking care of both your core business operations and digital marketing activities might disrupt your focus. If you want to avoid this, we suggest you partner with an expert e-learning digital marketing service team.

At ColorWhistle, with years of rich experience, in-depth knowledge, and technical know-how, our e-learning marketing specialists deliver excellent solutions to build training programs for your learners.

If you like to partner with our team, all you have to do is feel free to reach us via message or call +1 (210) 787-3600 at any time. We are ready to assist you always!

Which digital marketing technique you are going to apply for increasing your online course subscription? Let us know in the comments below.

CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.

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