White Label Partnership Models

Day by day, it is quite challenging for businesses to manage the competition in the market due to the technology advancement. Businesses find all effective ways to reach greater heights. Here comes the emergence of the “White Label Partnership”.

As businesses do not limit their number of clients, they find outsourcing to be the best suitable approach for managing their clients effectively. White label digital agency is the latest trend in the market that has helped businesses to reach new heights and increase their customer base.

In this article, we will be sharing information on different types of white label partnership models from which you can choose the best suitable type of partnership with a white label digital agency for the growth of your business.

What is White Label Partnership?

The White Label Partnership refers to this partnership between the company and the White Label Partners. Businesses are able to increase their customer base and service offerings as it is the best collaborative and efficient approach for expanding a business.

A team or an individual tasked with working on a company’s projects and posing as a member of the core team of an organization is known as a “white label partner.” Though they are not the actual part of the organization, they are provided with permissions and access to all the necessary aspects of the company. 


  • Helps to expand business
  • Cost and time efficient
  • Allows business owners to focus on their core objectives
  • Increases revenue

Different Types of White Label Partnership Models

There are various white label partnership models through which businesses can resell the services and increase their revenue.

Closed White Label

In this model, the business will be signing a contract with both the client and the white label agency. Throughout the process, the end client will never know that a white label agency is working behind the scenes.

Here, the white label agency and the business will sign an NDA to ensure that the data of the end client is not leaked under any circumstances. The white label will never contact the end client directly, or will never reveal their presence in the services.

Imagine you are running a business that offers web design and development services. You have a client who has approached you for SEO and other marketing services for their business. You don’t have a specialized workforce in your team delicately working on marketing strategies. In this scenario, you can’t just leave the client unattended, since you don’t offer their requested services. Instead, you can look for a white label digital agency to help your client’s marketing strategies. Here, the white label agency will generate a bill for you, and you bill your client. The end client will never know that a white label digital agency existed throughout the process.

Open White Label

Here, the end client will get to know the existence of the white label agency that is working behind the process. You will be managing the project, and the white label agency will take instructions from you. The process would happen with complete transparency. 

The model is carried out by signing a contract with both the end client and the white label agency. Additionally, it is ensured that no data is shared or revealed under any situation by the white label agency.

Imagine you are running a digital marketing agency, you have a great in-house team of marketers but, for development and design, the experience for your workforce isn’t enough. In this scenario, you can look for a agency that can offer you white label web development and design services at affordable prices. You can showcase the workforce from the white label agency as your in-house team to your client. The complete project would happen with transparency but, you will be the mediator between the client and the white label agency.

Endorsed Providers

In this type, you and the white label agency will have a contract with the end client. Here, the end client, the white label agency will have direct contact and will work together. Depending on the size of the project, you may get a referral fee from the white label agency.

As the white label agency and the end client gets in contact, it is a win-win model. All three will be benefited in their own ways as they work together. You will be benefited from a referral fee, white label agency will be benefited by getting more clients. The business will be benefited by getting more contacts as well as recommendations/suggestions from a well experienced team for their enhancement.

Imagine, you are running a web development company, and you receive a client for developing and marketing an LMS platform. Here, you outsource an expert team of marketers with the knowledge of the end client to work on the marketing techniques. In this scenario, the white label digital agency gets an opportunity to bring in more contacts by paying you a referral fee. The end client would get an opportunity to welcome suggestions from different teams in different aspects which would work for the betterment of their business. You are also benefited as you may keep getting clients for website development through the end client’s referral.

Referral Model

In this model, the white label agency and the end client will have direct contact. Here, both the end client and the white label agency will work directly, and you would receive a referral fee from the white label agency for referring them to the end client.

This model would work great if you are referring to a white label agency that has a well-experienced team. Both the end client and the agency, as they work together directly, get the opportunity to share their ideas and evaluate them. This would also help in better understanding the requirements and help in choosing the best strategies and methods for the betterment of the end client’s business. As you are the referrer, you would benefit from a good referral fee from the white label agency.

Imagine, a client approaches you to develop a website for their real estate business. You are running a digital marketing company, and you are ready to outsource a team to take care of the development process. Here, you can outsource a well-experienced workforce, represent them as your in-house team, and allow direct contact with the end client. Now, the team (WL) can have a better understanding of the requirements of the end client, and you will also benefit from the white label agency.

Things That You Need to Consider Before Choosing a White Label Agency

Below are a few reminders that you should always look for while partnering with a white label digital agency,

  • Enquire about the experience that the white label agency has along with the number of clients they have handled
  • Ensure the white label agency offers necessary support whenever required
  • Make research on the market and compare various white label service providers before choosing the suitable one
  • Enquire about the security conducts and policies to make sure that data will be secure
  • Look for client reviews on the agency, this would help you to evaluate to some extent

Looking for White Label Partnership?

Seize and experience the transformative impact of White Label Digital Agency Services & Solutions with ColorWhistle.

Ready for the Partnership?

Hope you are ready to get partnered. To stay ahead in the market, you need to make smart moves on your business, and one of them is this white label partnership. Get partnered as this would eliminate your stress in hiring an in-house team to offer the services requested by your client. Look for a suitable white label service provider, get partnered, represent them as your in-house team and get the job done.

Some businesses hesitate to go for white label partnerships as they have a few myths evolving around them. Do check out this article, where we have debunked a few common myths about white label services. This would help you to rethink the white label partnership when required.

ColorWhistle has been offering white label services for almost a decade and it is a one-stop center for white label services. We are a team of expert developers, designers, marketers and more who offer excellent services to you by understanding your objectives and business requirements.

If you are looking for professional assistance on white labeling services, you can contact ColorWhistle by sending us a message or call us at +1 (210) 787-3600, we’ll get back to you at the earliest. We provide services tailored to your requirements that suit your business.

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About the Author - Varsha

I am a zealous copywriter with an enthusiasm to learn everyday. I am able to diversify my knowledge at CW as I get the opportunity to write for various industries. What I love about writing is the research part when I can explore on the data while googling. I am also experienced in playing with words for the WooCommerce plugins and eCommerce platforms. When am off from writing I love experimenting new dishes and also a booklouse at time.

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