Content Marketing Trends To Follow

Content is more than just filling your web pages. It helps to build confidence among your current and prospective ones.

Earlier, content marketing just used to be setting yourself apart from the competitors. Now, it has become a necessity for every brand.

Content is where you put your ideas and thoughts. Therefore, it is essential to keep updating according to the changing trends. Only then your content will reach your audience effectively.

As we are drawing near to the close of this year (2024), our marketing team from ColorWhistle planned to give you an update about the content marketing trends. We expect these trends to dominate in 2025 and beyond.

Content Marketing Trends To Follow (Understanding the Intention of the User’s Search) - ColorWhistle

Neil Patel, co-founder of Hello Bar says that “There’s no such thing as people typing in random queries without a reason for typing in those queries. A searcher must have intent.”

According to Forester’s study, 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. And, approximately 4000 searches are carried out on Google in a day. And it is not that all users specify a similar keyword for search. Therefore, you should know the intention of the user’s search.

One of the dominant factors for ranking the user’s search intention is the keywords specifications.

  • Informational search: Keywords may be specified to acquire knowledge about something, e.g content marketing trends, bitcoin price
  • Navigational search: Use of keywords to get into a site, e.g YouTube, CNN news.
  • Transitional search: Keywords will be given for purchasing something, e.g oven, sleep mask.

To be a successful content marketer, you should feel free in tracking the intention of the user’s search. Currently, the user’s search intention is at the center point of attraction in content marketing.

Of no doubt, knowing the intention of the user’s search will go trending in the upcoming year 2025.

2. Interactive Content

Content Marketing Trends To Follow (Interactive Content) - ColorWhistle

Interaction helps in entertaining and engaging your customers 24/7. You can interact by raising a poll, conducting quizzes & games, showing animations, etc. Instead of just skimming the content, your customers will be excited to stay on the site.

To improve the attention span of your website visitors, you can impress them with the interactive content which is going to be in high demand in the upcoming year 2025.

Interesting Statistics:

  • 96% of people like to take BuzzFeed contests and also complete the contests.
  • William Comcowich, CEO of CyberAlert says that “content marketing is becoming less about the words you put on a page, and more about the experiences you create for the consumer.”
  • According to Single Grain, 70% of B2B marketers in 2019 are involved in creating interactive content.

3. Social Media

Content Marketing Trends To Follow (Social Media Marketing) - ColorWhistle

In olden days, marketers were organizing campaigns, publishing advertisements on TV’s, distributing paper bills, and other places where people gather. At present, mostly all are available on social media like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Interesting Statistics:

  • In 2005, the Pew Research Centre conducted a study where only 5% of adults were users of social media. Currently, out of the total population of the world, people who are using social media are around 3.2 billion
  • According to MarketingSherpa, 95% of adults falling under ages 18 to 34 are following a brand on social media. Therefore, people respond to you effectively
  • According to Statista, the global digital population is just over 4 billion. That includes 3.7 billion mobile internet users. There are also just over 3 billion social media users
  • The Marketing Land says that over 70% of media time and 79% of social media time happens on mobile devices

Here are some of the social media channels that are already ahead in the race and will also gain more popularity in 2025

  • Ephemeral content – Instagram, Snapchat stories
  • Niche social platforms – LinkedIn, TikTok, Twitch
  • Social media business – Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Yelp,
  • Video content – YouTube

If you are currently not optimizing for social media, start using social media in your content marketing strategies. This is because social media is going to become the future of content marketing.

4. Augmented Reality

Content Marketing Trends To Follow (Augmented Reality) - ColorWhistle

Augmented Reality combines virtual reality and real-world to give live & real visualizations. Therefore, consumers obtain real-time experience. According to Deloitte, almost 90% of companies with annual revenues of $100 million to $1 billion are now leveraging AR or VR technology.

By enabling AR, you can give users real-time experience in shopping, choosing a design for the kitchen, furniture displacement, etc. Click here to learn more about how augmented reality is shaping the kitchen industry.

Adding to it, AR also plays an important role in social media applications like YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat and much more. The consumers visit the page often, whenever they experience a fun element.

Interesting Stats:

  • The survey from Mobile AR: Usage and Consumer Attitudes says that 73% of consumers are reporting that they are highly satisfied with the mobile AR experiences.
  • According to ISACA, nearly 70% of consumers believe AR could help in learning new personal and professional skills.

5. Podcasts & Webinars

Content Marketing Trends To Follow (Podcasts & Webinars) - ColorWhistle

Another prominent way to present content would be through live videos. Nowadays, consumers are interested in watching video content more than going through a blog or listening to audios.

Jayson DeMers predicts “Live video will stabilize as an available means of communication by 2025”.

Videos have the power to stir up emotions and motivate viewers to take action. When you post live streaming videos, you can communicate with your audience, answer their queries, host interviews with experts, give product demonstrations and many more. know more about how to add live streaming video on your site.

Content Marketing Trends To Follow (Optimizing Content for Voice Search) - ColorWhistle

When you want to search for some information while occupied in activities like jogging, walking, cooking, etc voice search will give you instant results.

The conversing feature of voice search has totally transformed the content marketing elements such as SEO, video, FAQ pages, etc.

Interesting Statistics:

  • Google confirmed that voice search is used by 20% of mobile users.
  • According to OC&C Strategy Consultants, smart speaker usage will reach 55% in 2022
  • By 2020, 30% of all web browsing sessions will be carried out without a screen by using the audio-centric technologies like Apple’s airPods, Google’s Home, and Amazon’s Echo.

Therefore, optimize your website for voice search. Know more about how to optimize your site for voice search

7. Chat-Bots

Content Marketing Trends To Follow (Chat Bot) - ColorWhistle

Today, customers like to get quicker and instant results. Through chatbots, you can respond to your customers in a quicker and precise manner.

Gartner, an IT research and consultancy company predicts that 85% of interactions with the companies will be made with chatbots in 2020.

By integrating chatbots to your business website, you can deliver a personalized experience, respond better to the customers, target a wider audience and much more.

Also, customer convenience and quick problem solving is the main objective of chatbots which will make the chatbots to go trending in the upcoming year 2025.

8. Omnichannel Marketing

Content Marketing Trends To Follow (Omnichannel Marketing) - ColorWhistle

According to Rytis Lauris, “Omnichannel marketing helps brands to create messages that customers want to see when they want to see, and on the channels, they prefer the most.”

A stat from Marketing Land says that 62% of consumers who engage their favorite brands on 10+ channels make weekly purchases.

Omnichannel marketing gives your customers a seamless interacting experience with your brand. Today, the marketing channels have grown large in numbers. Therefore you should ensure that your services are available in all the marketing channels. For instance, online (digital content, blogs, e-books, infographics, email campaigns, social media, apps, etc) and offline (in-store environments, print advertising, signs, catalogs, direct mail, etc).

9. Co-Branding Strategies

Content Marketing Trends To Follow (Co-Branding Strategies) - ColorWhistle

Yes, co-branding is going to be trending in content marketing. Instead of using individual products two or more brands will be combined together.

Here are some examples of co-branding,

  • Hershey combining with General Mills gives chocolate giant and betty crocker.
  • Best Wester collaborates with Harley-Davidson to give the best western ride rewards.
  • Apple and Nike collaborations brought Nike+iPod products.

Before you begin to start collaborating with a brand, take the advice from Bloomberg Business:

  • Look for partners who share your core values. This avoids unwanted damage to your brand name because of the mistakes of your partner.
  • Become a partner with brands that are “best in the market”.
  • Retain the rights to review and approve all communications before the release of the new brand.

With the co-branding strategies, the reach for your products will be high, manufacturing cost can be shared, the scope for the products will be high, etc. In 2025, co-branding is going to be in practice. Therefore, optimize co-branding strategies in your business.

10. Expertise, Authentication, & Trustworthy Content [E-A-T]

Content Marketing Trends To Follow (EAT)- ColorWhistle

Normally, when you want to describe a person, you talk about their stature, weight, color and others. This is the same in the case of content marketing, if you want people to talk about your content & services then you must provide expertise, authoritative and trustworthy content.

In 2015, Google introduced the Quality Rater Guidelines where E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) must be included.

Therefore, when you create content with E-A-T, consider these things:

  • Links from authoritative websites with supporting stats, data, and facts.
  • Updating your site according to the changing trends.
  • Providing your bio in the about page.

The quality rater, however, is not going to rank your content depending on the keywords and links. The sites or pages without purpose, content that is not helping users, harming content, misinforming and deceiving content would be given the lowest rating, and the content with E-A-T will be leading in the SERP.

Additional Tips

Before winding up, let us quickly go through some of the strategies that content writers must use in content marketing

  • Focus on your target audience
  • Evoke your users to take actions
  • Plan and research before you begin
  • Use simple words or phrases
  • Align the content to business goals
  • Understand the basics of SEO, HTML, CSS
  • Leverage third-party data in your content
  • Design the content with graphics, videos, images

Looking for Content Marketing Services?

Seize and experience the transformative impact of your business with ColorWhistle’s Content Marketing Services.


These days, it is hard for marketers to attract people through traditional marketing practices like prospectus, bills, posters, placards, etc. Demand Metric says that content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates about 3 times as many leads.

It is not that content marketing will remain the same all the time. There will be changes. To be successful marketers, always provide your customers with content that is trending and relevant to your industry!

If you face difficulties in inspiring people with the content based on the changing trends, you can contact us. Our talented writers at ColorWhistle can formulate a strategy and create awesome content.

Stay tuned to get more updates on the content marketing trends!

CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.


  1. Great blog post on content marketing trends to follow! As a marketing professional, I always strive to stay ahead of the curve and keep up with the latest trends in the industry. Your blog has provided some valuable insights that I can definitely incorporate into my content marketing strategy.

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