Digital Agency vs In-house vs Freelancer – Which works better for White Label Services?

Are you planning to outsource someone to run PPC ads for your business? Or looking for help with branding? Or an expert to take care of the website development phase?

Confused about choosing a suitable white label services partnership for your business? We have put the white label, in-house, and freelancer under the lens of comparison on a few parameters, this will help you to evaluate before selecting the best option for your business.

Digital Agency vs In-house vs Freelancer – Comparison

What do we mean, when we mention the below terminologies

White Label Digital Agency: A digital agency that implements and operates all activities like website development, web design, branding, marketing, and more. This functions under a white label partnership where the name of the agency may not be revealed at times.

In-house Team: Here, the company may hire a particular team, and train them for the services they want. It is solely focused on marketing its own business and services.

Freelancer: An individual that is hired to carry out services based on a contract. This is usually implemented for achieving short-term works

Below is a comparison table that highlights the difference between a digital agency, an in-house development team, and a freelancer who specializes in code.

Comparison Based on Recruitment / Hiring

Digital Agency

  • You just have to browse through the white label agency’s website, evaluate and understand the type of services they offer
  • If you find them suitable for your business, you can go ahead and submit a quote or contact their sales team directly for inquiry
  • This is a well-structured process where you can decide to proceed after hearing the agency’s terms and conditions
  • Moreover, every activity would be recorded and transparent throughout the process
  • Hence, recruiting can be processed effectively and also in a structured, format

In-House Team

  • Imagine you are running a manufacturing company, and you have very limited number of workforce that can work for the technical software in your organization
  • Recruiting an in-house team could be a daunting task. Identifying the right workforce with the right skill, and training them on your needs seems to be an impractical/hectic solution


  • Here you are restricted to the information provided by the freelancer. You might not have the chance to evaluate the parameters you are looking for beyond certain limits
  • This includes a lot of hands-on work along with risks attached to it

Comparison Based on Reliability and Scalability

Digital Agency

  • A white label digital agency is built to scale, and a standard delivery process can be expected as it operates more like a regular business
  • Every initiative and implementation is recorded as they maintain transparency throughout the process
  • If any one person is not available, someone else from the team can take the responsibility to complete the task

In-House Team

  • You may have to manage the process only with the available workforce which may or may not be that effective. 
  • The organization may not get exposed to various skill sets


  • A freelancer may not have a scheduled plan. If the freelancer goes out on unplanned leave or goes missing for a while it would be quite hectic to manage the situation
  • You may lose contact with the freelancer which would create interruptions with your client relationship

Comparison Based on Skill

Digital Agency

  • Whether you are looking for website development, web design, or marketing, a white label web development agency can help you with any requirements
  • The agency will have a variety of expertise that would fit all your needs. You can easily focus on your business objectives as you will have a team of experts with diversified experience

In-House Team

  • This is similar to that of the white label agency, the only difference is it becomes collective knowledge to the organization and can be used for training your future employees.


  • When it comes to being a freelancer, you can’t predict that a single person can manage all the tasks smoothly. You may have to hire a team of freelancers for each activity which also requires complete monitoring from your end

Comparison Based on Communication

Digital Agency

  • Proper communication will be maintained throughout the process
  • Update on the process will be provided now and then. Depending on your timezone the team from the agency can make themselves available for a call whenever required
  • In case of any update, escalations, or review the team would keep you in the loop so that you will be aware of what is happening
  • As expected, consistent communication will be maintained which would eventually increase the trust in the white label agency services partnership

In-House Team

  • The in-house team would also function similarly to that of the white label agency
  • A standard flow of communication will be maintained within the team till the end of the process
  • For instance, say it is a team of developers, they can help completely with the development process with good communication between them. What if they need a marketer to implement marketing strategies? They need to look for one due to insufficient and no relevant workforce within the organization.


  • Communication is at times unpredictable here. The freelancer may give updates on all the activities performed or at times you may not get a response from them
  • Standard communication is not maintained here which creates roadblocks in the process flow

Comparison Based on Project Management

Digital Agency

  • When you rely on a white label agency services, the end-to-end project management is off your shoulders. They would implement suitable strategies and process that can contribute to the growth of your business
  • This means that you can completely focus on the core objectives of your business as you will have a team of experts who works on the process marketing strategies of your business

In-House Team

  • When you hire an in-house team, it is an added responsibility, and you must equally concentrate on both the process and as well as the core objectives. If you still wanted to own completely the end-to-end process without outsourcing, you can go with the concept of an in-house team


  • This would sound quite like hand-holding to get the job done. You need to observe every activity that is being implemented in your business by the freelancer
  • Here, the freelancer would work and implement as per your plan and strategies but would rarely develop strategies for the business provided

Comparison Based on Responsibility and Commitment

Digital Agency

  • The team from the white label digital agency will be responsible for all the activities performed from their end
  • White label agency also signs a NDA and ensures that the information about the client will not be shared or leaked at any circumstances
  • The commitment towards the project would be maintained until its delivery
  • Even during escalations, the white label takes up the responsibility to rectify the errors and will also ensure to provide you with an update on every task that they perform

In-House Team

  • The in-house team will function similar to that of the white label agency with full commitment and responsibility in all the activities they perform for the project


  • They are freelancers who are dedicated and responsible while working for a project but, there are even freelancers who are also lethargic 
  • The situation here is quite unpredictable, but it seems to be cheaper when compared to building an in-house team

Comparison Based on Experience and Result

Digital Agency

  • A white label digital agency will have experience with a wider range of industries 
  • They will be capable of handling everything right from scratch of the project. With a diversified experience they can also come up with any suitable solutions/suggestions adhering to your business needs

In-House Team

  • The in-house team will be able to perform well if they have previous experience in a similar niche but, if they are trying out in a different niche it would be a challenging task


  • With a freelancer, it is a small realm of experience. Your results will only be based on the freelancer’s experience

Comparison Based on Cost / Pricing

Digital Agency

  • The team from the white label digital agency will always make them available for their support even after the delivery of the project
  • They also have the commitment to provide maintenance for the work that they have done for your business.

In-House Team

  • Maintenance and support will be provided by the in-house team whenever required


  • This is unpredictable, freelancers may agree to provide support and maintenance even after the delivery of the project
  • At times there are even situations where it might go

Looking for White Label Digital Agency Services?

Seize and experience the transformative impact of White Label Digital Agency Services & Solutions with ColorWhistle.

Time to Decide

Each outsourcing resource has their own advantages and disadvantages. Depending on your business needs and objectives you can evaluate and choose the best option for the development of your business.

The article may sound neutral or even one-sided. We, being a white label service provider, most of our existing clients who have approached us have faced a few disadvantages with the process of building an in-house team or hiring a freelancer. It is not that we are concluding, opting for a white label agency is the best solution. At the end of the day, the choice is completely yours.

If you are a small business, freelancer support is an excellent start when it is processed with proper communication, updates, and more that would maintain a rapport between you and the freelancer. But, as you grow and when you scale up your requirements you might have to think about developing an in-house team or look for a white label partnership.

ColorWhistle has been offering white label services for almost a decade, and it is a one-stop center for white label services. We are a team of expert developers, designers, marketers, and more who offer excellent services to you by understanding your objectives and business requirements. Hire WordPress developers, Hire Graphic designers and white label digital agency services experts!

If you are looking for professional assistance on white labeling services, you can contact ColorWhistle by sending us a message or call us at +1 (210) 787-3600, we’ll get back to you at the earliest. We provide services tailored to your requirements that suit your business.

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About the Author - Varsha

I am a zealous copywriter with an enthusiasm to learn everyday. I am able to diversify my knowledge at CW as I get the opportunity to write for various industries. What I love about writing is the research part when I can explore on the data while googling. I am also experienced in playing with words for the WooCommerce plugins and eCommerce platforms. When am off from writing I love experimenting new dishes and also a booklouse at time.

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