5 Best White-Label Digital Marketing Strategies to Follow

When you hear the words ‘white-label Digital Marketing’, you will immediately think of outbound marketing and sending emails to prospective clients you have discovered. While this certainly works, it is not usually the best way to bring in new clients.

Now, don’t get us wrong, these types of techniques certainly have a spot on the marketing toolkit. But we live in a world where things are evolving. For example, no one would have ever imagined that the COVID-19 situation will bring 5-10 years’ worth of digital transformation in a matter of months.

Likewise, if you need to be successful in your white label web development and white label digital marketing strategies, you need to adjust to the latest trends of the digital age.

Marketing to white-label companies has changed. Many will do a Google Search or AI to find resolutions to their pain points. So, you have to be a proactive solution provider rather than a reactive pusher of your products and services to prospective businesses.

Best Digital Marketing Strategies for white-label Business

Having a clear-cut strategy is important for improving the fruitfulness of your white-label digital marketing efforts. Here are some of the important white-label digital marketing strategies you can make use of to improve your exposure.

1. Research/Demographics Targeting

The initial step is to find out who your target demographics are. Every white-label digital marketing strategy should have targets because it is not possible to market to everyone. So, you need to outline your core audience.

5 Best B2B Digital Marketing Strategies to Follow (Research/Demographics Targeting) - ColorWhistle

Image source – Content Rewired

If you are finding it hard to figure out where to begin, you can focus on the individual customer segment. For starters, Google Analytics is an amazing place when it comes to how users consume your marketing content and how you can reach the people you want. As a white-label services digital agency, you need to have a strong understanding of your products/services and how they help other companies. This will also allow you to better connect with your potential clients.

2. Have a User-Friendly Website

In today’s online marketplace, having a website for your business is important. It is more than just a pretty face as it gives you the opportunity to show your expertise, quality, and solutions to the online world.

Your B2B website is probably the first point of contact for many of your clients. So what you share and how you share it crucial.

If you already have a white-label website or looking to revamp your website, here are some of the must-haves.

  • Is the content of the landing page written for your target audience?
  • Does it have the important keywords?
  • Is it mobile-friendly?
  • Does it have call-to-actions to guide users to take the next step?
  • Are there any social-proof elements such as testimonials?
  • Is it optimized for SEO? Getting found on search engines is a major step

If you are looking at the above points and think that your current website needs improvements, then do it by all means. In fact, most of the websites are adjusted on a regular basis to better showcase the information to potential customers. As a business develops, website optimization or a revamp is required once in 18 months.

3. Strong SEO Tactics

White-Label Digital Marketing Strategies to Follow (Strong SEO Tactics) - ColorWhistle

Image source – SDF Systems

As discussed in the above section, your target audience must be able to find you. That is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) works. It has 2 major components.

On-site SEO – It includes optimizing all the important metrics such as title tags, meta description, keyword cannibalization, image optimization, header tags, and more to improve your chances of getting indexed on the search engines
Off-site SEO – All the activities carried outside your website to improve website ranking such as commenting, influencer outreach, broken link building, social bookmarking, and more.

As you carry on with all these activities consistently, you will get more traffic and search engines will begin to see your website as credible. This can also be improved by writing & posting quality articles on the website.

SEO is one of the most important marketing aspects that must not be overlooked because without receiving quality traffic to your website, you will not be able to grow your white-label agency business.

4. Social Media

You might overlook using social media as a part of your white-label digital marketing strategy. But an approximately 60% of the buyers check social media before purchasing something. It is one of the go-to sources for referrals and recommendations.

So, if you haven’t set up a social media presence on platforms such as Twitter and Instagram, it is high time to get started. If you don’t have time to set up, you can also purchase social media starter packages as they will lighten your workload.

Through social media platforms, you can share engaging visuals such as,

  • Industry News & tips
  • Pain points and their solutions
  • Client success stories
  • Case studies and whitepaper
  • Video testimonials
  • Instructional videos

An excellent example of social media presence is WeWork. Everything they do shares about their work culture and in a way to attract potential customers.

5 Best White Label Digital Marketing Strategies to Follow (Social Media) - ColorWhistle

5. PPC Campaigns

If you have enough marketing budget, you can include PPC as a part of your white-label digital marketing strategy.

SEO and content will help you get the results you require in the long run. However, if you like to see results quickly, PPC campaigns are an excellent option.

PPC will open up incredible opportunities that will help you gain the attention of your target audience, who might have not have found about your products or services.

Unfortunately, the biggest problem companies make is setting up PPC campaigns or ad groups for all of their products or services. They don’t properly segment and hence don’t get the expected results. So, it is always safe to get professional help. If you have the budget, you can also hire a PPC expert.

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Final Thoughts

An easy way to begin your white-label digital marketing strategy is by making a list of all your digital assets websites, blogs, and social media pages. Log into your analytics and figure out the assets that have helped you to generate leads or close sales.

Next, consider where you want to build on your assets. It could be social media pages, PPC campaigns, or trying out marketing automation. After you decide, devise a budget. You could also hire a white-label services agency like ColorWhistle to share your workload. (Give us a call at +1 (210) 787-3600 or send a message to discuss more).

It is never too late to start using digital marketing tactics to promote your business. The strategies mentioned in this blog will help you go to new heights.

Which white-label digital marketing strategies do you plan to use? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.


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