Web Design Mistakes you Must Avoid

It’s an undeniable fact that the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the upliftment of the web design industry. Owing to the new norms like social distancing, self-quarantining, etc most of the potential customers search for information via the company’s website.

In fact, websites with an optimal design serve as a gateway for your online business in this COVID-19 era. Therefore, designing your website without any flaws is a must during this time of crisis. Websites with solid navigation, less page load time, responsiveness, stunning visuals, etc will become a powerhouse that captures the attention of potential visitors.

Right from the user experience, digital marketing, SEO results, sales conversions, to ROI every phase will demand optimal web design. Without an optimal website design, there are fewer possibilities of experiencing perks in these areas.

Here, we will walk you through some mistakes that you need to avoid while designing your website or revamping your existing website. Also, we’ve included a few effective tips for designing a flawless website.

Let’s rectify the mistakes and begin designing an optimal website.

Significant Role of Web Design in Your Online Business

Branding your business through attractive web design is the smartest way to raise your voice among the prospects. Also, web design contributes a major portion to the success of your digital marketing activities.

Design your website with attractive graphics and user intent in mind. This blog explains the importance of graphic design in digital marketing, if you are curious to gain more insights, take a look.

According to Tyton Media, 94% of users cited web design as the reason they mistrusted or rejected a website. Designing your website tends to be the backbone because your web design has the power to either make or break your business in the online space.

How to Create an Optimal Design for Your Website?

Websites are the virtual mirrors that portray the exact information of who you are? What type of services do you deliver? How can you provide excellent solutions to your audience? and much more.

Therefore, when you design your website, you have to apply website design features based on the preferences of your audience. If your web design provides a better user experience to your visitors, then you can expand your visibility on the SERPs too.

Based on our experience, here, we’ve compiled a list of mistakes that you should avoid while designing a website. If you start rectifying these flaws, then it can be assured that you will end up in creating an optimal web design.

Too Many Information

It’s important to mention all the information related to your business on your website, but giving a breathable space to your content is even more important. Loading your website with a lot of content, visuals, etc will ruin your users’ experience. Try to deliver your message in a crispy manner like short paragraphs, small visuals, white spaces, etc.

The below image includes huge blocks of content without proper spacing.

Web Design Mistakes you Must Avoid (huge blocks of content without proper spacing Web Design) - ColorWhistle

Not Mobile friendly

Around 72% of people look for mobile-friendly websites. If your website is designed with a responsive feature, then getting traffic from mobile devices will become a cup of tea. There are a plethora of tools like Google Mobile-friendly Test, Bing Mobile Friendliness Test, RankWatch, etc to check whether your website is responsive or not.

Not Considering SEO

As poorly designed websites will not be appealing to users, there are chances for search engines to omit those websites from quality rankings. Your web design has a huge impact on your SEO rankings. Avoid adding elements that are difficult for search engines to recognize. Search engines give priority to websites designed with responsive-friendly features and user-intention in mind.

Slow Loading

Web Design Mistakes you Must Avoid (Slow Loading) - ColorWhistle

Web design has a great impact on your page load time and in turn, your page load time impacts your SEO rankings as well. The image size has to be compressed and the usage of social media buttons on a single page has to be reduced. Avoid using parallax scrolling effects. Setup a browser caching for your website through cache plugins like W3 Total Cache.

Unable to Convey the Brand Positioning

Once your page loads, users form an opinion in .05 seconds. If the visitor can’t make a justified decision on your website, he/she will hit the back button. Therefore, at least, you should add your services/products along with confidence-building elements like testimonials, awards, and industry affiliates in a clear view.

Unable to Navigate Properly

Designing a website with solid navigation is a win-win solution for your business. User needs, accessibility, and interaction are accountable while designing smooth navigation. Limit the usage of menu selections. Follow consistent navigation throughout your webpage. Design a fat footer. Place maximum traffic-generating pages on your navigation bar. Avoid the browser’s back button to navigate through your site. Fix all the broken links.

In this below image, the menu selections are not properly arranged.

Web Design Mistakes you Must Avoid (Lykki.com) - ColorWhistle

Poor Visual Content

Visual elements effectively deliver your message to your audience. Outdated styling, low-quality images or videos, and illegible/mismatched typography stand as barriers to ruin your visitors’ engagement. Use no more than five colors in a single layout. Choose a readable font style. Try to use iconography and illustration that best reflects the tone of your business. Be minimalistic and avoid unnecessary designs like 3D charts, ornamental illustration, extraneous elements, etc.

Effective Tips to Create a Flawless Website Design

Of course, when you start rectifying these above-listed web design mistakes on your site, it will eventually leave an optimal design look to your website.

However, the game doesn’t end up there, designers with smart & ethical tips will play till the end and win the trophy. Here, we’ve consolidated a few tips that help you design a stunning website without any issues.

  • Make your web design responsive to all devices
  • Remove all the broken links
  • Optimize your webpage load time
  • Choose a readable font style
  • Fix all the spacing issues that occur due to kerning, tracking, and leading
  • Design your content based on the intention of users
  • Optimize the search bar
  • Place your logos at the center or left-corner
  • Make your navigation menus visible
  • Apply smooth and easy-to-follow navigation
  • Optimize your image size
  • Leave more whitespaces

This cannot be considered as a fully-comprehensive list of tips for designing an optimal website. However, these tips will be a supporting hand for kick-starting your website design/redesign activities.

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It’s Time to Design Your Website Like a Pro

We hope that by now you would have got an idea of what all to neglect and what all to select when it comes to website design. Applying all sorts of design elements and giving a clumsy design look to your website is not advisable. Also, leaving more white spaces and giving an extremely minimalistic design look to your website is also unadvisable.

If you find it hard to design/redesign a website, then feel free to take assistance from reputable web design/redesign service providers. At ColorWhistle, we are accustomed to the practice of designing a website by clearly understanding the user intent.

Our skilled web designers will take care of giving a stunning look to your website that attracts both your visitors and search engines. Reach us via phone +1 (210) 787-3600 or message. We are ready to work with you!

If you have any questions regarding our web design services, then let us know in the comments box. We can clear your doubts.

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What’s Next?

After absorbing the insightful blog, what comes next? What action can be taken to further progress and success in this field of study? Take a moment to consider your steps forward.

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About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.

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