Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations

E-Learning is changing the usual learning experience. It has become the new standard way of learning and is highly beneficial to students due to its flexibility, low cost, and user experience.

There are a lot of e-learning websites offering free online courses and certifications. After all, websites fill the gap between online learners and educators.

To make your website engaging, you should include some unique features. In this blog, we have figured out e-learning website features that will allow you to stand apart from the competition. Also we have listed some of must have functionalities  for charter school websites.

e-Learning Industry Statistics That You Should Know!

Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations (E-Learning  Website Statistics) - ColorWhistle

Features that Enhance Your E-Learning Website

Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations (E-learning Website Features) - ColorWhistle
E-learning Website Features – ColorWhistle

Online Admissions

Online admissions are the basic feature of all e-learning websites. By adding online admission forms in your website, you are making it convenient for users to submit forms 24/7. You can also avoid the hectic submission process, reduce paperwork, and customize real-time reports.

Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations (Online Admission System in ELearning) - ColorWhistle

Reporting and Data Analysis

Analyzing and reporting a student’s reaction and behavior towards a course is important. This feature will help you to track the data. It stores all information like the device used by the students to watch lecturers, where the students arise questions, and how often they return to the lecture.

Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations (Data Analysis in ELearning)  - ColorWhistle

Database Management and Backups

Student information management system (SIMS) supervises student activities and maintains the record of tests, attendance, appraisal of the performance including the marks scored, and all related activities. The backup of these data will help you track the performance of the students. On the basis of these reports, you can offer courses according to each and every student’s capacity.

Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations (ELearning Database Management and Backups) - ColorWhistle

Course creation

Course creation will help you to streamline your process. You may have some unique courses, videos, and content and to import them into your website you need a course creation module. Using this module, you will be able to add study materials on your website.

Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations (Course Creation in ELearning)- ColorWhistle

Skills and certification tracking

Skills and certification tracking is one of the most important LMS features meant for measuring the student’s performance. You can even report on employee progress, showing the immediate returns of your efforts.

Payment gateway

We all know that online payments are efficient and simple than the manual payment method. So, facilitate your customers with a comfortable payment method which will increase the conversions and sales. Provide different types of payment methods, allow payments without requiring an account, do not use redirection, ask only for essential information. Too much of data requirement may frustrate users.

Forums and webinars

Forums create a way for students to mingle and discuss courses, assignments, and other relevant information. It also provides an extra facility for students to get answers from their fellow students or professors.

Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations (Forums and Webinars in ELearning) - ColorWhistle

Social engagement

Social engagement tools may help the users to get feedback from the users instantly. You can alert your users through emails and messages. Users can manage alerts and take advantage of easy scheduling.


Dashboards can offer students, parents, and teachers a way to better visualize progress through a semester by providing a mix of reports and assessments. Depending on the student’s age, parents can also review the data gathered via the dashboard. This would be helpful for parents as they can monitor their child’s improvement.

Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations (Dashboard Designs for ELearning Website) - ColorWhistle

Asynchronous learning

Asynchronous learning is a type of leaning which is not limited by place or time. The learners don’t have to be present at the specific time of the lecture. They can learn it in their convenient place and time.

For example, mobile learning. Creating a responsive website may help people to view the course from their phone instead of making them carry the laptops. The users can participate in the training from any location using whatever devices they own. This will provide a better user experience.

Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations (Benefits Asynchronous Learning)  - ColorWhistle


Gamification feature builds a friendly competition among users. It makes the subjects interesting by adding gaming features to the courses and training programs. This will increase the engagement among users, speed them through modules, and increase consistency.

Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations (Gamification Features in ELearning) - ColorWhistle

Video conferencing

Most of the students who require a clear idea on a subject prefer video conferencing. Almost all the notes will be sent through emails for subscribers while some of the difficult conversations and doubts can be eliminated using video conferencing. Adding a subscription course and video conferencing to your website is more important to bring in recurring income.

Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations (Video Conferencing in ELearning) - ColorWhistle

Websites Which Include Some of the Above Features

Instant training

Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations (IT) - ColorWhistle


Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations  (Elidemy) - ColorWhistle

Khan Academy

Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations (KhanAcademy) - ColorWhistle


Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations (ConnectYard) - ColorWhistle


Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations (CollegeMapper) - ColorWhistle


Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations  (Glints) - ColorWhistle


Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations (OpenSesame) - ColorWhistle


Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations  (Canvas) - ColorWhistle


Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations  (BrightBytes) - ColorWhistle

Nureva Troove

Top E-Learning Website Features, Ideas, and Inspirations  (Nureva) - ColorWhistle

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There are lots of systems available to lead your students through the path of building your education and training programs in a successful way. Choose the best system which has all the necessary LMS features you need and proceed with that.

Also, make sure to focus on technology because without proper technology, you cannot offer courses and the learner will fall short in achieving the course objectives.

If you need help creating an e-learning website with all the latest features, contact us. We will exceed your expectations. 

Are you confused about choosing your system? Reach us and we at ColorWhistle are here to help you out.

CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.


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