Digital Marketing for Realtors – What to Expect from Digital Agencies?

Are you looking for a digital marketing agency to assist with your real estate marketing efforts? Not sure of what you must look for?

You can stop researching. We’ve got everything covered to help you make this decision.

If you are a small and medium-sized real estate business, we are sure that investing in digital marketing is a huge decision because you are entrusting your brand with the people you don’t know. Even though they are professionals, you must know what you are getting into before you shake hands.

According to Growth Everywhere, the average ROI of a bad hire is -298%. And 66% of U.S. employers say that bad hires can cost up to $50,000 each. This loss is more expensive than hiring a digital marketing agency.

But where can you find a transparent resource about what to look for in a digital marketing agency? Well, did you know that at ColorWhistle we offer digital marketing services? Yes, we are a full-service digital marketing agency. So who better to tell you about what you can expect from a digital agency than us.

In this blog, we are going to give you an honest and open list of things you must look for.

What are the Types of Digital Marketing Agencies?

Before we move into the key aspects of how to choose a real estate digital marketing agency, let’s find out the types of digital marketing agencies. Some are specialized in one area and others offer a wide range of services.

Full-service digital marketing agency

These types of agencies offer a variety of services from real estate website design, development, and digital marketing. They are suitable for small- and medium-sized businesses that cannot form their own internal team. Even large organizations partner with such type of agencies because it reduces the burden of marketing managers and allows them to focus on other areas of the business

Digital marketing firm

Such types of firms often refer to themselves as digital marketing agencies. They mainly focus on digital marketing and don’t offer services like a full-service digital marketing agency

SEO agency

These types of agencies specialize in search engine optimization (SEO). They will help your website to get a good organic search ranking by following the best practices, which also include complying with search engines algorithm changes

PPC agency

Such type of agencies exclusively specialize in search engine marketing or running paid ads. They will specialize in running ads on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. From account creation, creatives to maintenance, they will take care of everything

Social media agency

These types of agencies handle social media accounts by helping with regular content production or running ads on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. They will help you maintain a good brand image on social media channels

Digital marketing consultant

These types of professionals will have extensive knowledge in digital marketing and will help businesses to come up with a digital marketing strategy. If you have any trouble in executing the strategy, they may also help you find out an appropriate agency

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What Does a Real Estate Digital Marketing Agency Do?

Here we will list the specific things you can expect when you work with a real estate digital marketing agency,

Grow website traffic

One of the major goals of any real estate digital marketing agency is to improve the traffic of your website. The marketing professionals who work in the agency will have voracious knowledge of inbound marketing, customer journey, and how the search engines work. When you work with an agency, the amount of quality traffic i.e. people interested in the services you offer will improve

Generate sales qualified leads

The professionals working in these agencies will quickly know your business, your marketing goals, and your ideal target audience. Additionally, they will be knowledgeable in various digital marketing tactics. So they will help to get the right message delivered to your target audience, which will help you generate more sales-ready leads

Improve brand reach

Since a digital marketing agency knows how to create relationships with customers online, they will know how to improve your brand reach. Your real estate website will be positioned well for the top-performing keywords and you will have a good overview of your buyers persona

Be a part of your company

The digital marketing agency you hire will be the extension of your company. When you hire an agency, they will catch your existing team’s weaknesses and help you overcome it. For example, you may need a website revamp to support your marketing activities, when you hire a full-service real estate agency, they will help you with it

A full-service real estate digital marketing agency like ColorWhistle can offer,

  • Search engine optimization
  • Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)
  • Social media marketing
  • Marketing automation
  • Content marketing
  • Website design & development

When Should you Get Help From a Real Estate Digital Marketing Agency?

Being a full-service real estate digital marketing agency, we are often asked with this question – When should we hire help?

We’d say that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Although there are few pointers you can keep in mind when you are trying to determine if it is time to pay someone to handle your real estate digital marketing.

Before we give you the pointers, we’d like to clarify that even if you choose to get help for your marketing efforts, you have to be involved in the process. Real estate is an industry where the trust factor plays a crucial role. So, your digital marketing efforts need to be personal. Only by involving in the process, you can find out how personal the plan is.

Next, you have to understand what the agency plans to do. You may not be well-versed in digital marketing, but when you ask questions to the firm, you can understand the potential risks and the possibility of the plan working.

That said, you can get help from a digital marketing agency under the following circumstances..

Don’t know how to build up your marketing

To take your business to the next level, you definitely need mentorship. If you are able to hire a digital marketing consultant or an agency, you can learn a great deal from them. This way, you can continue to educate yourself and also concentrate on what you do best

Grow your business quickly

If you need to grow quickly, you will need a new process and additional skill set to take you to the next level. You definitely need extra help, if growing your real estate business is of paramount importance. So, when you are ready to grow much bigger that it is at the moment, hire a real estate digital marketing agency

No time for marketing

With all the responsibilities you are juggling with, it is completely natural to overlook marketing. But, if you were seriously considering that, we are sure that you wouldn’t be reading this blog. The main advantage of getting help is to free your time so you can focus on other things. If you choose to get help, the agency will do things more efficiently. Getting help for revenue-generating activities is always a win

Growth is not as expected

If the growth of your real estate business has gone the wrong way and you have no idea why, you have to hire an expert to diagnose the problem. In such a situation, only professionals experienced in the field can bring your business back to normal and help to advance beyond that

The goal of subcontracting is to free up your time so you can focus on the things that really matter.


How to Hire the Right Real Estate Digital Marketing Agency?

If you are not familiar with digital marketing tactics and approaches, you may not know the right questions to ask an agency.

First off, you can begin searching for a firm that specializes in real estate digital marketing. Have a conversation with 3-4 agencies to,

  • Learn about their process
  • Who you’ll be working with
  • How much they cost
  • Minimum commitment period

When you are interviewing,

  • Be clear on where you need help with
  • Find out what the marketing agency in question is doing for themselves
  • Ask the company for real estate digital marketing case studies to find out the results they have achieved

For a deeper understanding on this subject, take a look at our blog on Hiring An SEO Company? Ask These Questions. Even though this is related to hiring an SEO agency, these questions are applicable when you are interviewing a real estate digital marketing agency too.

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Wrapping Up

When real estate digital marketing is done right, you will be able to generate more qualified leads. Many realtors hand over their digital marketing to an agency because they don’t have the time, or they don’t have the expertise or have a team that is struggling to carry out a successful digital marketing strategy. So, if you are in any of these categories, get help.

Bookmark our blog so you can quickly refresh things before you go out to conduct an interview.

If you need any assistance with your real estate digital marketing, you can contact ColorWhistle. Some outcomes we have achieved through our unique result-driven process and custom digital marketing plans are as follows,

  • Grow organic traffic
  • Generate and nurture sales-ready leads
  • Using new channels that will be suitable for real estate for expand brand reach and customer acquisition
  • Reduce lead acquisition cost

Schedule an interview with our digital marketing experts to find out how we can help you achieve prominent results in the real estate market. Send us a message or give us a call at +1 (210) 787-3600 to discuss.

CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.

One thought on “Digital Marketing for Realtors – What to Expect from Digital Agencies?

  1. Nice blog, Thanks for giving the information on Digital marketing. It is very useful and helpful for us.

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