WordPress Website Digital Marketing Tips

Are you not receiving the expected results from your optimized WordPress website?


You still have the opportunity to enhance your website using some popular digital marketing techniques from a reputed digital marketing agency that could leverage your business to greater heights.

Digital Marketing techniques are implemented to improve organic rankings, generating qualified leads and sales. To achieve this, suitable tools and the right CMS platform are required – that is where the WordPress development company comes in.

WordPress is open-source software and is self-hosted. Self-hosted means, you can run your website on your own server or purchase a hosting server from any of the popular hosting platforms like WPEngine, BlueHost, SiteGround.

WordPress is a versatile CMS platform for blogging, eCommerce business and portfolio websites.

Check the link to know the Evolution of WordPress from 2003 – 2024.

The below image demonstrates the usage of WordPress across the web,

WordPress Digital Marketing(WordPress Usage Statistics) - ColorWhistle

Source: iThemes

Why should you choose WordPress?

WordPress Website Digital Marketing Tips (Why should you choose WordPress) - ColorWhistle

Source: Brainvire

Reasons to choose WordPress,

  • It’s free, you pay only for the additional features that needs to be configured
  • Easy to setup and user-friendly
  • Automatically updates itself
  • Equipped with various plugins and extensions for functionalities
  • A powerful platform for SEO
  • Delivers powerful analytics and reporting
  • WordPress has highly responsive, customizable, free, and premium themes
  • Offers easy migration

Digital Marketing Definition and its importance?

Digital Marketing is enclosed with various marketing channels and tools to communicate and engage with your potential audience. It is a technique to leverage your business/service through search engines, social media, emails, content, mobile applications, and websites.

The following image illustrates the types of digital marketing,

WordPress Website Digital Marketing Tips (Digital Marketing importance) - ColorWhistle

Source: Froggy Ads

 Check out the below video by Neil Patel on “What is digital marketing in his own words”

Benefits of Digital Marketing

WordPress Website Digital Marketing Tips (Benefits of Digital Marketing) - ColorWhistle

Source: kindpng

WordPress Digital Marketing Tips for your Website

1. Optimize your Website with a Responsive Theme

A responsive website must adjust and fit into the user’s screen aptly. If it is not responsive then your website may suffer in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) leading to loss of users and business. Responsive website design is essential when it comes to traffic and a better user experience. The WordPress market has a wide range of plugins for responsive themes and some of them are OceanWP, Astra, Elegant, ThemesKingdom.

2. Ensure the Website Content is SEO-optimized

Creating content is different from content optimization. You create content to educate your readers by providing valuable information whereas content optimization is for machines. The search algorithms will increase the visibility of the content that is highly optimized on the search platforms.

Optimized content is the foundation of your SEO efforts. Any type of content like blogs, website content, video content created for the purpose of marketing, brand awareness must be optimized for SEO. When your website content is optimized for the search engines, it helps your business to reach a large audience efficiently.

Optimize your website content using some of the popular WordPress plugins like SEMrush, Yoast SEO, All in One SEO, Google Search Console and enhance your visibility.

3. Optimize your Website Images

Images are valuable pieces of content but they could be one of the reasons for slow loading times. Image optimization (image SEO) is the process of reducing the size of your image files without compromising their quality. When images are not optimized, it affects your SEO and slows down your website.

If you are running a website with a lot of high-quality images then make use of plugins like Optimole, Imagify, WPSmush to compress your images and get prioritized when it comes to organic search rankings.

4. Provide a Demo of your Product/Service

A product demo is a unique opportunity to demonstrate the functionalities of a product/service to a prospective customer. This concept would bring in a first-hand experience for the consumers before making their purchase. It helps the consumers to check whether it can satisfy their requirements, analyze its complexity and of course, compare with other products. A demo can be effective when integrated in the right way or it may lead to losing the deal if done awfully.

Give your readers a quick way to your product/service demo by creating and adding a popup to your landing page – this would encourage customers to try out your demo or sign up for the trial. Adding popups is an effective way that can easily grab user’s attention but, at the same time, it may create a bad user experience when not implemented in the right way.

PopUps to your WordPress website can be integrated with PopupMaker, Popup Builder, TrustePulse.

Create a remarkable demo for your product/service using Easy Plugin Demo Builder, WordPress Demo Builder Plugin Motopress, and offer an opportunity to your consumers to understand the value of your products.

5. Add an SSL Certificate to your Website

An SSL certificate ensures that your website is secured by encrypting the data (credit card credentials, data transfer, login details) entered by your visitors/customers. A website with an SSL certificate is always safe to use and helps in ranking in search engines. The SSL certificate helps in protecting your website from security breaches and builds a secured environment for both the consumers and site owners.

A website without an SSL certificate is always vulnerable to hackers and Google warns your visitors that the website is not trustworthy.
Make your consumers feel secure with your business by adding a valid SSL certificate to your WordPress website using Really Simple SSL, WP Force SSL & HTTPS Redirect, Easy HTTPS Redirection (SSL)

Ensure you have integrated a valid SSL certificate to your website using SSL Checker – this helps in diagnosing problems in your SSL Certificate.

Get to know “How to add an SSL certificate to your website” by watching the below video

6. Generate Visual Content

WordPress Website Digital Marketing Tips (Generate Visual Content) - ColorWhistle

Source: coolerinsights

Visual content is consolidating images, infographics, videos, presentations, and other visual elements to your content marketing techniques. 91% of people like visual content over written content. Implementing visual content to your website increases brand awareness, website traffic, conversions, and customer engagement.

Create and add visual content for your website using NextGen Gallery, WP Edit, PageBuilder-Live Composer and let your consumers know about your business and its value through visualization.

7. Configure CTAs to your Website

Call To Action (CTA) leads people to do something specific on your website. It could be signup, a link, or a form- it is to be noted that your website has well-executed CTA buttons. Through this, you are letting your visitors know what is next?

An optimized CTA button can bring in more conversions and boost your revenue. CTAs can either be configured to your website pages or your blog rooms. Ensure to use languages that are active and inviting like “Start Your Trial”, “Let’s Talk”, “Let’s Do It” to your CTA buttons.

Too many CTAs on a page or when not configured in the right way may lead to confusing the user and in turn losing the deal.

WordPress itself has a simple CTA button in its header.

WordPress Website Digital Marketing Tips (Configure CTAs) - ColorWhistle

Create and configure CTA buttons to your website using WP Notification Bar, Opt-In Content Locker, WP Subscribe and communicate what you actually want your customers/visitors to do.

8. Enable Guest Blogging Opportunities

Guest Posting or Blogging is the concept of writing blogs for other company’s websites. When you are looking for guest post opportunities, ensure to write for sites that are relevant to your industry/niche.

  • Guest blogging brings in the following advantages to your business,
  • You can share your professionalism on another website
  • Establish your authority
  • Get traffic to your website
  • Increase visibility and brand awareness
  • Build backlinks to your website

Guest Blogging is a win-win concept where the guest blogger and the website hosting the blog content are benefited.

Sign up for free at “My Blog Guest” – Guest Blogging Community and look for experts who are willing to promote your brand and post your information and niche so that blog owners can reach you easily.

Check the below video on “how guest blogging can help you to boost your SEO ranking”,

A broken link or a dead link brings in a poor user experience, significantly affecting your SEO rankings. A broken link occurs whenever you remove a post/page without proper instructions or when you try to migrate your website to a new domain name.
It creates a negative impact when Google detects broken links on your website.

Instead of rectifying the broken links manually, make use of some of the popular plugins SEMrush, Google Search Console, Broken Link Checker to fix them.

Always ensure that the plugin integrated for diagnosing broken links is active whenever you create a new post.

10. Email Marketing

Marketing/Promoting your brand/business by email is a faster and cost-effective way of reaching both new and existing customers for repeated website visits. Email Marketing is the method of adding value to your customer’s inboxes through personalized messages.

WordPress Digital Marketing(Usage of Email) - ColorWhistle

Source: Oberlo

Sending your website’s transactional emails, retargeting emails to your potential customers are all a part of email marketing.

It is a way of communicating and building an efficient relationship with your customers. Email marketing can increase your brand awareness, boost sales, drive more traffic and automate routine tasks for transactional emails. Users may also avoid reading emails if they are not attractive and professional. Check for the design and the marketing list if you are looking for conversions/sales through email marketing.

Enhance your WordPress website using some of the popular email marketing tools like MailChimp, MailPoet, Newsletter.

11. Re-target your customers by using Exit-Intent popups

Exit-Intent popups usually bring in more conversions when executed properly but, it is a bit annoying when not implemented in the right way. These popups are used to re-target your visitors/customers to close the deal. The exit-intent popups have the ability to track the user’s movement and pop up when trying to leave the website. Below are some tips to build exit-intent popups in the right way.

  • Configure exit-intent popups and get visitors to your email list
  • Offer personalized coupons to customers who have abandoned their carts
  • Announce the ongoing discount at your website/store through exit-intent popups

The exit-intent popups grab user’s attention and help in increasing sales and conversions at your website.

Configure some of the popular WordPress Popup plugins like OptinMonster, HubSpot, Popup Maker and skyrocket your business.

12. Enable Comments on your Website

Comments, allow your readers to communicate with you and other readers by submitting their valuable comments and feedback. When you enable comments on your page, WordPress displays the approved comments underneath your content. WordPress, itself builds a community by allowing you to moderate the comments on your website.

WordPress is equipped with basic functionalities that are necessary to enable comments on your website. CommentLuv, Simple Comment Editing are some of the comment plugins that can be configured to your website for additional features. You can filter out spam from your comments using the plugin Akismet.

13. Get Socialized

Social media integration is a great and effective way of covering a bigger audience to engage and interact with your brand. By socializing, you are offering an opportunity to promote your products/services on the go. Here, you are using social media as a medium to promote your business.

Social media integration can be carried out either – by coordinating your social media users to your website or by providing easy access to social media accounts from your website.

When the integration is executed with the right tools, it helps in reaching your potential audience and the search engines when it comes to organic traffic.
Increase your visibility by configuring WordPress social media plugins like Blog2Social, AddToAny, Social Icons Widget & Block by WPzoom to get socialized.

14. Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Highlighting your commitment to sustainability and social responsibility can attract a more conscious audience. Showcase your eco-friendly practices and involvement in community initiatives through blog posts, social media, and press releases. Demonstrating your dedication to social causes builds a positive brand image and resonates with consumers who prioritize ethical and sustainable practices, thereby fostering a loyal customer base and differentiating your brand in a competitive market.

15. Integrate Google Analytics to your WordPress Website

Integrating Google Analytics with your website helps in understanding your consumers’ behavior and the performance of your website. This integration will help you to analyze your website traffic and necessary insights for your betterment. Transition to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for advanced insights into user behavior, setting up custom events and conversions for detailed tracking.

It is a great tool that helps in identifying the traffic source, understanding your audience, users’ interaction with your website, tracking your conversions and revenue.

Google Analytics is free and a great tool to track your website performance. You can also configure some of the popular Analytics Plugins like ExactMetrics, Analytify, Google Analytics by 10Web to your WordPress website to analyze your performance and traffic.

Check the below video for installing Google Analytics to your website,

Looking for WordPress Development Services?

Seize and experience the transformative impact of WordPress solutions with ColorWhistle.

Wrapping Up

Digital Marketing tips for your WordPress website are all about implementing the right strategy at the right time. Configuring some of the strategies may be time-consuming but helps in achieving your goals. WordPress can almost handle any plugin that is essential for your enhancement. Find the right plugin by analyzing the status of your website.

Look for the right tools/strategies and intensify your performance. Ensure to check with the rating and recently updated status of the WordPress plugins before you start with the configuration.

If you are looking for assistance in implementing any of the above strategies contact ColorWhistle – WordPress Development Company by sending us a message or call us at +1 (944) 278-9110, we’ll get back to you at the earliest.

We provide all services tailored to your requirements at a favorable price.

Wordpress Development Company - Colorwhistle
About the Author - Varsha

I am a zealous copywriter with an enthusiasm to learn everyday. I am able to diversify my knowledge at CW as I get the opportunity to write for various industries. What I love about writing is the research part when I can explore on the data while googling. I am also experienced in playing with words for the WooCommerce plugins and eCommerce platforms. When am off from writing I love experimenting new dishes and also a booklouse at time.


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