Web Application Redesign – Things to Consider Before Starting

Before you go on to redesign a web application or a web app, it is important to understand:

  • Who’s using it?
  • How are they using it?
  • What are their pinpoints?
  • What do users like about it?
  • And what do users like, dislike about it?

By fetching this information, you’re making an informed choice based on collective surveying of the user base. This will give you a chance to go back to the drawing board and come up with an appropriate redesign strategy.

If you have to redesign your web application, consider some things before starting the process. Continue reading and find out everything about what to consider before redesigning and why you should consider web application redesign.


  1. To project your brand effectively: Your web page should project your brand and work ethics effectively and efficiently. Good innovation in web app design will help you to portray your values and ideology excellently.
  2. To improve web app security: If you want to avoid hacking, you need to update your cyber security frameworks, and redesigning can help.
  3. For making your web app more mobile-friendly: Search engine rankings may be affected if your web app isn’t a mobile-friendly website. Engaging a web design and development professional, like ColorWhistle may help.


  1. Web App Redesign or Revamp?
  2. Review your Current Web App
  3. Know your Audience
  4. Get Data from Analystics Tools
  5. What other Marketing can you do?
  6. The SEO Perspective


  1. Make Sure you have a Good Reason for Redesigning
  2. Keep URLs Unchanged
  3. Back-Up your Site
  4. Make Appearance Changes by Modifying the CSS File Only

Things to Consider Before Starting the Redesign

The design and layout of a web app play an essential role in your business growth. If you need to redesign your web app, here are some things you must consider before starting a website redesign process. It’s crucial to strategize effectively, beginning with an assessment of your current website’s performance and identifying areas for improvement. Then, explore Website Redesign Packages tailored to suit your specific needs. These packages often include services such as user experience (UX) analysis, responsive design implementation, and search engine optimization (SEO) enhancements. Remember, investing in a comprehensive Website Redesign Cost can significantly elevate your online presence and drive better results for your business.”

1. Web App Redesign or Revamp?

Many people think that website redesign and website revamp are the same things, but they are quite different in reality. Revamp means a complete overhaul of the web app, while redesign won’t impact the functionality of your web app much.

In revamp, you need to restructure, redesign, and recreate your whole website effectively. When you edit the web app, it will be a completely different web app, but don’t you worry, it will be a good chance for your business.

On the other hand, a redesign is a good option if your web app is already doing a good job, but it needs some changes in the look and a few functions. To know a better choice for the web app, you should see what you look for in your redesign. You must know whether a few features need to change or the entire website must ultimately transform.

2. Review your Current Web App

Before taking any step, you need to review your current web app. It includes what things you don’t want to change in your existing web app and what you need to redesign. Make a list of things you don’t want to redesign, such as generating value for the business. On the other hand, make changes that impede functionality and things you can redesign into something better without affecting business.

3. Know your Audience

Whether you are redesigning or revamping your web app, it is essential to know who you target and what they want from you. You need to be extra careful while redesigning your web app. It also includes what your audience is looking for and also how to find you. It would help if you were specific with your new design. Furthermore, at the same time, it should look aesthetic and pleasing to attract more audiences for the growth of your business.

4. Get Data from Analytics Tools

Different analytic tools will tell you what content on your web app benefits you and what isn’t. It would be beneficial if you included these tools to plan your content strategically and beneficially. Also, you need to check whether you have any broken links or site errors, and there are also analytic tools for the process.

5. What other Marketing can you do?

When you redesign your web app, you should also find out what more you can do for your business. There are many other marketing options, and you can choose one of them to increase your marketing strategies. You can also align your marketing goals to ensure that your new website and marketing strategies fit perfectly with each other. It will help you to maximize business benefits.

6. The SEO perspective

While redesigning, make sure that your new web app is not negatively impacting your previous SEO work. The new web app should keep you up with the latest SEO trends. Therefore, it is vital to check that your transition from the old web app to the new positively impacts search ranking.

Here is a curated list of the Best Web Apps That Changed The Industry. Have a look to get inspired! Additionally, here is a list of Popular Real Estate Web Apps for niche industry enthusiasts.

Things to be Noted While Redesigning

There can be numerous reasons for redesigning your web app. But when you make up your mind to redesign, here are some things you might want to look out for before:

1. Be Sure You Have A Good Reason for Redesign

You can have excitement to redesign your web app, but you need to have good reasons to redesign. It is because your regular and old audience already has learned all about your web app. Therefore, if you don’t want to lose your familiar audience, have a good reason for redesigning.

2. Keep URLs unchanged

If you completely change your URL, the reputation of your old URL in the search engines can lose, unless you take special precautions. The redesign of a web app can affect SEO. You can counter it by:

  • Auditing and crawling the main website.
  • Mapping out the structure before you redesign.
  • Have a temporary dev URL.
  • Try to create a new robots.txt file.
  • Benchmark some of the current search engine metrics.

3. Back-Up your Site

It is imperative to keep an up-to-date backup of your web app. It is a precautionary measure for undesirable side effects.

4. Make Appearance Changes by Modifying the CSS File only

If your web app uses CSS to manage the appearance, and you don’t want to change the whole build, modify the CSS file.

Looking for Website Redesign Services?

Seize and experience the transformative impact of Website Redesign Services & Solutions with ColorWhistle.

Wrapping Up

A web application is a software program that works on a remote server. It is not like your traditional desktop applications, which you launch with your operating system’s help. A web app needs to be accessed through a web browser.

Web apps are a crucial component for the development and visibility of your business. If you are looking for assistance in developing or redesigning a web application for your business, get in touch with ColorWhistle.

You can send us a message or call us at +1 (210) 787-3600 and we’ll get back to you at the earliest. We provide web app development, web app redesign, and digital marketing services tailored to your requirements at a favorable price.

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Manav Gupta
About the Author - Manav Gupta

Manav Gupta is a full-time CopyWriter at ColorWhistle, where he works to benefit both professionals & enthusiasts in the field of Digital Marketing, Branding & Web Development by creating engaging content. Prior to joining ColorWhistle, Manav was responsible for managing & executing content projects ranging from sales collateral to web content, ad copy to letters, business proposals to sales plans, and training manuals. A graduate of a reputed university, Manav holds an honors degree in Engineering. When not hard at work creating meaningful content, he enjoys perfecting his knowledge of music, playing cricket, and volunteering to build a carbon-neutral society.

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