About Content Aggregation, Content Aggregator Websites and Tools : Complete Guide

Content aggregation is another aspect of content marketing that presents some interesting opportunities for business owners.

Whether you’re looking to reach out to a new audience, or want to get noticed, content aggregation is your best bet.

What is content aggregation?

Content aggregation is nothing but compiling information on any topic for one or more related keywords and publishing them in one platform, website or blog. It is automated (RSS feeds) and collects information exclusively based on keywords.

Don’t mistake content aggregation to plagiarism, as it is not using someone else’s work and claiming it to be yours. Credits are given to the writer of the content. The concept behind content aggregation is to provide users with rich information that would have been hard to find.

Why Aggregate Content?

Marketing has obviously changed as there are constant upgrades in technology.

Back in the day, big companies had an edge over small ones. Today the internet has given opportunities for companies all sizes to compete head to head. It has become the great equalizer.

A few years ago, digital marketing agencies were only convincing entrepreneurs to take their business online. But, now things have changed, if you want to be heard to the countless industry experts, you have to be online.

Unless you give a reason to trust your product or service, people won’t care. Just updating news won’t help, you must also be able to pass it on to others. This is why content aggregation is important.

How to aggregate content for your business?

To be clear, if you’re aggregating content, you’re finding content and republishing it. Content aggregation is sometimes given a bad name as it is easy to do it poorly.

If you want to do it the right way, do follow these steps.

Credible source

  • A source from which you are aggregating the content must be credible and trustworthy.
  • Double check the information on the website
  • Topics that you have selected must be relevant and useful for readers

Add value

  • After quoting the original text, add your insights as well, i.e., do you agree or disagree with their view, or was any information missed out.
  • You can also include excerpts from other sources that support the statement


  • Sum-up all the details to make it easier for readers to know the information in less amount of time
  • Gathering information from the article and summarizing it into bullet points will make it more compact. You can do this easily with the help of an AI summarizer that has the feature of providing summaries in the form of bullets.

Proper credits

  • Give a source for any information you gather
  • Give credits to authors or publications so that users will be able to access further information


  • Every article you pick won’t have proper SEO. Even if they are experts in the field, they may be unfamiliar with SEO
  • As a content aggregator, you have to optimize the content properly to help the content get found. Here are some best SEO case study that actually worked

Encourage discussion

  • Ask questions to readers, and encourage the writer of the article to answer queries from readers.
  • Participate in healthy discussion, avoid fighting via comments
  • Only talking about what you have to offer doesn’t work, give a glimpse of your expertise so that audience will be able to trust you. 
  • Follow the 80:20 rule, 80% quality content and 20% content about your product or service.

Submitting your content to aggregators is one of the best ways to promote your content and company.

Remember, people won’t read it just because you shared it. The popularity of the post depends on the quality of the content, and sometimes if it is published at the right time.

Be active on the following platforms to improve the chances of getting noticed.

1. Reddit

Despite having an unattractive interface, Reddit remains the most popular content aggregator in the world. You can get any information here. They also have subreddits, where you can share content relating to a particular topic like design, politics, health etc.

Best Content Aggregator Websites (Reddit) - ColorWhistle

2. Webdesigner News

Webdesigner news has designer news about web design, Ux/usability, infographics, typography, resource, and apps. The posts you submit will be approved by the website before it goes live. You can take this website as an inspiration to write new articles or to find out what’s happening in the designer community.

Best Content Aggregator Websites (Web Designer) - ColorWhistle

3. Inbound

Inbound is exclusively dedicated to copywriters and marketers. Some of the popular categories on this website include SEO, copywriting, digital marketing, e-commerce, and startups. Before adding your first post, you have to become an engaging user in this platform. Complete your profile and voice your opinions on popular posts.

Best Content Aggregator Websites (Inbound) - ColorWhistle

4. Hackers news

Hacker News has amazing content relating to web design, web technology, and website development. Only users who are registered can submit content to this aggregator.

Best Content Aggregator Websites (Hacker News) - ColorWhistle

5. Pineapple.io

Pineapple website is apt for people who are interested in web development, programming news, Javascript, web development, web design, CSS, and JQuery. They have three categories- tutorials, tools, and assets. The content you post must be under any one of them.

Best Content Aggregator Websites (Pineapple) - ColorWhistle

6. Stumbleupon

Stumbleupon allows you to discover pages related to your interest. There are many categories such as gadgets, interior design, photoshop etc. You can add your content and assign it to the available categories. Number of thumbs up or thumbs down for post determines its popularity.

Best Content Aggregator Websites (Stumble Upon) - ColorWhistle

7. Digg

Digg is another popular content aggregator who has news about technology, entertainment, sports, and science.

Best Content Aggregator Websites (Digg) - ColorWhistle

8. Delicious

In this platform you need to be very active for your content to pop. Try to follow as many people as possible and publish often.

Best Content Aggregator Websites (Delicious) - ColorWhistle

9. Panda

Panda is an extension that will be very useful for designer and those involved in writing design related content. It draws data from the most popular websites and servers fresh design content every day. Areas covered are – web design, design, web development and many more.

Best Content Aggregator Websites (Panda) - ColorWhistle

10. Alltop

Alltop is one of the best content aggregators, and it also gives you a do follow link to your content. But, it is extremely difficult to get listed in Alltop. Only if your content is of top quality it will get listed on this website.

Best Content Aggregator Websites (Alltop) - ColorWhistle

11. Blogengage

This content aggregator also gives you a do follow link and promotes it on their social media pages. The catch is, you have to pay and get a membership for your posts to get aggregated.

Best Content Aggregator Websites (Blogengage) - ColorWhistle

Best 5 Content Aggregation Tools

Many businesses curate not only company related content but, content from influencers and industries so that they can engage and provide useful information to their audience.

Aggregating and publishing content is a time-consuming process. Luckily, there are content aggregation tools that will help companies share information in an easy way.

Here are some top content aggregation tools that will help to boost content.

1. Trapit

Best Content Aggregation Tools (Trapit) - ColorWhistle

Trap.it pulls third-party content that is relevant from all over the web. It includes industry insights, research, and trends which can be organized as per your reference. You can also easily distribute the aggregated content across social media platforms.

2. BuzzSumo

Top Content Aggregation Tools (Buzzsumo) - ColorWhistle

BuzzSumo is a smart marketing tool that keeps you updated on all the trending topics in the industry. You can search for the topic of your interest and share it across via the dashboard. Also, the “Content Research” section allows you to interact with people sharing the content.

3. ListLy

Top Content Aggregation Tools (Listly) - ColorWhistle

Listly contains top content that is authorized by a community of bloggers and publishers. You can make a cool list of articles and share it on social media and also embed them on your website.

4. ElinkIo

Top Content Aggregation Tools (Elinklo) - ColorWhistle

Elink is an all-in-one content marketing tool that curates, publishes email newsletters and web pages quickly. You can grow your audience and increase engagement. Many marketers, educators, and influencers use it to distribute content on various topics.

5. Tweeted Times

Content Aggregation Tools (TT) - ColorWhistle

Tweeted Times is mostly used by small businesses and personal use. It assists in automating all the content related tasks and also helpful in discovering content online.

Social media content aggregator

Social media aggregator tools help you bring together updates and posts from various social media platforms and curate it in one place. It helps to increase credibility and is a huge advantage for marketing campaigns as it displays actual posts from fans and customers that mention you.

For example, if you are hosting a big event, you create a hashtag for it and start posting on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. While you can track content from one social media platform, you can miss out on others. In such situations, tools will help you.

Here is a list of 2 awesome social media content aggregator tools.

1. RebelMouse

It collects social media posts and converts them into a grid-style page. You can use it to connect to all of the major social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr. RebelMouse is free, but if you want to host the page on your own domain, you have to pay.

2. Paperli

With Paper.li, you can convert social media posts into a digital newspaper. You can curate the content based on keywords, hostages, and specific accounts. It creates a new paper on a daily or weekly basis. Once the paper is ready, it automatically posts it on social media mentioning the original writer of the content. Basic features are free, but if you want stats via Google Analytics and post the paper on the domain of your choice, you have to opt for the paid version.

Looking for Content Marketing Services?

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Content Aggregators – Wrapping up

The whole point of content aggregation is to display quality content that would have been hard to find. As most publishers can’t compete with search engines, content aggregators find such type of content and expose it to the audience.

Content aggregators can really personalize and give readers what is best, not just the stuff that search engines think is best.

Dig deep and find out those articles that are amazing!

How do you gather valuable content and share it with your community? Do share your thoughts in the comments section.

If you need any professional help in creating an online space, you can contact us or call +1 (210) 787-3600 our ColorWhistle team. We are happy to offer our assistance.

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Sankarnarayan. R
About the Author - Sankarnarayan. R

The founder and mastermind behind ColorWhistle is Sankarnarayan, a professional with over fourteen years of experience and a passion for website design services and digital marketing services. At ColorWhistle, our team has a wide range of skills and expertise and we always put our clients’ satisfaction first. This is what sets us apart from the competition – an eye for detail and the best website development services from the start to the completion of your project.


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