Impact of AI in Digital Marketing – What’s in Store?

AI (artificial intelligence) is poised to be one of the pivotal advancements in technology this year, with immense potential in the realm of digital marketing, closely intertwined with machine learning. To leverage the power of AI in your digital marketing efforts, partnering with a reputable digital marketing company can provide invaluable expertise and insights.

According to Forbes 84% of marketing organizations have implemented AI and machine learning in 2018”. This is because AI can deliver improved customer experience and can save both time and money.

In this blog, we have discussed various digital marketing channels in which AI will bring out notable differences.

Let’s get started!

Impact of AI in Digital Marketing (Long Read alert) - ColorWhistle

Table of Content:

Artificial intelligence in SEO

Machine learning can automatically handle some daily SEO tasks, like data analysis and reporting. This doesn’t mean that SEO experts will be out of job. Instead, it means that machine learning will help SEO professionals get more efficient results, quickly.

In this complex environment, SEO professionals have to be well-prepared as AI will have a major impact on the below areas

  • Keywords – Gathering and grouping the search queries of the people in depth and understanding the types of searches are important rather than focusing on keywords. As AI will be conversational, the importance of keywords will be reduced
  • Alexa, Siri, and Google assistants have increased the need for voice search. So, content must be more voice search friendly
  • AI – powered chatbots for immediate support

An effective SEO strategy takes time to show favorable results. It can gather data, identify cross-selling audience segments and track audience behavior by determining the relevance and effectiveness of the content.

AI tools for SEO

Artificial Intelligence in Content Marketing

Every business should deliver high-quality content in the competitive online space. If you are not getting ready for this upcoming year then your ROI will get reduced day by day. Hence, understand the importance of including AI in your content marketing strategies in the future. There are some key approaches of artificial intelligence that can add value to content marketing strategies. They are,

  • Content generation – Unknowingly, you might have read content generated by a machine. This business strategy is one of the most simple ways which can reduce the demand for content. Large corporations such as Yahoo, Samsung, and Fox already use AI for this exact purpose.
  • Predictive analysis – Most of the business are increasing their ROI by predictive analysis and lead scoring. A lead score will help marketers to determine where a customer converts. Predictive analysis will help marketers to determine which user to target.

Also, AI has functionalities which ensure that content marketers can increase productivity, gain an in-depth understanding of their target audiences, provide a more personalized brand experience to the customers. AI offers a better customer experience along with increased ROI.

AI Tools for Content Marketing

  • Acrolinx – For analyzing and suggesting orthographic, grammar, and stylistic tips for texts.
  • Grammarly – For proofreading and providing grammar suggestions, synonyms and more.

Email Marketing With Artificial Intelligence

In email marketing, marketers have to conduct a significant amount of A/B testing to determine the most effective content, offers, and frequency for each individual subscriber. Alternatively, the right AI tools have the potential to automate and optimize several features of email marketing like content, send times, frequency, and more which helps you to maximize the engagement and conversions. Below are the strategies by which you can optimize your email marketing according to AI.

  • Email content – Marketers test multiple combinations of the email content in the body, subject lines, images within the layout and more to determine what performs best. These processes are made easier by AI where it allows you to find out which combination of content performs better.
  • Frequency and send times – Every marketer relies on the best time of the day to send marketing emails. As every individual has different habits and preferences for checking and engaging with email, this strategy may or may not work for everybody. In this case, AI monitors each subscriber’s engagement history and determines the ideal send time and day. As machine learning can understand preferences of subscribers it will maximize engagement and conversions.
  • Promotions – Often, business miss opportunities by offering wrong promotions to subscribers. Some of them may be satisfied with low offers like 20% and some may expect up to 50%. It seems to be impossible to predict these tricky things but, a right AI tool can collect information from consumer purchase history and will predict their expectations. So, AI technology can help you to drive more revenue from your promotional campaigns.

AI Email Marketing Tools

  • Sendinblue – For email and phone support, API plugins and integrations.
  • Intercom – For personalized email automation.
  • Crystal – For determining the personality of an individual.
  • Conversica – For marketing and real-conversions.

Future of Artificial Intelligence in Social Media Marketing and Management

In today’s world, everyone is active on social media. An AI tool understands and monitors customer habits like how long they spend time online, the products they like more, and so on. Here are some strategies to follow that can give a good potential for success.

  • Better CRM – Marketers may miss some piece information which is hidden in plain view in various mediums like emails, phone calls, social media posts, comments and so on. With artificial intelligence, you can get the right information which leads you towards successful conversion.
  • Aligning according to buyer persona – Identifying the buyer persona will be challenging for marketers where AI can help to separate the audience according to their personas. AI can determine the type of content for blog posts, whitepapers, videos, case studies, and more that can help customers. This may satisfy customers by providing them with the right content at the right time.
  • Social sentiment analysis – Tracking all the posts and ads and examining them on different platforms may be complex and this process may consume the time of marketers a lot. Hence, using AI, chatbots can be created. This makes the tracking process simple and improves the analysis phase.

AI Social Media Management Tools

  • Rocco – For content suggestions as per customer interest.
  • Sysomos – For searching, analyzing, discovering, and engaging customers.
  • Conversocial – For delivering great customer experience.
  • Skorr – For measuring your influence providing a vision of all your social media accounts.

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Affiliate Marketing

Recruiting affiliates can be made easier by AI which can reduce the work of marketers. Upon noticing the programme and affiliates available on an existing programme, the AI technology recommends the suitable affiliates for business and performs administrative tasks quickly. Although AI tools may help in identifying affiliates, humans are required to determine and select suitable opportunities based on client’s needs at a specific time.

  • Performance analyzing – A marketer cannot view everything obvious and this is where AI comes in. The AI algorithm learns and analyzes the performance of all the campaigns which can help you to select the best affiliates.
  • New audiences – Reaching a new customer is one of the difficult processes. There are AI tools which can explore potential new audiences for you. By utilizing the AI tools properly you can bring great results.

AI Affiliate Marketing Software

Here are some tools that combine artificial intelligence and machine learning to make your marketing smarter, more efficient and effective.

  • Acquisio Turing – For optimizing budget efficiency, getting more relevant clicks, and better digital campaign management.
  • Atomic Reach – For understanding the content performance and quality.
  • Automat – For optimizing conversions, maintaining data privacy, scalability, and robustness.
  • Bloomreach – For building, extending, personalizing, testing and optimizing the digital experience across all channels.
  • Boost Linguistics – For making your content smarter and emotional to engage your audience.
  • CaliberMind – For increasing revenue and strengthening user experience.
  • CONCURED – For analyzing customer behavior, maximizing the engagement, and ROI.
  • CORTEX – For improving post engagement.
  • Crayon – For tracking competitors, analyzing, and optimizing marketing campaigns.
  • Datorama – For maintaining data and reporting across different channels.
  • Demandbase ABM – For targeting, engaging and converting customers.
  • Drift – For connecting the business with best leads in real-time.
  • Emarsys – For understanding each contact as an individual customer and executing highly personalized campaigns.
  • FindTheRipple – For creating content with impact, finding trends, and resonating digital assets for the target audience.
  • Genie – For predicting the customer’s purchase behavior and determining the right message, time and platform.
  • Google Cloud AI – For building chatbots, analyzing videos, images, text and more.
  • HubSpot – For discovering and validating fresh content ideas that can perform well in all the channels.
  • IBM Watson – For analyzing customer experience, personalizing, and advertising. Conclusion

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Artificial intelligence is an emerging technology which can improve a vast number of fields in digital marketing. The implementation of AI in digital marketing can make things easier for both brands and customers. AI and digital marketing services together will help brands to deliver improved customer experience and will ensure faster problem-solving for customers.

Hence, make use of all the artificial intelligence tools and software that provides endless benefits and build up your business.

If you feel that you have been benefited by any of the AI technology in your digital marketing efforts, share your experiences in the comments section below.

CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.


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