Latest SEO Trends Businesses Need to Know

Would you like to enhance your presence on SERPs? Then, it’s inevitable to check out the SEO trends for 2024. This is why, because, though there are many search engines, statistics prove that, as per February 2023, Google’s market share is 90.88% making it the most used search engine in the world compared to others.

With that being said, since its inception, Google has updated its algorithms frequently and many times, including its latest update – ‘Helpful Content Update”. So, to stay on the queue, you should be up-to-date with the SEO trends that are rolling out in 2024 and beyond.

As a SEO services agency, from our research and previous experiences, we’ve curated the SEO trends for 2024 in this blog.

Explore the SEO trends for 2024.

SEO Trends : Optimize for Voice Search - ColorWhistle

Voice search is the best option that provides a convenient way for users to search. Optimizing for Voice search is one of the highly emerging trends in the search world. Long before the introduction of voice search, the internet users searched for information typing on the keyboard.

A study from DigitalMovers states that the accuracy of voice search has grown to 95%.  It is something that all SEO experts must keep their eyes on.

But after the evolution of smartphones, tablets, laptops the trend has changed completely. People started surfing the internet using voice search. Currently, there are many voice assistants like Google Home, Amazon Echo, Voice Pod. that people use.

Here are some of the SEO strategies for voice search to implement on your site:

  • Understanding long-tail keywords & phrases
  • Providing concise and relevant answers to FAQs
  • Having prior awareness about what users will ask
  • Develop user-friendly content

If you want to make the best use of the search engines for your business promotions, then it is the right time for you to leverage the voice search technology on your site. 

2. Mobile First

SEO Trends : Optimize for Mobile First - ColorWhistle

Today, the advanced technologies of smartphones are grasping the attention of many users.

According to TechJury, a study says that 84% of searches are done in both computers and tablets whereas 88% of the searches are completed only using smartphones.

The study from the Pew Research Center states that around 81% of Americans own a smartphone.

So, by building your website to be easily accessible from smartphones irrespective of the configuration, you can reap a multitude of benefits. This includes an improved user experience, increased average time on site, and a significant boost to your mobile SEO.

To truly unlock the potential of mobile SEO, consider implementing a well-structured SEO package plan. By optimizing your website for mobile responsiveness and user experience, you can ensure search engines recognize your mobile-friendliness and reward you with better mobile search rankings.

See that your website has a mobile version if you want to reach a massive group of audience in 2024 and beyond.

3. E-A-T Content

SEO Trends : Build High Quality Content - ColorWhistle

As you know that “content is king” marketers incorporate publishing Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness (E-A-T) content into their marketing strategies.

Users come up with their questions to the search engines and that your web page should be the one providing relevant, informative, inspiring content. Only then, Google will rank your page at the top of the SERP.

Your content can actually help in promoting your business indirectly. They are responsible for taking the user to perform the next actions.

These are some of the ways to provide high-quality content:

  • Include headings and subheadings within your content
  • Add appropriate internal & external links inside the blog
  • Research relevant keywords to your topic with keyword planning tools like SpySERP

Thus, providing high-quality content should be the main objective of every marketer through which they meet their end-user.

4. User Experience and Performance

SEO Trends : User Experience Optimization - ColorWhistle

For sure, rendering high-quality content and good experience to the users both go hand in hand. Typically, the loading time of the webpage is also taken into account by the search engines for ranking.

Even though you provide good content on your webpage, suppose if it does not have a user-friendly interface and consumes more time to load, there are high chances for people to bounce out of your page and return to the SERP.

It is proven from the study taken by SalesForce that just a one-second delay in your page load time can decrease your conversion rate by 7%.

Here are some of the factors that disappoint the users,

  • Hard usage of words or phrases in the content
  • No clear guidance for navigation
  • Stuffing of content
  • Absence of attractive infographics, images, videos, etc

5. Artificial Intelligence

SEO Trends : Artificial Intelligence Technology - ColorWhistle

The main objective of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is to offer users more customized and unique experiences.

These are the features responsible for springing-up AI’s growth. It has become a part of everyone’s life and is widely used among various industries like healthcare, education, marketing, and much more.

Even Google has been working on a self-learning algorithm, “Rankbrain” which is used for ranking the pages, and to understand the intention of the user’s search effectively.

Here are some tips for you to use AI in powering your SEO content

  • Find AI tools for SEO – ContentGeniusFX is an application that evaluates the SEO for content topics, also provides recommendations for keywords, search engine optimization and more
  • Focus on writing content related to your businessFAQ Fox, Ubersuggest, Answer the public are some of the tools to find content in an easier way
  • Review the SEO and AI reports periodically – At ColorWhistle we are providing SEO, & content services for marketers

The future of SEO is intelligent. AI-powered SEO services are predicted to become even more sophisticated in 2024 and beyond, with capabilities like understanding and analyzing website testimonials for ranking purposes. These advancements can translate to significant increases in traffic and leads for your business. While SEO costs can vary depending on the chosen strategy and provider, investing in AI-powered solutions can lead to a more efficient and targeted approach, potentially reducing overall SEO spend in the long run.

6. CTR and Dwell Time Will Become Important Ranking Factors

Today, many people are wishing to use the internet connection at a lightning speed. It has become a simple thing to fetch information with just one click in the search tab.

Search engines like Google, calculate the CTR and the dwell time of the users on the site before bouncing out for SEO ranking.

Therefore, Google recognizes a site to be at the top of its SERP, if that particular site calculates more amount of CTR & dwell time of the users.

So, it is of no wonder click-through rate(CTR) metrics will go trending in SEO in the coming years.

7. Snippets Dominate More Search Clicks

Featured snippets or answer boxes will help you with the challenges you face in the SEO ranking of your website. These are placed in the ‘0’th position above the number 1 organic search result.

It is advised not to take this trend as a light thing, here is a stat from SearchEnginePeople to surprise you, it says that 54.68% of clicks from Google originate from featured snippets.

In today’s faster world, no one is mindful to search for results scrolling down the SERP’s but go for the results at the top of the SERP. This is where feature snippet gives opportunities for working incredibly.

Interesting stats:

  • Ben Goodsell reports that the click-through rate (CTR) on a featured page increased from two percent to eight percent once it’s placed in an answer box, with revenue from organic traffic increasing by 677%.
  • Eric Enge highlights a 20–30% increase in traffic for while they held the featured snippet for the query.

So, you can leverage this SEO trend by providing relevant, authoritative, informative answers to the queries.

Also Read

8. Secure Websites Are a Must

The last and the most important SEO trend is security. It does not have any direct impact on the SEO part but security will be taken into account while considering the user experiences.

To illustrate, visitors will abruptly bounce out of your page if it is throwing a security alert message.

Here’s where a comprehensive SEO strategy comes in. Many SEO Packages prioritize website security as a foundational element. By investing in a secure website, you not only ensure a positive user experience but also avoid potential penalties associated with security vulnerabilities.

Eventually, the high bounce rates will impact the position of your page in the organic search listing.

To protect your online identity and personal information, your sites should be embedded with security options. According to Web Fundamentals, “HTTPS help prevent intruders from tampering with the communications between your websites and your users’ browsers.”

Therefore, search engines like Google prefer to give users a secure user experience. So sites that implement the HTTPS may get top ranks.

Looking for SEO Services?

Seize and experience the transformative impact of SEO Services & Solutions with ColorWhistle.

Search engines like Google are finding many tricky ways to learn more about the user’s search intention.

SEO, for sure, is advancing at a high pace. Whatever may be the niche or industry you belong to, SEO plays a major role in enhancing your products and services.

Hope this will help in generating more traffic to your site. Stay tuned with ColorWhistle to get regular updates of the SEO trends. If you need any help with SEO activities, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our SEO services company experts at ColorWhistle are always ready to help you reach your goals.

CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.


  1. Hello Pavithra Samuel,
    You wrote a very informative blog on SEO trends and this is an interesting blog. you have mentioned all the latest trends in the article. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I appreciate your sharing. It was a good article. Quite impressive and surely be of great assistance to the public.

  3. Your blog is a fantastic resource for businesses looking to stay ahead in the SEO game. Your insights are on point, and your tips are actionable. Keep up the great work!

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