FAQs on Web App Development

FAQs on web app development can be an eye-opener for you to learn the working, specifications, importance, development cost, and whatnot.

  • Are you a young developer freshly starting your career in the web app development?
  • Are you a B2B partner looking to collaborate with a web app development agency?
  • Are you a business person who wanted a web app for your business?

No matter who you’re, this FAQs on web app development blog can serve you with crisp & clear answers! Give a read on the entire blog and make optimal decisions in your web app development project.

21+ FAQ’s on Web App Development

1. What are the platforms available for developing web apps?  

With a wide range of web apps emerging daily in the market, you’ve overwhelming options for web app development platforms to choose from. 

  • Angular JS developed by Misko Hevery at Google; Popular brands built – Netflix, Amazon, PayPal, etc.
  • ASP.NET developed by Microsoft; Popular brands built – Slack, Alibaba, MasterCard, etc.
  • Ruby on Rails developed by David Heinemeier Hansson; Popular brands built – Airbnb, Shopify, Zendesk, etc. 
  • React was built by Jordan Walke, at Meta; Popular brands built – Facebook Ads, Instagram, etc.

Based on your expertise in web app frameworks and requirements such as user experience, security, scalability, and so on, you can make the selection. Otherwise, leave it in the hands of the web app development agency you collaborate with.  

2. How long will it take to completely develop a web app?

The timeline will depend upon certain criteria such as requirements, complexity, available resources, expertise, etc. So, it’s quite hard to predict an actual range for every web app development project. 

It entirely depends on the scope of the project. However, on an average, it takes 4-5 months to build a web app from scratch. Else, if you’ve all the modules ready for the web app, it might take a period of 3-4 months.  

By communicating your requirements precisely to your web app development partners, you can possibly optimize the time period. 

3. What are the different stages in the web app development process?

To develop a full-featured web app, it should go around 7 different stages. We’ve highlighted below the workflow of web app development from the start. 

  • Stage 1: Gather your requirements  
  • Stage 2: Design the wireframe mockups
  • Stage 3: Add interactive elements & functionalities 
  • Stage 4: Develop the front-end and back-end of the web app through coding 
  • Stage 5: Add content to all sections 
  • Stage 6: Web app testing and QA
  • Stage 7: Post-launch maintenance of the web app

Make sure the web app development agency you partner with follows this workflow so nothing gets messed up.

4. How much will a web app development cost? 

The actual cost of developing a web app totally depends on the complexity & requirements of the project. We can just track the average price ranges. If your web app project is simple, then it ranges on an average between $15,000-$50,000. If your project has more complications, it might cost around $50,000-$150,000.

If you’ve unique requirements and are looking to request a custom quote, then checkout to this link.  

5. How many types of web apps do you develop?

Web apps are of different types including, 

  • Static web apps
  • Dynamic web apps
  • Single-page web apps
  • Multiple page web apps
  • Content management systems 
  • Portal web apps
  • Progressive web apps
  • E-commerce web apps
  • Animated web apps

And, our web app developers are specialized in building all these web app types efficiently. 

6. To what industries do you offer web app development services? 

It’s good to collaborate with a web app development agency, when you don’t have the expertise or time to concentrate on development activities. But one thing you must focus on is, the web app development agency you partner with should have the experience specifically in your niche. 

We at ColorWhistle, have a profound experience and skillset in web app development. Not only that, our experience with multiple clients belonging to different industries such as education, healthcare, travel, real estate, finance, e-commerce, and a lot more will help us find the best solution for you! 

7. How long have you been providing web app development services? 

As you partner with a web app development agency, you should note their presence in this field. Going through their portfolios, experience with clients, customer reviews, and case studies is important. And, noting down on how long they’ve been providing web app development services is equally important. 

At ColorWhistle, we’ve been in the web app development industry for more than 8+ years now. To explore our accomplishments in web app development, you can checkout our portfolio items. So, you can rely upon us for your web app development needs.  

8. Which programming technologies are you experts at?  

When it comes to web apps, there is client-side (front-end) and server-side (back-end) programming tech stack. Technology and tools play a pivotal role in web app development. 

The functionalities, user interface, interactions, and whatever implication you do, everything will solely rely upon the tech programming stack. So, when you decide on a web app for your business,  you should have a basic understanding of the tech stack available in the market. 

Here, at ColorWhistle, we use HTML and CSS for front-end and for back-end we use Java, PHP, and JavaScript.

9. Do you provide web app maintenance services? 

Like how you maintain your new car/home, it’s equally crucial to maintain your web app. You don’t stop by just buying a new car/home, you regularly clean, paint, fix the repairs, and so on. 

Similarly, a web app should be maintained frequently. You should check for software updates, fix bugs, and more for an optimal performance of your web app. It’s not possible without the help of a developer. So, it’s good if you confirm with your agency whether they will take care of the maintenance work. 

At ColorWhistle, we provide web app maintenance services, where we’ll be resolving bug fixes, speed optimization, software updates, database management, and many more.  

10. I only want to revamp my existing web app? Can I get it done? 

It’s good that you’ve decided to revamp your existing web app. A perfect revamp can shower many blessings on you like traffic growth, SEO visibility and will help you stay in-line with the trends. 

Making a successful revamp is in the hands of the developer. You can find out a well-experienced web app development service provider, by the steps they take. Before revamping, professional developers will take backups, review the existing web app, track the performance, and so on. 

ColorWhistle is one such web app development agency that takes responsibility and gives a refreshing look to your existing web app.

11. What are the extra efforts required to build a web app compatible across all devices & browsers?

Today, people are consuming content from the internet on different devices & browsers. So, making your web app fit into all browsers, screen types & resolutions is the need of the hour. When your web app is not compatible, then user engagement and bounce rate will be the major issues. 

To make your web app browser-screen-friendly, the developers will implement the coding accordingly. Owing to the perks of web app compatibility, we at ColorWhistle, build apps that sit well across browsers & devices catering to your needs.        

12. Do you sign NDAs?  

As you’re signing up with an agency for your web app development project, you’ll have to share your private details like phone number, login credentials, end-client’s details and so on. To give you an assurance of data security, the agency will sign an NDA with you.   

Non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is a sensitive concern in web app development. This is a sign of accordance between you and the agency for your data without being vulnerable to thefts or fraudulent activities.  

As your reliable web app partners, we at ColorWhistle, are so concerned about your privacy & data security. Before we start with the operations, as first things first, we sign proper NDAs with our clients & partners, so you can rest assured that your data is in safer hands. 

13. How can I retain users on my web app? 

For a web app to be active, both traffic and engagement matters. If your web app has appreciable figures for traffic as well as high bounce rate. Then, you should apply various interactions to keep your users engaged. 

User retention will rely on how well you interact and engage with your users on the web app. For that, developers follow various strategies such as load time optimization, content readability enhancement, animations, live chat interactions, videos, and many more.  

14. How do I begin my project with you? 

Every long journey starts with a single step. And, that single step is, you reaching out to us! 

You can reach out to our ColorWhistle team through phone, email, social media, or form submission. Our sales person will have an initial talk with you to understand your expectations. Then, connect you with our web app development team. Once the discussion gets over, our developers will do a lot of brainstorming & web research on how to take the project forward. 

From there the long journey begins. 🙂

15. Do I need to pay for a full-time team even when I hire one for just the enhancement of my web app?

At ColorWhistle, as you sign-up to our web app development services, we will appoint a dedicated team to handle, no matter, whether a new web app development or revamp project. The team will have a project manager, lead, and developers. 

Based on your requirements, we will come up with a bespoke pricing plan that incur time, material, and resources charges as well. Apart from that, we don’t incur any other charges from you unless and otherwise there is a need like plugin purchase or any other additional requirements.

16. How will I know about the status of my project?

Communication is the key in a web app development project. A professional web app development team will be highly-collaborative communicating everything to you. At ColorWhistle, we don’t perform any simple task without your knowledge. 

At the commencing of your project, we will split and set short & big milestones. Once achieving the specific milestone, we will convey you the project status. So, you need not worry, we will not leave you isolated in the dark room. Our team will connect on a call once in three days or twice a week to keep you informed of what’s happening in the background. 

17. Do you consult your clients at every stage of a project or revert to them only when you have turned it around? 

Ofcourse, we do. Just like that, as you’ve given your project in our hands, we don’t take full ownership. Whenever we have a suggestion, we properly communicate it with you and make you understand the purpose. Only after getting an approval from your end, we will proceed further.

18. I don’t have a complete idea. Can you help? 

Definitely. We’re actually excited about it. We’ve seen so many clients approaching us with just a plain statement – “We need a web app for our business”. With an empathetic tone, we will make them understand the importance of a web app and enquire about their niche, business history, target demographics, and other business-related information.

Taking heed to all these, we will come up with a custom solution. So, if you don’t have an idea, no regrets, we will help you sort it out. 

19. Can you help me in marketing and launching my app? 

Certainly. ColorWhistle is an end-to-end digital service provider offering white-label B2B support too. Once your web app is live, we can lend our supporting arm to your digital marketing & online promotion.

Through blogs, social media posts, SEO, and other digital marketing activities, we will establish your mark in the online space. 

20. How much does a server for an app cost?

For a web app to perform, a web server, application server, and database is required. A web server will receive the request from the user and the application server will process the request. The database will store the details. 

On an average, a web server costs between $70-$320 per month. Some web servers will have yearly subscriptions too. Based on the server you choose, pricing may slightly differ.

Sure, we will. All you’ve to do is, drop us a message or give us a call +1 (210) 787 3600 anytime. We will clarify your doubts! 

Collection of other FAQ blogs for more information

Be unrestricted to click the other trendy FAQ writes that suits your needs the best!

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CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.

One thought on “FAQs on Web App Development

  1. “Web app development can raise many questions. FAQs may include inquiries about the development process, technologies used, cost considerations, timeframes, maintenance, and security. It’s important to gather the right information before starting a project.”

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