Content Marketing Trends and Statistics

If you’ve clicked on this blog post, then maybe, you’re a  

  • Copywriter trying to create content that searchers & search engines love (or) 
  • Businessperson of any niche looking to furbish your content marketing strategy (or) 
  • Typical reader exploring the latest updates of content marketing…

No matter under which category you fall in, staying up-to-date on the current content marketing trends will help you revise your content strategy.

With thousands of content being published on the web every millisecond, on top of creating and publishing the content, you should always have a plan & purpose. The actual game-changer is not your content, but your strategy, so don’t end up dumping one on the masses. 

For the sole purpose of refurbishing your content strategy, here, we’ve rounded off a few amazing content marketing trends that are rolling out in 2024. 

Let’s learn some tricks of holding the breath under the waters.

Content Marketing can be a Blessing to Your Business!

Traditional marketing talks at people whereas content marketing talks with them.

Did you know?

The top three roles marketing leaders have prioritized for hiring in 2022 are content creators, content marketing managers, and content strategists. 

Everything you see, hear, and read on the web today is content but not everything relates to content marketing!  

TV ads, YouTube videos, Instagram reels, tweets, feeds, comments, radio commercials, brochures, and newspaper articles, are all CONTENT.       

This is how Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing 

A strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience and ultimately to drive profitable customer action.”

In other words, content marketing incorporates any form of content created solely for the purpose of educating the audience and driving them to take action that ‘you’ want them to.

Seth Godin, the Godfather of Modern Marketing, in one of his books called – Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers into Friends and Friends into Customers draws a distinction between “permission” and “interruption” marketing.     

Traditional Marketing – Interruption Marketing

“Playing a TV ad in the middle of an interesting cricket match”. 

You might not be sure whether your ad reached your intended audience or not. It will ever remain a mystery to you! 😮 

Content Marketing – Permission Marketing

“Publishing an in-depth article on a much-needed topic”. 

You can fetch the exact details of – How many read your article? From which regions are they from? With what intent they’re reading?

Yeah, Google has heard your query! 🙂 

There is a saying like this – “Creating content for searchers, not for search engines”, but we would tweak it – “Creating content for searchers & search engines”. 

End of the day your content must have done the needful for the readers. But, how? 

The best possible way to showcase your content to your readers is through search engines. Because users while searching for something, whatever it may be like – “How about today’s weather”? “Top 10 tourist places in the world”… 

Right from simple cupcake recipes to international politics, today the searcher’s first choice to look out for answers is – “SEARCH ENGINES”. The web acts as a ‘powerhouse of information’ and it’s the search engine that filters the right content with exact matches to the query. 

Therefore, don’t miss the important step of optimizing your content for search engines, only then your target users will be able to look at your content on the vast-wide web.  

Look for an interesting topic…

Sit down to create the best relatable, readable, trustable, & shareable content…

Don’t miss out on promoting your content on search engines… 

Fly out seeking the next topic…     

When we talk about content marketing trends, all of these below will be on the list as default.

  • Quality & informative content
  • User-intended, empathetic, and educational content that best align with your users’ needs, pain points, and social issues 
  • Search engine optimization – Mobile optimization, linking, organic SEO, PPC ads, keywords usage, etc.
  • Storytelling & consistency are the keys
  • Interactive content on webpages and social media 
  • Personalized campaigns – Account-Based Marketing (ABM)
  • Collaboration with micro & macro influencers

And many more…

But, in this post, we’ve not flooded you with all those random content marketing trends you find on the internet. 

Going a step ahead, we’ve curated the different types of content and the formats that are trending in 2024 Try these trendy content formats in today’s content-centric era.

1. Readers’ Thirst behind GATED Content 

Here, what we call ‘gated content’ is – long-form articles, guides, blog posts, case studies, e-books, PDFs, newsletters, portfolios, etc. Simply by reinforcing the curiosity of your readers through creative headings/descriptions, you can turn a typical visitor into a subscriber!


Blogs, either short or long, will never get lost in the content marketing strategies. This blogging practice will only aging like wine! The majority of users are reading blogs multiple times per week and have purchased something from a brand after reading the company’s blog. Besides acquiring user engagement and optimal conversions, through blogs you can ultimately harness the power of search discoverability as well.

Case studies

Case studies are the most precious pearl in the content marketing diadem. Mentioning the challenges, solutions implemented and the results obtained indicate a sign of proving to your audience how your products and services are helping people out there. Further, converting the case studies into PDFs helps users read them at their convenient time.


83% of B2B marketers use email newsletters for content marketing. Through newsletters, you’ll be able to send relevant and valuable information to your network of customers, prospects, and subscribers directly to their emails.


To showcase your performance, efforts, and works to your target users, portfolios can be used. It serves as a wonder-working persuasive material that has possible opportunities in influencing your target users.


E-books are a great form of content strategy. It can be used as gated content and you can get valuable details of your prospects to further reach out to them.

2. VIDEO Content, the Morning Star

The emerging trends of Instagram reels, YouTube shorts, Whatsapp stories, Snapchat, etc., have triggered many of us to fall in love with these 30-seconds, 1-minute short video content. Infact, these might have become our stress-busters where we end-up scrolling ‘what’s next’? forgetting even ‘what’s happening around’? 

If you’re smiling, then it’s a sign that you’re also a VIDEO PLAYER! 😉 

These kinda short videos are a fantastic content format to use on your webpages as it consumes less bandwidth to create, edit, and publish. As of the 2022 report, an average person spends about 100 minutes per day watching online videos.   

Neil Patel CMO and Co-founder of NP Digital says, “Video creates a deeper connection with your potential customer base and it is easy for brands to repurpose video content into podcasts and text-based content”.

In today’s fast-paced age, we all have come short of time and attention spans, therefore, creating content to-the-point shows how much you value your viewers’ time. On top of that, you help them learn something useful in a very short time.       

Make sure you place effective call-to-action (CTA) on the videos for your audience to make a decision instantly without switching to other pages.  

Further, after the onset of the pandemic, people became more obsessed with virtual events such as live streaming, online workshops, webinars, video conferencing, and so on. This would remain to be a trend in 2024 as well.

3. There is a Bright Future for VOICE Content

Similar to videos, voice-enabled content has also over-ranked text content, and it’s made possible with the evolution of podcasts. Since audio content doesn’t demand people to sit and spend some dedicated time like reading an article, alternatively it has got special mentions. 

Many people are listening to podcasts while traveling, cooking, eating, and even while using restrooms. Not kidding!   

HubSpot’s recent survey reports that 80% of marketers are planning to invest the same or more of their budget into podcasts and audio content in 2022. That’s of course a tremendous number! It’s time to embrace podcast content format into your marketing strategy. 

Besides podcasts, there is another rising trend – ‘Voice-driven Content’ in content marketing. Since today’s millennials and Generation Z are well-practiced with voice-assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, they’re not in the mood to type and get answers.

Content Marketing Trends and Statistics (Voice Assistant Users) - ColorWhistle

Instead, they’re excited about the interactive & quickest format of ‘raising a question’. You may think, what is it going to do with my content planning? Here, we’ll make it clear to you. 

Users’ queries are in the form of questions and not statements, so your webpage content has to be optimized in such a way that incorporates the queries into your content.  

For example, rather than writing content for keywords like “Top brands logos – Google, Amazon” your content must cater to questions like – “Hey Google, what’s the logo of Amazon”?

4. Never-fading Love toward VISUALS

As a matter of fact, well-designed visual content tends to be a treat to the human eyes. These attractive images will just push your potential audience forward along the buyer’s journey. 

Adding more visual content, in particular, infographics was a very famous trend in 2023 which will continue in 2024 as well. Infographics, the graphic representations of valuable insights have become the preferred choice of users to scan and acquire the information in a matter of minutes.   

Simply by taking a glance at your infographic, you help your users engage, gain information, and understand quickly what you’re showcasing.

“MIT neuroscientists determined that the brain can identify images seen for as little as 13 milliseconds”.

Look at how Starbucks does branding with appealing backdrops & visuals.  

Content Marketing Trends and Statistics (Starbucks) - ColorWhistle

And, a big thanks to the amazing feature – ‘visual search’ where people can just search on an image alone without any text or voice. 

Pinterest, Google Images, and many image-centric platforms have ignited the popularity of visual content. According to recent research, visual searches and visual recognition capabilities will continue to grow well into 2025 and will become an approximately 40 billion dollar industry. 

Now all you’ve to do is power your webpages, social handles, pamphlets, and all marketing touchpoints with images that will get traffic to your site when users search with an image.  

5. Spotlight Falls on AR-Powered Content 

Augmented Reality (AR) is not new to the market, they’re already raising the bars high in e-commerce & real-estate marketing. This trend is seeking to place its tiptoe in content marketing.

Did you know?

93.3 million people are using augmented reality at least once per month in 2021.

See how a makeup brand, L’Oreal published AR-powered content. By partnering with app developer ModiFace, it built an AR-enabled mirror that allowed customers to test products  virtually like applying lipsticks, eyeshadows, and foundations to their faces. 

Content Marketing Trends and Statistics (Spotlight Falls on AR-Powered Content) - ColorWhistle

Amaze your audience with new content experiences – AR will help you move ahead of competitors in 2024.

6. Welcome the Future with AI-Enabled Content  

Artificial Intelligence (AI) helps content marketing in, 

  • Creating blog posts optimized for SEO, readability, and without grammar errors and automated publishing    
  • Checking plagiarism and grammar of your content
  • Incorporating bots with chat-scripts 
  • Designing ad copies, buyer personas, and more

In 2024, marketers will work on more experimentations with AI capabilities and explore what all it can do for content marketing.

By now, you might have got clarity on how to devise a content marketing strategy in the 21st century after looking at the trends. To further help you in devising a master-plan, we’ve listed a few amazing content marketing statistics that align with the above trends.   

  • Content Marketing Institute found that 88% of B2B companies use content marketing
  • Hubspot’s State of Inbound report reveals that for more than half of the marketers, content creation is a top priority
  • Content marketing provides conversion rates about 6 times higher than other digital marketing methods. (ABG Essentials)
  • Engagement starts to drop for posts with a reading time longer than seven minutes 
  • According to 74% of companies surveyed, content marketing has increased their marketing leads, both in quantity and quality. (Curata)
  • Average site conversion rates can be doubled with content marketing efforts
  • More than 60% of United States online consumers decided to make a purchase after reading recommendations in a blog. 79% of people say they’ve been convinced to buy or download a piece of software or app by watching a video
  • According to Hubspot research, 70% of marketers actively invest in content marketing
  • How-to articles are the most popular content formats (77%), followed by news and trends (49%), and guides and ebooks (47%)

Blogs: 92% of content marketers use blog posts as part of their marketing strategy

Case studies: 78% of B2B buyers make case studies a part of their decision-making process

Newsletters: 81% of B2B marketers say their most used form of content marketing is email newsletters

Shorts videos: 69% of people say they’d most prefer to learn about a new product or service by watching a short video

Live streaming: 82% of viewers say they prefer to watch a live broadcast rather than the social posts of a brand

Webinars: 73% of B2B marketers say a webinar is the best way to generate high-quality leads

Video/web conferencing: Among the survey conducted among 2000 business professionals, 67% of companies that are increasing their spending plan to invest in web conferencing software 

Podcast: 63% of podcast listeners have purchased something that a podcast host has promoted

Infographics: 45% of marketers who leverage content marketing use infographics

AI-powered content: 79% of content marketers think that the use of artificial intelligence has made their tasks effortless and more effective

Looking for Content Marketing Services?

Seize and experience the transformative impact of your business with ColorWhistle’s Content Marketing Services.

Content marketing doesn’t solely rely on starting a blog or building a website or promoting on social media or designing a landing page. It’s a cohesive approach to all these.  

Back in 2006 when HubSpot was just a startup earned the name “one of the top CRM software companies” only through its original content. They were able to generate 75% leads through content.  

Certainly, in real-time, it might involve your massive efforts and moreover, you may have to wait for days, sometimes months to experience the results.   

Just foresee the impact of your content marketing efforts on your business. Don’t give up. Consistency coupled with the quality is the prime key and just ensure you’re doing it. As you keep performing, expected outcomes would come falling into your plates. 

As an end-note, don’t ever forget about CONTENT PROMOTION. No matter how much quality content you create, if your audience doesn’t recognize its existence, then it would be a nightmare for your business! 

If all these content creation and promotion approaches seem overwhelming to you, do not worry, adhering to the current content marketing trends, tools, & technologies, we can help you! Feel free to reach out to us via call at +1-919-234-5140 or +91-94427-89110 message. We can help you win hearts and likes through content marketing!


James Turner

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CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.


  1. Content is more precious when you are found for original because a lot of readers and users want authentic content and sometimes it is a hard nut to shell. As a reader, I want to read fresh content that provides original news, facts, advantages, disadvantages, and more things. I read your post and I feel it’s fresh content and connected with me during reading. These all upcoming trends are helpful in content marketing growth and success. I appreciate your writing skills and give you a huge thanks.

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