11 Must Have Mobile App Features for Travel and Tourism Industry

Today, mobile applications play an important role in every industry, and travel is no exception.

According to a recent study by eMarketer, travel-based mobile applications are the 7th most downloadable category and 60% of smartphone users prefer using travel applications for planning their leisure tours.

So, travel mobile applications must have a better UI/UX design with certain important features. We have researched and compiled some essential features for a travel application. Let’s take a look at them.

1. Travel Itinerary Generator

Travel itinerary generator is one of the most demanding features in the travel industry. This feature helps users to create a complete travel plan by just adding the location they want to visit.

With this feature, admin can add existing tourist attractions or even add custom landmarks to generate a tour plan for users accordingly. Adding such a complex algorithm feature may sound difficult. Therefore, you need to get the help of professional travel app developers.

Site : Travel Itinerary

2. Geo-Tracking Services

The integration of GPS based location service is one of the important features of travel application development. Tracking services can lock the current location of users and quickly fetch the nearest results. By including this feature you can offer all kinds of services a tourist can avail on a trip.

Additional Information in this Video

GPS Driving Route by VirtualMaze – https://youtu.be/jasXM6Z5dOM

Site : Virtual Maze

3. Weather or Climate Forecasting

Most of the tourists’ book flights and may end up in a plan change due to climate changes. To prevent such situations travel mobile applications with real-time climate forecasting feature can alert the travelers. While creating a travel itinerary, tourists can see the upcoming weather predictions and plan their trip accordingly.

4. In-App Language Translator

An in-app language translator is one of the tricky features to implement in your travel application. In most of the cases, tourist people are not familiar with the regional language of places that they would like to visit. Including this feature can enhance user-experience and let travelers scan texts for visual translation, translate voice, and text messages as well.

5. Currency Rate Converter

Currency converter is one of the essential travel application features. Tourist people suffer a lot while exchanging their currencies. Including this feature can help tourists to know the currency exchange rates. It can also track the current and past variations in currency rates.

Additional Information in this Video

Currency Converter App – https://youtu.be/UYbXTgXF6XE

6. World Clock Time Converter

Including a world clock time converter in your travel application is important because of the crossing time zones. This feature can clear a lot of confusion among tourists and will not let them search for any other time converting applications. Users may find this feature very useful as it calculates the correct clock times for different time zones across the world.

Additional Information in this Video

World Clock – Time Converter – https://youtu.be/I1jCd5rlgwk

7. Location-Based Emergency Services

Location-based emergency service is an important feature that can allow users to contact emergency services irrespective of time and place. The application developer should include the phone number and services based on the categorization of location. This will allow users to get a nearby service.

8. App Service Integration

Vehicle services are one of the essential parts of tourist applications. Every user requires transport service while moving from their destination to hotels or famous tourist places they wish to. If you hire a professional travel app development company they will definitely integrate cab services as it is the base of any travel application.

9. Integrated Social Feed/ Messaging Service

Social media integration plays a major role in application development. Real-time social media integrations will let tourists interact with their friends and followings by sharing their experiences. This will spread as a word of mouth among users and their friends.

10. Trip Reviews from Other Travelers

An application with a review system can gain a viral fan following on offering the best services. By including this feature you can allow users to review a place and share their experience with other travelers. It creates awareness and helps to improve the services of hotels, cafes, and many other businesses.

11. Washroom Finder

Finding restrooms in case of emergency is the basic requirement of travelers. Many travelers might have faced this situation and suffered through it. While developing a travel application, this feature might be a key offering to travelers.

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Bottom Line

The mobile application industry offers lots of applications, but building an application that actually holds a high potential for revenue generation and monetizing is challenging.

In our blog, we have provided all the necessary information you need to know. Leverage the expertise of an experienced mobile application development agency, to tap into unexplored opportunities.

If you would like to get assistance from a professional application development agency, you can reach us. At ColorWhistle, we have dedicated developers who have built many successful applications.

Which is your favorite feature? Do share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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