Top 15 Shopify & Shopify Plus Stats to Know in 2024

From startups to established brands, Shopify and Shopify Plus offer a scalable solution for any e-commerce business. Numbers don’t lie! Knowing the latest statistics about Shopify and Shopify Plus can help understand their dominance and growth.  

In this blog, let’s see the top 15 statistics highlighting the impact and development of Shopify and Shopify Plus in 2024. If you need clarification about the difference between Shopify and Shopify Plus, you must read our blog Shopify vs. Shopify Plus: Essential Features for Merchants to Know

Key Shopify Statistics for 2024

Shopify’s Global Market Share

Shopify accounts for 26% of the global e-commerce market share, making it the most popular technology in the e-commerce platforms category.

Shopify Merchant Growth

There are 1.75 million Shopify merchants.

Projected Shopify Buyers

Shopify sellers will have over 700 million buyers in 2024.

Shopify Apps

Over 8000 applications are available in the Shopify app store.

Shopify’s Global Reach

Shopify powers 4.80 million websites across 175 countries.

Mobile Traffic on Shopify

24.77% of Shopify Traffic Comes From Mobile Devices 

Daily Active Users

Shopify Has More Than 2.1 Million Daily Active Users

Top Brand Using Shopify

Tesla is one of the Biggest Companies Using Shopify

Repeat Purchases on Shopify

Over 50 Percent of Shopify Stores Get Repeat Purchases.

Top Product Category

Over 75K stores sell clothing on Shopify.

Shopify’s Market Distribution

Around 2/3 of Shopify stores are based in the USA.

Key Shopify Plus Statistics for 2024

This section reveals the power of Shopify Plus, the advanced platform designed for enterprise-level businesses.

Number of Shopify Plus Stores

There are 48,426 Shopify Plus stores across 175 countries as of January 2024.

Revenue Range for Shopify Plus Stores

Annual Shopify Plus sales revenues range between $1 million to $500 million

Shopify Plus Merchant Count

More than 13,000 merchants use Shopify Plus.

Growth Rate of Shopify Plus

Shopify Plus grew by an average of 126% year-on-year.

Wrap Up

The statistics of Shopify and Shopify Plus tell why millions of merchants worldwide choose these platforms. Shopify is a platform that continuously innovates to meet all business needs, from startup to enterprise level. Ultimately shopify can become your one-stop solution for your business.

 At ColorWhistle, we have experts in Shopify development service and maintenance services. Whether you need a new store setup, theme customization, or ongoing maintenance, our expert team is here to support you. Contact Us and get your Shopify store ready.

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About the Author - Swathitha

I'm your chill ecommerce writer, creating content that helps you get clicks and sales for your business. My passion for learning keeps me up-to-date on the latest tech trends, which I then incorporate into insightful and engaging blog posts. I enjoy implementing creative concepts and always give my full heart to everything I do. Outside of work, I escape to my garden and create crochet toys.

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