Education Membership Websites, Subscription Websites That Will Inspire You

In today’s tech-savvy era, membership websites or subscription websites help you build an online community with active learners and generate a solid source of income for your e-learning curriculum.

The e-learning membership website you create should value the learners’ journey and provide access to quality and drip-feeding content.

Also, the site should include certain must-have features like an intuitive dashboard, third-party integrations, user-centric form design, and much more.

Though there are so many ideas in creating a membership educational website, it’s good to go through how others have built their sites.

For this, we did complete research and have rounded up some of the best e-learning membership websites for you to take inspiration from.

Top Education Membership Website Inspirations

We have curated these websites based on the must-have features, web design, popularity, ratings, and reviews.

Get ready to take inspiration and indulge in creating education membership websites.

1. Kid Explorer

Education Membership Websites, Subscription Websites Examples (Kid Explorer) - ColorWhistle

Top Features

  • Stripe and PayPal integration
  • Well-answered FAQs
  • Intuitive dashboard
  • UX/UI login design
  • Drip feeding content

2. Khan Academy

Education Membership Websites, Subscription Websites Examples (KhanAcademy) - ColorWhistle

Top Features

  • Intuitive dashboard
  • Automated welcome emails
  • UX/UI form design
  • Multiple membership websites
  • Quality content

3. Kesler Science

Education Membership Websites, Subscription Websites Examples (keslerScience) - ColorWhistle

Top Features

  • Provides monthly and annual subscriptions
  • Sends automated welcome emails
  • Detailed FAQs
  • Intuitive dashboard
  • Custom domains with secure sockets layer (SSL)

4. Online Tai Chi Lessons

Education Membership Websites, Subscription Websites Examples (DrPaulLam) - ColorWhistle

Top Features

  • Properly answered FAQs
  • Intuitive web dashboard
  • Multiple membership
  • payment packages
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • UI/UX form design

5. Dunbar Academy

Education Membership Websites, Subscription Websites Examples (DunbarAcademy) - ColorWhistle

Top Features

  • Affiliate marketing programs
  • Well-answered FAQ listings
  • Perfectly designed welcome email
  • Automatic renewal of subscriptions until cancellation
  • Provides 30-day refund guarantee

6. Personal Development School

Education Membership Websites, Subscription Websites Examples (PersonalDevelopment) - ColorWhistle

Top Features

  • Multiple membership courses
  • Live weekly webinars
  • Community & discussion forums
  • Provides 7-day money-back guarantee
  • Stipe compatibility


Education Membership Websites, Subscription Websites Examples (LasaterYoga) - ColorWhistle

Top Features

  • Intuitive dashboard
  • PayPal & Stripe integration
  • Offers free coupons
  • Custom layout with SSL
  • Multiple courses

8. Sew It Academy

Education Membership Websites, Subscription Websites Examples (SewIt) - ColorWhistle

Top Features

  • Offers free trial & monthly discount packages
  • Well-answered FAQs
  • Multiple courses
  • Instant welcome emails
  • Multiple membership subscription options

9. Coursera

Education Membership Websites, Subscription Websites Examples (Coursera) - ColorWhistle

Top Features

  • Collaboration with IBM, Google, Stanford, and much more
  • Offers free demo
  • Security checkout
  • Multiple membership courses
  • Well-answered FAQs

10. Udemy

Education Membership Websites, Subscription Websites Examples (Udemy) - ColorWhistle

Top Features

  • More than 130K+ online membership courses
  • Free coupons and deals 
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Compatibility with PayPal
  • Intuitive dashboard

Looking for Membership Website Services / Solutions?

Seize and experience the transformative impact of Membership Website Development Services & Solutions with ColorWhistle.

Kickstart Your Education Membership Website Development with ColorWhistle

Hopefully, by now you would have got an idea of how to create a membership website for your e-learning business. If it seems overwhelming to carry on with the education website development process individually, then get help from the experts at ColorWhistle.

Our experience with e-learning clients and knowledge in membership website development will help you build a revenue-generating membership website for your e-learning business. Reach us via message or call +1 (210) 787-3600 at any time. We are ready to join hands with you!

If you want to include any other e-learning membership website in this curated list, then let us know in the comments below. We are happy to hear from you!

CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.

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