Smart Branding and Lead Generation with WordPress Websites

If you are a blogger/small business owner/non-profit organization, you need to start lead generation today in order to grow your brand audience and gain loyal traffic. Even if you have just started with your first blog, still you can bring in more readers through lead generation. If you are yet to start your business, you can bring in leads through “coming soon” pages, which would create anticipation for your visitors.

In this article, we are sharing necessary information about lead generation for WordPress websites and ways to bring in more leads to your business. Consider our expert WordPress development services to help maximize your lead generation efforts.

What is Branding and Lead Generation With WordPress Websites?

Lead generation is all about communication between you and your WordPress website visitors. Getting your potential customers or customers interested in your products/services and collecting their information is “Lead Generation”. The majority of the visitors who visit your WordPress website will never come again. By implementing a strong and effective lead generation, you can collect their information, engage them and try to make conversions.

Based on the type of website, engage your visitors and make them share their information by joining your newsletters, signing up for webinars, etc. Through lead generation, you can create an opportunity to open a communication channel. This way you can start engaging your visitors with freebies, and special offers and try to bring them back to your website.

How To Generate Leads on a Website?

Branding and Lead Generation with WordPress Websites - ColorWhistle

Below are a few tips to generate leads for your website effectively,

  • Record your current status before you begin with lead generation. This would help you in tracking the areas that need improvement
  • Conduct an audit on pages through which you are getting traffic and outreach
  • Evaluate your lead generation sources and find out how much your leads contribute to your business
  • Optimize your landing pages as needed
  • Add forms to the pages that drive traffic to your website
  • Add simple, visible and personalized CTAs
  • Run A/B testing, which can help you with click-through-rates
  • Nurture your leads by sending relevant follow-up emails with quality content

How Can You Make Your Website Technically Better For Branding and Lead Generation? Great tips!

Here are some tips to make your WordPress website technically better for lead generation,

Creating Custom WordPress Pages

Creating custom pages for your website would bring in more lead generation as these are built for specific purposes and will also have less distraction. Using one of the best drag-and-drop WordPress page builders, you can easily create custom pages for your website.

Optimizing Your WordPress Website Content

Always remember that content is the first point of contact for your audience with your website. The content could be a blog, podcast, social media post, or even a video. Ensure that your content is processed with proper SEO techniques and add relevant keywords to the content. Lead generation would start when users are able to find you through your content.

Making Your WordPress Website Responsive

Making your website compatible with different browsers and devices is essential, as it would make your audience feel appealing to the responsiveness of your website.

Adding Forms to Pages With Good Traffic

A good amount of leads would be generated by some of your website’s landing pages, which you might not be aware of. Ensure to track the performance of your lead generators and the pages that are performing well. Once you have found the source of the traffic, check out the pages where they are landing, add forms to those pages to collect your visitor’s information.

Personalizing CTAs

Instead of using regular CTAs, make your CTAs personalized by understanding your visitors’ behavior, and interests. This can help your visitors to provide them with what they want.

Using Simple Online Calculators

Online calculators are good at generating good leads. They are used by all popular blogging niches like travel, finance, fitness and more. The online calculators are used for solving users’ problems and for answering their questions. To get answers for your users questions, they need to provide their email address which would eventually grow your email listing.

Adding a Chatbot to Your Website

Implementing a chatbot to your website can help your visitors to know more about your brand. This can also help in building a good relationship with your visitors and are also available round the clock. The integration of a chatbot can help you with lead generation as they understand users’ preferences and assist them accordingly. In addition to this, integrating your support team with the chatbot can help in resolving complex issues.

Branding and Lead Generation with WordPress Websites - ColorWhistle

Tools That Can Help You Succeed in This Endeavor

LeadPages – Allows you to create custom landing pages, with a variety of high-converting templates. You can easily bring in more leads as you can create customized landing pages for specific audiences.

OptinMonster– It comes with a drag-and-drop builder that enables you to create different opt-in forms. The tool has hundreds of templates allowing you to create customized pop ups, full-screen takeovers, slide-ins, and more. These are stimulating and ideal to capture leads along with their information.

Hello Bar – The tool is a powerful widget that grabs attention and converts leads. You can customize the message, CTA, and position. If you don’t want the bar to be displayed at the top, you can go for sliders, alert bells, and more.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator – If you are connecting with B2B audiences through LinkedIn, this is the best option. This tool allows you to target specific people, companies, and to get engaged with prospects. It integrates with your CRM and also recommends leads based on your preferences. Customized lead and account lists can be built, and there are helpful insights and alerts.

HubSpot – it is a one-stop solution for inbound marketing. You can manage all the processes in a single platform. It also comes with insights that would help in improving your campaigns. It also includes ad management, landing pages, bots, forms and live chat.

Case Studies of Businesses That Have Used Branding and Lead Generation Techniques to Great Effect 

1. New Landing Page With Video Chatbot – Tate Law

Tate law had a normal landing page with information about its founder and a CTA button that took to the video about the process.

Later, the law firm created a new landing page with a clear CTA button (Get My Free Call) that directly takes users to schedule a call.

Branding and Lead Generation with WordPress Websites Via CTA Improvements - ColorWhistle

An interactive video chat box was also added to the website that has an intro video with the text “How Can I Help You?” This will lead users to see the pre-recorded videos, and they are also given an option to schedule a call.

“In the context of a lead generation fulcrum, these two factors [reducing the steps required for the customer to convert and adding video answers to common questions] increase the weight of the perceived value, thus tilting the fulcrum the way we want,”


As a result, with the new landing page, the number of call schedules increased by 654% with a conversion rate of 6.74%. The original landing page has a conversion rate of just 1.03%.

2. Keyword Strategy for Software Company – Ubisense

Ubisense, with an intention to promote the Granter report, launched a Google Ads campaign. The campaign’s expression was around 200 to 500 per month, with CTR between 0.2% to 0.8%. These numbers were not sufficient to guarantee the number of downloads.

At first, keywords were bids that described the product. Here, it was bid for “Granter-related” keywords like, “Gartner magic quadrant, Gartner MQ, and Gartner location services 2020.”

Branding and Lead Generation with WordPress Websites (Complete Keyword Strategy) - ColorWhistle

This did not bring in results as expected.

“A new strategy was needed. This is when I came up with the idea of bidding for keywords that did not describe the product, but issues that the report was solving. So rather than bidding for Gartner-related keywords, I started bidding for real-time location software,”

Stefania Borchia, Digital Marketing Manager, Ubisense

Later it was bid for “RTLS,” “UWB,” “real-time location,” and “indoor location services” (RTLS is an abbreviation for “real-time location software” and UWB is an abbreviation for “ultra wideband”).

Branding and Lead Generation with WordPress Websites (Complete Keyword Guide) - ColorWhistle

This new strategy brought in more numbers: impressions increased tenfold, CTR fivefold, and conversion rate twelvefold.

3. Gym Spends on Facebook Ads – Intent91

The Facebook ad has generated nearly 283 leads for Intent91. After trying a range of options for CTA buttons, they tried out “Learn More” which generated more leads. A video with Lean More CTA drives higher engagement, making it more personalized and is also preferred by the audience.

“We’ve tried a range of different options and have found ‘learn more’ generates more leads, and we are assuming because it’s less demanding and harsh for the consumer and is more enticing”.

Branford, Marketing Executive, Intent91
Branding and Lead Generation with WordPress Websites - Facebook Ads Lead Generation Techniques (Intent) - ColorWhistle

How to Improve Your Website’s Branding and Lead Generation Potentially?

  • Have a structured and well-designed website
  • Create effective landing pages
  • Use contact forms wherever necessary
  • Deliver value immediately
  • Enable social proof and testimonials
  • Implement necessary digital marketing techniques
  • Organize and track your leads

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Start Working For Your Lead Generation Today

Leading generation is not something that happens in a single day. It is an ongoing effort, and you need to evaluate and monitor what is working right for your website and ways to keep improving it. So, keep experimenting with various strategies for lead generation and bring in more conversions to your business. 

Though you have applied the necessary tricks to attract more customers, there is something more beyond lead generation, you should also think about what your visitors expect after their conversions. For this, you need to understand your customers, and their behavior on your website and implement the right strategies for their retention as well as your growth.

Are you looking for guidance on implementing the best lead generation strategies for your website? A professional digital agency can help you with better clarity. This would help to choose the right strategy as well as implement it to keep your growth inclined.

If you are looking for professional assistance, you can contact ColorWhistle by sending us a message or call us at +1 (210) 787-3600, we’ll get back to you at the earliest. We provide services tailored to your requirements that suit your business.

What’s Next?

Now that you’ve had the chance to explore our blog, it’s time to take the next step and see what opportunities await!

About the Author - Varsha

I am a zealous copywriter with an enthusiasm to learn everyday. I am able to diversify my knowledge at CW as I get the opportunity to write for various industries. What I love about writing is the research part when I can explore on the data while googling. I am also experienced in playing with words for the WooCommerce plugins and eCommerce platforms. When am off from writing I love experimenting new dishes and also a booklouse at time.

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