FAQs on WooCommerce Development

FAQs to Ask Your WooCommerce Development Partner  

FAQs on WooCommerce development can be an eye-opener for you to get answers for your what, why, when, and how-type questions.

Are you planning for a Woocommerce development for your business?
Are you a B2B partner looking to collaborate with a website development agency?
Are you a business person looking to enhance your current website?

No matter who you are, these FAQs on the WooCommerce development blog can serve you with crisp & clear answers! Discover the ins and outs of developing with WooCommerce, one of today’s major platforms for successful e-commerce! Give a read on the entire blog and make optimal decisions in your website development journey.

35+ FAQs on WooCommerce Development

1. What is WooCommerce Development?  

WooCommerce is a free and open-source WordPress plugin exclusively used for creating e-commerce websites. With this plugin, you can easily setup your online storefront to sell your physical & digital products and services. WordPress configuration, customization, and maintenance can all be managed on a holistic control.

2. What are the advantages of using the WooCommerce plugin for my e-store? 

As you use WooCommerce, you’ll have access to lot many advantages such as selling products online, intuitive UI, vibrant community, customization options, extensive add-on functionalities, and so on.

3. I already have a well-maintained website and I need a shop feature now. Will you be able to integrate WooCommerce plugin with it?

Usually, an existing website will already hold domain authority. Not to lose it, we would suggest syncing WooCommerce with your current website instead of developing a new e-commerce store. This will help you retain/boost your domain position.

4. I don’t have a website for my business. Can you take care of my website development along with WooCommerce integration?

Definitely! We’re into this web development industry for more than a decade now. For today’s businesses, a website seems to be inevitable, it gives you authority among prospects. 75% of people believe that they judge the credibility of any business through its website. 

At ColorWhistle, we’re with you shoulder-to-shoulder in developing your website from scratch. We will discuss with you to understand your business backstory, the number of products you sell, and their nature. After obtaining clarity on all these, we will brainstorm and come up with an appropriate plan.

5. I’m running a training institute. I offer free & premium courses to my trainees. Will WooCommerce development help me in selling my courses online? 

Why not?! WooCommerce, the flexible e-commerce plugin is exclusively built for selling your physical products as well as digital products online. With WooCommerce development, you can easily turn your website into a ‘store’ and sell your courses either as individual products or as part of a membership program. In addition to payments and custom pricing structures, you have various WooCommerce plugins specifically to serve the needs of online training institutes.

6. I’m manufacturing digital tools. Will I be able to deliver my digital products through WooCommerce integration? 

No matter the nature of what you sell, perhaps physical/digital products/services, integrating WooCommerce will help you sell everything through your website. From creating the catalog to shipping it to the customer, the plugin will empower you to handle everything without many hassles.

7. We’re a B2B partner agency. We offer website development solutions to our end-clients. Can we outsource WooCommerce developers from your team for a white-label B2B partnership?

Sure! That’s not a big deal. ColorWhistle is a white-label outsourcing agency delivering digital tech solutions to B2B clients. Our web developers have undertaken numerous projects based on e-commerce. So, we assure you that you will get a passionate team of WooCommerce developers to work on your end-clients online store projects.     

8. Will I get a dedicated development team to work on my WooCommerce development project? 

For every project, we will allocate a separate team to coordinate the project along with the client. Depending on the project’s intensity, we will ensure the team consists of a project manager, lead roles, web developers, testers, and other roles. As we allocate a team, we will not frequently swap unless and otherwise there is a need for it. And also, if you feel like you need a replacement for any team member, we will also look after it.  

9. What is your turnaround time on a WooCommerce development project?

Normally, a basic WooCommerce development takes somewhere between 4-8 weeks. For complex websites, it takes a longer time. And moreover, depending on the project complexities and requirements, the range might differ. So, to get an accurate timeline, you can reach out to our team with your in-depth requirements description.       

10. Have you ever worked on WooCommerce development projects?   

For more than 10+ years, we’re into this WooCommerce development. We’ve handled projects ranging from small online stores to large e-commerce platforms. These experiences have given us in-depth knowledge of WooCommerce and its features. We even offer WooCommerce consulting services, where we strategically audit your brand story and come up with ideas to enhance your WooCommerce store.  

11. How much does your WooCommerce development services cost?

WooCommerce is a free and open-source plugin, you can activate it for free. For hosting, domain, themes, and other extensions, you’ll have to pay the necessary fees. And moreover, there are tailor-made plugins for WooCommerce websites such as managing product catalogs, shipping, SEO, and so on. All these might incur separate charges. Whether you need a basic website with minimal features or a complex site with advanced features, the decision is upto you. And, considering that, we will come up with a custom quote.   

12. My current website has Shopify integration. Do you even offer WooCommerce migration services?

Migrating your online store from Shopify to WooCommerce sounds like a wise decision. Because WooCommerce is affordable and provides complete control over your e-store with extensive customization options. As first things first, you’ll need to setup WooCommerce. 

Different Ways that Work for WooCommerce Migration

  • Manual import/export of the CSV files 
  • Outsource to a WooCommerce development agency
  • Use migration extensions

Consider referring to WooCommerce vs Shopify statistics for a more in-depth comparison of these two popular eCommerce platforms.

13. My business has 10000+ products. Will WooCommerce support selling multiple products? 

The WooCommerce plugin has an impeccable scalability feature, making it a strong platform to manage multiple products and transactions at the same time. The only point that matters is your web hosting, ensure you’re availing the best hosting service. 

14. I don’t have a WordPress-based website. Can WooCommerce be synced with my website? 

That’s quite impossible! WooCommerce is merely a WordPress-dependant plugin. You can install the plugin but still for configuration and customization, you’ll require a WordPress account. With the WooCommerce latest updates, this has become a serious concern. 

15. Do you have expertise in WooCommerce theme customization?

ColorWhistle is so passionate about theme customization. We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to themes, so we aspire to deliver bespoke themes to our clients’ WooCommerce stores. Right from the color choice, font style, and layout, we will make sure your site encloses a personal touch of your brand. 

16. What are some unique features of the WooCommerce plugin?

There are a plethora of features, to explore all in detail, check out the link. Here, we’re curating a few,

  • Easy to manage the inventories 
  • Allow to market your products 
  • Run promotion campaigns 
  • Offer product discounts
  • Optimize the site for SEO

17. Is there a free trial version in WooCommerce? 

You can install and setup WooCommerce because it’s a free and open-source plugin. But then, for hosting, themes, and extensions, you’ll need to pay.

18. As of now, I’m using a free version of WooCommerce. Which is the right time to opt for the paid version?

To install and setup, you need not pay. But for further enhancements of your store, you’ll need hosting, themes, and extensions which can be brought for price.

19. What is your WooCommerce development process?

At ColorWhistle, we will first understand your project. Then, we will brainstorm with the team and come up with a plan including budget and timeline. Once you approve the plan and quote, we will start with the wireframe. After iterations, we will proceed with the WooCommerce development. We will set different milestones and will keep you updated on the status then and there.

WordPress Development Services Process at ColorWhistle

20. How many years do you have experience in WooCommerce development?

We’re into e-commerce web development for years and are well-versed in WooCommerce. Over the years, we’ve handled multiple e-commerce projects for various industries. With that, we’ve acquired knowledge of the features, technologies, and trends. With all these, we are equipped to work on your projects as well.

21. Even after the complete site is over, should I rely on you to add new products to the e-store?

Actually, no. During the project closure, we will give you coding access and also give you a complete tutorial on adding products, coupon codes, new membership packages, etc. But still, we’re here to help you incase of any issues.

22. What are the system requirements for WooCommerce integration?

  • PHP 7.0
  • MySQL 5.0
  • WordPress 5.3
  • WooCommerce 4.5

All these are the server/system requirements. To know more about this, you can visit the WooCommerce official site.

23. How to manage payments on WooCommerce websites? 

In multiple ways, you can accept payments in WooCommerce. With WooCommerce Payments, you can manage payments from the convenience of your website. In addition, the plugin is synced with various payment gateways including Stripe, PayPal, etc., and can accept payments from credit cards, mobile wallets, and bank transfers too.

24. How to add GPay to the WooCommerce site?

Login to your WooCommerce-activated WordPress account. In Settings>Payments, check the ‘Enable Express Checkout’ box. With that, you’re all set for syncing your Google Pay account with your online store.

25. How to activate a WooCommerce theme?

Installing WooCommerce is a cakewalk. Login to your WooCommerce-enabled WordPress account, click Themes, download a free theme, or pay for a premium theme and click Add to Site and you’re all set to configure.

26. Are all WooCommerce themes free? 

Not actually. WordPress offers a myriad of themes for WooCommerce websites. You can look into the repository and pick the one that falls under your budget. One more heads-up is, in the free version, you’ll be able to access all basic features whereas to use the advanced features, you’ll have to switch to the paid version. 

27. How do WooCommerce extensions work? 

WooCommerce extensions are nothing but similar to WordPress plugins. The extensions will let you add extra functionalities to your WooCommerce store that includes memberships, tracking, payment, language support, and so on.  

28. What extensions should be added to the WooCommerce site?

It’s your choice. There are over 3000+ extensions available for WooCommerce. Parallel to WordPress plugins, it’s not mandatory to use all extensions. For subscriptions, carts recovery, payment processing, multi-currency support, SEO, and other purposes, extensions can be used.

29. How to manage orders and shipping in WooCommerce? 

In the WooCommerce>Orders admin dashboard, you’ve details like the order number, customer name, date, status, address, and so on. You can customize this list using the Select Screen Options in the top right. Select the fields that need to be displayed. By doing so, you’ll get a holistic view and you’ll find it easy to manage.

30. How to add coupon codes on the WooCommerce website?

In the WooCommerce dashboard, click Setting>General>Enable coupons. Check the Enable Coupons box, this way you can use the coupon feature. Going forward, you can add, remove, and configure the coupon code settings. To learn more about this, you can visit the site.

31. Does WooCommerce supports selling products both locally and globally?

WooCommerce is accessible in and around countries from West to East and North to South, that said, from Australia to Asia and the United States to Africa. The multi-lingual and multi-currency capability gives WooCommerce the flexibility to operate from various parts of the world. 

32. Can I use WooCommerce with multiple languages? 

Absolutely, WooCommerce supports MultilingualPress with which you can enable your site to translate into native languages. 

33. How to optimize the WooCommerce store for search engines? 

  • Write unique product descriptions 
  • Optimize page titles and tags
  • Activate breadcrumbs 
  • Enable smooth navigation
  • Use ALT tags for images

These are but a few. If you find it overwhelming, you can better outsource to an SEO expert.  

34. Can WooCommerce handle high traffic?

Definitely! WooCommerce by itself has no limits on managing high-traffic of websites. It’s capable of handling multiple traffic to your online store at the same time. 

35. How much does hiring your WooCommerce developers cost?

If you plan to hire a WordPress developer for your next WooCommerce project then the hiring cost depends on the engagement model you choose. For a hassle-free partnership, we’ve a few engagement models. You can agree with our partnership with these engagement models that fall under your criteria.

Engagement Models
Price Estimates

Fixed Cost Model

Fixed price

Businesses that are precise about their requirements

Time and Material Based Model

Time and Material Based Model

For long-term projects

Hourly Based Model

No price estimation will be specified

Project scope is determined

Package Based Model

Bespoke quote

Projects with customized requirements

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CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.

One thought on “FAQs on WooCommerce Development

  1. I appreciate your knowledge about Website development services, I’m really eager to learn more things about this topic. Keep posting such content.

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