Best Web Design & Development Companies in Switzerland

After looking at the top web design and web development companies in Canada and Singapore. Now, we are moving to Europe to take a look at some of the top web design and development companies in Switzerland.

The place that is filled with snowy mountains is a digital innovation hub. It has the best mathematicians and has some of the highly skilled workers in the world. Switzerland also has an amazing international research center and most of the private & public sectors strongly promote science and technology.

All of this means that there will be no surprises when you choose to work with a web design and web development agency in Switzerland. You will always get the best. On that note, we have selected the best companies to make things easy for you.

Let’s take a look at the best web design and development companies in Switzerland.

Swiss Web Design – The Selection

So how did we find this selection?

They, like us, struggling to find web designs that were specifically Swiss so they requested that designers proud of their work send in what they had done as a showcase.

The result is a massive list that you can scroll through at your leisure.

Here, we’ve chosen just a few of the best from that list to examine in a little more detail…

1. Never Crew

Web Design & Development Companies in Switzerland (Nevercrew) - ColorWhistle

Information is not particularly forthcoming on this blog, which might be seen as something of an internet marketing faux pas.

Something tells us that this dearth of content is no mistake however – instead there is a gallery of artwork front and centre in a nicely arranged set of tiles.

This Website has a very modern feel to it, with the images being entirely in black and white and it certainly feels somewhat European.

Diagrams here are strange and hand drawn and if you follow the ‘About’ button, you learn this is the website of a group of street artists.

Ah, it all makes sense now!

2. Hinderling Volkart

Web Design & Development Companies in Switzerland (HV) - ColorWhistle

A very accomplished swiss web design company operating out of Switzerland, a visit to their website quickly highlights the skills this team has to offer.

The whole front page of this website is a beautiful image slider which is comprised of sections of a vertically designed website.

And if we’re looking for signs of the company’s cultural inheritance it doesn’t take long – the first image is a big 3D model of a hot air balloon above Swiss mountains!

Clear a company proud to wear their nationality on their sleeve!

3. Amaze Labs

Web Design & Development Companies in Switzerland (Amaze) - ColorWhistle

Amaze Labs builds Drupal websites specifically and also offers consulting and other services.

This is a website that shows some international design trends – with a very typographic layout and a color scheme reminiscent of Google’s Material Design language (think lots of flat, contrasting pastel shades).

This is a great looking website though if we were going to make one small comment, the hamburger menu does look a little large on mobile displays…

4. Spoiled Milk

Web Design & Development Companies in Switzerland (Spoiled Milk .ie) - ColorWhistle

This company is in the business of ‘bringing ambitious brands into the connected world’ and has a number of high profile clients, including Toys R’ Us!

The Website is clean and minimal and makes great use of white space (a hallmark of good design).

It also relies on a lot of light blue colors – a relaxing color scheme that encourages long stays on the website.

5. IBL

Web Design & Development Companies in Switzerland (IBL) - ColorWhistle

IBL is a branding agency that works online and in print and also helps to create stunning spaces in the real world.

The website is made from stark greys and blacks, with high resolution images and dynamic lines.

The whole layout works very well and is very unique.

The gradients used in the menus are very nice, as is the ‘fading in’ effect when you hit that hamburger.

6. Avalanche Design

Web Design & Development Companies in Switzerland (Avalanche) - ColorWhistle

Another design studio with a stunning website.

It’s unique, abstract and interesting to look at and is very image heavy. What’s more, the responsive design is animated, such that all the images move around the page as you grow and shrink the window, very clever and very cool!

Previously, this website was simply ‘Marc Bally’ (the company’s founder) and had an equally neat skeuomorphic design – allowing users to flick through a portfolio by clicking the links in the left hand menu.

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Winding Up Swiss Web Design

There you have it! The top web design and development companies in Switzerland. We selected them based on search engine ranking, ratings and other criteria.

Additionally, web design and web development companies in an effort to broaden their skillset partner with companies like ColorWhistle. Such type of partnerships gives them access to more resources and an opportunity to concentrate on expanding their business.

If you are such a company in Switzerland looking for extra help, do contact ColorWhistle. We have an amazing team of web designers and developers who will be your extended arm. We also follow a strict NDA policy to avoid any clash. Drop us a line anytime we are always happy to discuss the possibility of a new partnership.

CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.

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