Extended Team Model – How It Will Grow Your Business ROI?

Most of the growing companies have a hard time to form a full-stack web development and digital marketing team. The search for assembling the right team might take months and sometimes end up in failure because most of the top talent has been snatched by the bigger competition.

As an entrepreneur/business owner, if you are wondering how to make your business grow and reach new heights, then now is the right time to embrace the extended team model.

In this blog, we will explain everything you need to know before you expand your existing in-house development team with an extended team. 

What is an Extended or Remote Team?

Extended Team Model – How It Will Grow Your Business ROI? (Remote Team) - ColorWhistle

An extended development team or remote team is not hired on a project basis nor are they discontinued once the project ends. You will have an ongoing relationship with your core team and the extended team.

It is hard to give one proper definition for the extended team model. The variations in this model will differ according to the company you choose to partner with. However, the extended team model has certain specifics in common that distinguish it from other models.

  • Extended team will not increase your existing in-house team or replace it. Your business and your team will be located on-shore whereas the remote team will work off-shore and fill the skill gap in your current team
  • You will have full control over the project and be in direct touch with the extended team. Overall, your team and the extended team will operate as a single unit
  • Division of responsibility among all the team members will allow everyone to participate in the process of building a product or solution. Success or failure, all the team members will be responsible for the outcome

Why Should You Hire an Extended Team for your Web Design, Development & Digital Marketing Projects?

  • An extended team offers the following competitive benefits
  • You can handpick the best talent who will become a part of your core team
  • Dedicated talent who can give 100% attention to your project


of businesses use outsourcing to reduce their expenses

  • From communicating your requirements to solving issues, you get complete flexibility and transparency
  • Transparent and efficient payment model helps you to easily keep track of your expenses
  • Access to a wide knowledge base and the cultures of different markets
  • Multi Talented workforce makes it easier for your team to work on a diverse range of projects
  • No trouble of setup and operation

What Are the Team Roles You Must Understand Before Hiring an Extended Team?

To do this in the right way, you must first understand the entire digital solutions process and the specialists who are responsible for carrying out the task. By knowing this, you will figure out how to find the right team members who will work as your remote team.

Development Team Roles

  • Requirement analysts – Responsible for figuring out your needs, gathering project requirements, mapping technical specifications for developers and defining time frame
  • Project manager – Responsible for monitoring the entire process of development, coordinating actions, delivering your project on time and ensuring that each stage of the project goes according to the plan
  • UI/UX designer – Responsible for creating the product’s graphic design from scratch. These designers will be aware of both the UI/UX processes
  • QA engineer – Responsible for participating in a project from the very beginning to its release to scan for issues and suggest solutions
Extended Team Model – How It Will Grow Your Business ROI? (Development Team Roles) - ColorWhistle

Web Developers

  • Front-end developers – Responsible for making things look great on any device and to ensure that everything works fine on any browser
  • Back-end developers – Responsible for breathing life into the functionality and may involve in database creation and CMS development
  • Full-stack developers – Responsible for dealing with both front-end and back-end

Marketing Team Structure

  • Marketing strategist – Responsible for creating a marketing strategy tailored to your company’s goals
  • Paid media specialists – Responsible for creating and optimizing paid media channels and drive growth for organizations on digital platforms
  • SEO specialist – Responsible for attracting the right customers to your website
  • Content specialist – Responsible for creating written content related to your brand voice

These are the core professionals that will help to create and promote your product or service on the digital platform. Additionally, if you want to properly communicate with your remote team, you have to use appropriate tools for better communication and collaboration.

How to Extend your Team With Remote Employees?

When hiring a team, the provider will thoroughly understand what you are looking for in an extended team, ensure that everything works for you, fine-tune your operations and help your business operate more efficiently. (That’s what we do at ColorWhistle too!).

Extended Team Model – How It Will Grow Your Business ROI? (Fine tune your Operations) - ColorWhistle


Planning is crucial for every cooperation. First, you need to analyze the requirements of your project and the skills required. See if you have the in-house talent to fill the gap. Next, figure out the talent you need to source externally. At ColorWhistle, we help our clients to do such types of initial analysis.

Talent Screening

Based on the analysis, the provider will present the profiles of the candidates who have the required skills to work on your projects. These candidates are usually the employees of the provider. Make sure to check for cultural fit along with technical expertise. At ColorWhistle, we make sure that all the candidates are hand-picked and have the skills you are looking for.

Onboarding and Integration

Once you select the talent, the provider will assemble the team and make sure that each project you assign them will go smoothly from start to end. Also, make sure to draw up contracts which both of you agree on At ColorWhistle, we go the extra mile to check if you want to follow your internal process so that we can camouflage ourselves and become an integral part of your team. Our project coordinator will be the process guardian and set up efficient workflows and pick the appropriate project management tools to connect both the teams.

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Seize and experience the transformative impact of B2B Marketing Agency Services & Solutions with ColorWhistle.

Hire an Extended Team From ColorWhistle

A Dream Squad Specializing in Digital Solutions ​

Overall, the remote team model will be comfortable for all the involved parties as the whole process is marked by transparency, flexibility, mutual trust and valued contribution.

ColorWhistle is equipped with amazing talent that will extend your team in terms of both numbers and capabilities. We have a pool of skilled, talented and experienced web developers, to convert your ideas into reality. You can also hire a dedicated developer as per your needs.

To learn more about our extended team model, contact us anytime. We will be more than happy to be a part of your team or an extension of your team.

Do you plan to apply the extended team model approach in your own company? If so, do share your vision in the comments section below.

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CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.

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