Top Video Marketing Agencies In The USA

Video marketing is like having an engaging salesperson who presents your product to potential customers. In today’s digital era, where there is an overwhelming amount of text and images, videos break through the clutter and instantly grab attention. 

Studies indicate that videos enhance customer engagement, improve brand recognition, and significantly drive conversions. Videos tap into human psychology, evoking emotions and establishing a deeper connection with viewers. 

Moreover, search engines highly value videos, increasing website traffic and improving SEO ranking. In essence, video marketing is not merely a trend; it is a powerful tool for professionals and businesses to differentiate themselves, captivate their audience, and attain their goals. 

Identifying the right match among the top video marketing agencies can maximize these advantages and propel your brand to even greater success. Many businesses cannot meet the demands of the growing video content on their own.

Did  You Know?

90% of video marketers report that video gives them a positive ROI, highlighting the effectiveness of working with video marketing agencies to produce high-quality content.

To bridge this gap, they hire a video marketing agency that specializes in this field. These agencies offer expertise, efficiency, and scalability, handling the complex creative and technical aspects. By doing so, they save businesses both time and money.

Agencies bring fresh perspectives, industry knowledge, and access to specialized resources, allowing you to enhance your video strategy and achieve maximum return on investment. By outsourcing, you can focus on your core competencies while utilizing the power of videos to engage audiences and meet marketing objectives.

Do you need help navigating the vast number of video marketing agencies out there? It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lost in the sea of options. However, there’s no need to worry! This blog post is here to provide clarity. 

We have carefully curated a list of the finest and top video marketing agencies in the USA, saving you the hassle of conducting your research. Discover these experienced partners ready to elevate your brand and assist you in achieving your marketing objectives. 

Did You Know

Video is an essential part of current marketing plans and spending

15+ Top Video Marketing Agencies in the USA

1. 90 Seconds

90 Seconds is an expert in offering complete video production services, assisting businesses in crafting engaging visual content. If you already have a specific and extensive video project in mind, it’s worth checking out 90 Seconds. Their website functions like a marketplace for contractors: simply enter the type of video you want, the desired shooting location, and select from a range of trusted 90 Seconds contractors. Services provided by 90 seconds include:

  • Event video coverage
  • Brand/company stories
  • On-location video shooting
  • Video editing and post-production
  • Video ads
  • Live streaming and live event production

Pricing: Starts at $1,000 and goes up to $12,000 or more for on-location shoots with finished videos.

2. Brandefy

Brandefy is a well-regarded video production company that provides excellent and cost-effective video solutions for brands and agencies around the world. They are experts in video search engine optimization, using advanced techniques to boost the visibility of your new content in search engine rankings. Services provided by Brandefy include:

  • Commercials
  • Direct response campaigns
  • Vlogs
  • Instructional videos
  • SEO
  • Brand videos
  • Animated explainer videos

Pricing: For customized pricing quotes and consultation, it is advisable to directly get in touch with them.

Did You Know?

A recent study found that 84% of new purchases from a company began with the customer watching a video about the product or service.

3. Burnwe

Burnwe is a top-notch video marketing agency that specializes in creating video marketing strategies tailored to a client’s company vision. With their skilled team and customer-centric approach, Burnwe is a trusted option for businesses looking for a successful and cooperative video marketing experience. Some of the services provided by Burnwe include:

  • Animated Explainer Videos
  • Product Hunt Launch Videos
  • Promo Videos
  • Company Overview Videos
  • How-To Videos

Pricing: If you need specific pricing details and want to discuss a plan that matches your requirements, don’t hesitate to contact Burnwe directly through their website.

4. Demo Duck

Demo Duck is a company that excels in producing creative videos for businesses and brands. Their expertise lies in crafting engaging visual stories that effectively communicate the message of their clients and captivate their audience. They offer a range of services to ensure high-quality videos such as:

  • Branded Video Production
  • Customer Testimonial Video Production
  • Social Media Video Production
  • Explainer Videos
  • Animated Videos
  • Product Videos
  • Brand Videos

Pricing: If you need specific pricing details and want to discuss a plan that matches your requirements, don’t hesitate to contact Demo Duck directly through their website.

5. Early Light Media

Early Light Media is a well-known video production company located in Baltimore, DC, and other areas. They specialize in creating documentary films, commercials, and animated explainer videos. By emphasizing storytelling and creativity, they produce captivating visual content that effectively conveys powerful messages to their clients. Services provided by Early Light Media include:

  • Video production
  • Post-production
  • Voice-over casting
  • Music Licensing
  • Animation

Pricing: It is suggested to directly contact Early Light Media’s website for personalized pricing quotes and consultation.

Did You Know?

Stat – 78% of Marketing Professionals Say Videos Helped Increase Sales

6. Epipheo

Epipheo is a creative agency that specializes in using animated explainer videos to tell stories. Their main objective is to simplify complex ideas and messages for businesses and brands. By combining creativity and strategic thinking, they develop compelling narratives that resonate with their clients’ target audiences. Services provided by Epipheo include:

  • Animated explainer videos
  • Brand storytelling videos
  • Product demonstration videos
  • Educational videos
  • Training videos
  • Marketing videos
  • Social media video content

Pricing: Epipheo’s pricing for services may vary based on factors such as the length and complexity of the video, production requirements, and client needs. Don’t hesitate to contact Epipheo directly through their website.

7. Indigo Productions

Indigo Productions is a leading video production company recognized for its top-quality visual content that captivates audiences and achieves desired outcomes. Their emphasis on creativity and innovation enables them to offer a wide array of services that cater to the diverse needs of their clients across various industries.  Services like:

  • Video Production
  • Video Editing
  • Concept Development
  • Motion Graphics & 3D Animation
  • Social Media Videos

Pricing: To get personalized pricing quotes and consultation, it is best to contact them directly. Feel free to reach out to Indigo Productions through their website.

Did You Know?

Dollar Shave Club’s single viral video launched them to a $1 billion acquisition.

8. inBeat

inBeat specializes in niche influencer marketing and video UGC creation, helping brands of all sizes acquire customers. Their versatile and authentic video production and advertising services make them a great choice for any brand. They provide services such as:

  • Influencer Video Production
  • Influencer Video Marketing
  • Full-Service Paid Advertising
  • UGC Video Creation
  • TikTok and Instagram Marketing
  • Micro-Influencer and Nano-Influencer Marketing

Pricing: If you need specific pricing details and want to discuss a plan that matches your requirements, don’t hesitate to contact inBeat directly through their website.

9. Kasra Design

Kasra Design is a talented group of designers and animators who have won awards for their ability to create clear and engaging visual stories. They focus on understanding their clients’ businesses and tailoring their video content to match their identities. They offer a wide range of services.

  • Explainer Video
  • Animated Video
  • 3D Animation
  • Motion Graphics
  • Corporate Video
  • Business Video
  • Whiteboard Animation

Pricing: If you need specific pricing details and want to discuss a plan that matches your requirements, don’t hesitate to contact Kasra Design directly through their website.

10. Kimp

KIMP is a user-friendly platform that offers video production and animation services for small businesses and individuals looking for affordable solutions. Services provided by KIMP include:

  • Animated explainer videos
  • Editing existing footage
  • FAQ videos
  • Demo videos
  • GIFs and motion graphics
  • Audiograms
  • Print and web graphic design

Pricing: Starts at $599 per month

Did You Know?

The Global Average for Video Consumption is 17 Hours Per Week

11. Ninja Promo

NinjaPromo is an expert digital marketing agency focusing on social media marketing and promotion services. They have a variety of solutions to boost brand visibility and engagement on different social media platforms. Additionally, they offer video marketing services such as:

  • 3D Videos
  • Animation Videos
  • Motion Graphic Videos
  • Animated Explainer Videos
  • Brand Videos
  • SEO optimization
  • Corporate Videos

Pricing: If you need specific pricing details and want to discuss a plan that matches your requirements, don’t hesitate to contact Ninja Promo directly through their website.

12. Pop Video

PopVideo is an expert video production company that focuses on making interesting and captivating videos for businesses and brands. They have a step-by-step approach to assist you with all aspects of video content, including planning, creating, transforming and reusing your videos. Services provided by Pop Video include:

  • Video marketing
  • Video production
  • Animation
  • Content creation

Pricing:  It is suggested to directly contact their website for personalized pricing quotes and consultation.

13. Quickframe

Quickframe is a video agency that operates as a marketplace. It provides a platform where pre-approved independent contractors can bid on your projects. This enables you to select the most suitable candidate and swiftly generate content from a diverse global talent pool. Quickframe also offers subscription plans for continuous needs, although their services are solely dedicated to video production. Services provided by Quickframe include:

  • On-location video shooting
  • Video editing
  • Contractor matching
  • Project management

14. Sandwich

Sandwich Video, also known as Sandwich, is a renowned creative agency and commercial production company. They are highly regarded for their exceptional explainer videos, which effectively simplify complex products. Sandwich focuses on capturing the essence of each client’s offering, resulting in visually compelling stories that truly resonate with audiences. Services provided by Sandwich include:

  • Explainer videos
  • Animation
  • Branded content
  • Testimonial Videos

Pricing: If you need specific pricing details and want to discuss a plan that matches your requirements, don’t hesitate to contact Sandwich directly through their website.

15. ShuttleRock

Shuttle Rock is a comprehensive video production agency serving businesses and organizations throughout different industries. Services provided by ShuttleRock include:

  • Video ads
  • Motion design
  • Static web ads
  • AR filters for Meta, TikTok and Snapchat

Pricing: The starting price is $6,000 per month, and you can work on up to two projects simultaneously.

Did You Know?

Many Content Marketers Feel Their Organization Isn’t Using Video to its Full Potential

16. Sparkhouse

The Spark House is an innovative company that focuses on making videos, creating content, and providing digital marketing services. They are committed to assisting businesses in sharing their distinctive stories through captivating visuals and effective marketing strategies. Services provided include:

  • Storyboards
  • Video production
  • Video editing
  • Animation videos
  • Brand videos

Pricing: For customized pricing quotes and consultation, it is advisable to directly get in touch with Sparkhouse’s website.

17. UnicornGo

UnicornGO specializes in editing services only. They do not offer full video production services such as on-location shoots, strategic direction, or project management. However, if you have in-house filmed content and a limited budget, UnicornGO could be a suitable option for you. Services provided by UniccornGo include:

  • Video editing, including YouTube videos, interview editing, tutorials, and more
  • Content writing and editing
  • Web content
  • Social media posts
  • Web and print graphics

Pricing: You can get started with one active project for just $399/month, and if you have three active projects, it will cost $999/month.

18. VeracityColab

Veracity Colab is a creative agency that specializes in making videos and animations. They are experts in telling stories and using visuals to communicate ideas effectively. They help businesses and brands create engaging video content that brings their ideas to life. Services provided by VerocityColab include:

  • Video Content Marketing
  • Video Production
  • Product Launch Video
  • Animation Services
  • Motion Graphics Design
  • Explainer Videos
  • Brand Storytelling

Pricing: Pricing for Veracity Colab’s services may vary depending on factors such as project scope, duration, complexity, and client requirements. If you need specific pricing details don’t hesitate to contact VerocityColab directly through their website.

19. Video Supply

Video Supply offers video project packages and custom production work. Their packages, like those for YouTube marketing, allow you to outsource certain parts of your video marketing. If you’re already skilled at filming your own YouTube content, you can increase your capacity by letting Video Supply handle the editing and publishing. Services provided by Video Supply include:

  • YouTube marketing, including editing, publishing and SEO
  • Online course videos
  • Video scripting and strategy
  • Video production
  • Video editing
  • Product/e-commerce videos

Pricing: Provides personalized pricing plans that are designed to meet the unique requirements of every customer. If you need specific pricing details and want to discuss a plan that matches your requirements, don’t hesitate to contact VideoSupply directly through their website.

20. Yum Yum Videos

Yum Yum Videos, a leading video production company, is dedicated to creating animated explainer videos. Their focus on storytelling and captivating visuals enables businesses to effectively convey their messages. Yum Yum Videos provides a diverse range of services including:

  • Animation
  • Live-action commercial filming
  • Tutorials and walkthroughs
  • Product Features
  • Social media videos

Pricing: Yum Yum Videos provides personalized pricing plans for animated explainer videos, designed to meet the unique needs of every client.

Wrapping Up On Finding Your Perfect Video Partner

It’s evident that video marketing agencies differ in their capabilities. Collaborating with a trustworthy agency provides access to expertise, resources, and new perspectives that may not be available internally. They can create engaging stories that connect with your audience and deliver tangible outcomes for your brand.

As the digital world evolves, video content continues to soar in popularity. By partnering with the right company, you are investing in the future success of your marketing endeavors. Begin your video journey today and unlock the potential to truly connect, engage, and inspire.

After conducting thorough research and evaluation, we have created this list of the best video marketing agencies in the USA. Our selection criteria included agency expertise, client testimonials, portfolio breadth, and industry recognition. 

It is important to note that this list is not exhaustive, and each agency has its unique strengths and areas of specialization. Please note that the images used in this blog post are screenshots taken from the respective agency websites and are not owned by us.

If you find it challenging to handle, don’t hesitate to partner with a passionate and experienced digital marketing company. At ColorWhistle, we understand your business and craft innovative strategies to help you generate leads through video marketing services. Contact us today via message or call +91 (944).278.9110 and let us assist you in your video marketing journey!

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CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.

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