Flutter Apps: 5 Reasons Why They’re Popular Among Users

What are the features you would look for while purchasing a smartphone?
Battery power, camera, display, memory, cost, additional features, and more.

It is a human tendency to compare products on the basis of reviews, and features before coming to a decision. You will always go for the one that delivers better features and functionality. 

Similarly, when it comes to business, you should be the one delivering the best features and functionalities to your customers. This is easily achievable if you are planning to develop a web application for your business with Flutter.

Why don’t you try your next project with Flutter App development and see what your business gains from it?

Flutter is Google’s open-source and free software development kit (SDK) exclusively for cross-platform mobile application development. In this article, we are sharing some crucial benefits of Flutter and why it is popular among developers/users.

We, ColorWhistle Believe Flutter is the Future

Flutter’s Architecture

Flutter’s architecture is incorporated with the framework, engine, and platform-specific embedder. The applications are built using the object-oriented programming language, DART. 

Flutter Architecture Guide - ColorWhistle

The most significant advantage of Flutter’s performance is the DART language. Flutter has become the developers’ choice as it helps in building high-performance and scalable applications for both Android and iOS in no time.

Did you know?

There are over 24 thousand Flutter apps and 11 Billion downloads

Platform Agnostic

When it comes to native app development, developers usually have to write separate code for Android and iOS platforms which would eventually take more time and cost. As Flutter works on the concept of a single codebase, it is convenient for developers to write a single code that can run on both Android and iOS platforms. Flutter makes cross-platform development simple and developers can effectively leverage this advantage of the single codebase instead of creating separate code for each platform.

Beyond Flutter, there are no other application frameworks that permit sharing of both the UI code and the UI itself.

This is how rendering looks in most of the cross-platform frameworks,

Relying on platform-specific components for rendering, creates a need for a platform widget’s property mapping layer and a framework widget’s data synchronization.

Flutter, on the other hand, can render its UI without any platform-specific UI components. A canvas to draw on is all that Flutter requires to display the user interface of the application.

This is how it would look like in Flutter,

Flutter Rendering Frameworks - ColorWhistle

Hence, Flutter helps in saving time, and effort without affecting the performance of the end product.

Reduced Development Time

The “hot reload” feature in Flutter allows users to see the applied changes without losing the current state of the application. This makes app development with Flutter several times faster when compared to other frameworks. Moreover, the Flutter toolkit provides a wide variety of components along with customizable and ready-to-use widgets.

Whether you want to develop a single-page application or a video streaming application, using Flutter can produce excellent end-products. Applications built on Flutter are easily scalable hence, you can efficiently get an all-device cross-platform solution at an affordable price. Overall, Flutter makes the entire development process faster and simpler.

Excellent UI and UX

A mobile application must have a well-designed, attractive and functional user interface to run successfully. An outstanding user experience can be created with Flutter using its visually exciting application elements. It is almost effortless to create UI from basic to complex ones with Flutter.

Flutter eliminates the interpretation steps of bridging between the code and native elements as you have to process in other cross-platform development frameworks. One of the greatest advantages of Flutter is its ability to customize anything on the screen regardless of its complexity. Element transition, shape/shadow/color, clipping, and transformations can be performed effortlessly with Flutter.

Simple Logic Implementation

In addition to UI, mobile applications depend on advanced OS-level features such as Bluetooth communication, fetching GPS coordinates, permission handling, and more. Many of these features are available as Flutter provides various features and ready-to-use plugins supported by Google.

Flutter can establish communication utilizing platform channels between its Dart programming language and the native code if your app requires a plugin that is not currently available. In this manner, you can make a Flutter app do anything a native app can.

5. Easy to Learn and Use

Regardless of your level of development experience, Flutter is simple to learn. Dart is structurally and syntactically comparable to other languages, so developers who frequently deal with Java, Python, C#, or other object-oriented languages won’t have any trouble learning Flutter and Dart. Additionally, Flutter’s rich widget library makes it simple to construct applications without writing a lot of code for those with less development knowledge; there are various platforms that use Flutter to build apps without writing any code.

Flutter also offers excellent documentation. The Flutter assistance resources go beyond the normal reference that includes a wide range of example applications. The “Cookbook” demonstrates to developers how to do typical tasks and even suggestions for a Flutter boot camp.

Due to the widespread usage of Flutter, a strong community has emerged that helps both new and experienced Flutter developers by offering support and resources.

Looking for Flutter App Development Services?

Seize and experience the transformative impact of Flutter App Development Services & Solutions with ColorWhistle.

Get Fluttered

From a business perspective, Flutter is a good solution that would add drastic value to your business. The stability of the platform, performance, and much more from this cross-platform app development framework. It is not surprising that Flutter operates more effectively on Android and iOS. Android dominates the smartphone industry, and Google is the driving force behind Flutter. Take your business to the next level by web applications faster and more effectively with Flutter.

Want to know what makes Flutter powerful and productive?

Start establishing your web app effectively from here.

If you are trying to establish your web application through Flutter, we have a well-experienced team of Flutter developers who can meet your business needs with customized solutions. You can contact ColorWhistle by sending us a message or call us at +1 (210) 787-3600, we’ll get back to you at the earliest. We provide services tailored to your requirements that suit your business.

In quest of the Perfect Flutter App Development Services Agency?

Be unrestricted to click the other trendy writes under this title that suits your needs the best!

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About the Author - Varsha

I am a zealous copywriter with an enthusiasm to learn everyday. I am able to diversify my knowledge at CW as I get the opportunity to write for various industries. What I love about writing is the research part when I can explore on the data while googling. I am also experienced in playing with words for the WooCommerce plugins and eCommerce platforms. When am off from writing I love experimenting new dishes and also a booklouse at time.

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