Why Isn’t Your Blog a Success Yet?

It’s an undeniable fact that the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has turned many businesses to concentrate on blogging.

Content marketing via blogging when written with a motive to educate the audience becomes one of the effective inbound marketing practices that drive qualified sales to your pipeline and boost the ROI of your business.

Therefore, when you write blogs related to your products, services, niche, or industry, your focus should lie in educating your readers. While your blogs satisfy this condition, they bring success to your business. One of the main reasons why few blogs fail because they might have been written only with the sales mind.

Likewise, there are many reasons why your blogs are not performing well. When your blogs don’t give the expected results, it’s not that you have to skip blogging. Instead, you have to dig deeper and analyze the reasons for the failure of your blogs and rectify them.

Our blogging experience helped us to collect some of the reasons that stand as barriers to the success of your blogs. By the end of this post, you will get a clear idea of what all to include in your blogs and exclude from off your blogs so they perform well and bring expected results.

Reasons Why Your Blogs are Not Winning the Hearts of Your Readers

Not Understanding the User Intent

People build a craving for blogs to educate themselves about any of the subject matters. Developing content without understanding the intention of users will never bring fruitful results.

Choose a topic after full-fledged research on what your consumers are looking for. Then, start writing blogs about how your services can help them resolve their pain points. When searchers enter your blog, you should give that certainty to your readers that they are going to get answers to their queries.

Why Isn’t Your Blog a Success Yet? (Not Understanding the User Intent) - ColorWhistle

Putting Less Effort

After you construct a home, frequently you would paint, do plumbing works, check for the proper functioning of electricity, etc. Similarly, blogging doesn’t end once you write and publish your blog posts. By putting relentless efforts, your blogs can get maximum exposure, traffic, and visibility.

Promote your blogs on social media, online communities, and other platforms. Give a shout out to email subscribers. Link to your new blogs from your existing maximum traffic generating blogs. Show your engagement with your readers by responding to their comments. Repurpose your blogs for e-books, videos, infographics, etc.

Why Isn’t Your Blog a Success Yet? (Putting Less Effort) - ColorWhistle

Over Selling

Generally, people feel frustrated by marketers approaching them only with the sales mind. Blogs are an indirect sales element that can either make or break your business in the long run. When the readers get a glimpse that your focus lies only on sales, they will bounce off from your website.

Make sure that the word choice and quality of information on your blogs provide solutions to the readers who come in with queries and doubts. With this practice, you can encourage the target audience for leveraging your products and services.

No Consistency in Posting

Only continuous workouts can keep one fit and healthy. This consistent effort has to be applied to blogs too. Companies that increased consistency in blogging from 3-5/month to 6-8/month almost doubled their leads. Regular blogging has a huge impact on your inbound lead generation and overall website traffic.

One of the healthy practices of consistent blogging is maintaining a list of topics and publishing them at the appointed time. Decide on a realistic publishing schedule and automate the process to prevent irregularity in posting blogs.

Why Isn’t Your Blog a Success Yet? (No Consistency in Posting) - ColorWhistle

SEO-Friendly Title & Heading Tags

Before indexing your articles on quality rankings, search engines will concentrate on your blogs’ titles and headings. Based on the relevancy of your titles and headings with the users’ keywords, search engines will index your blogs.

Long Meta Descriptions

When you optimize your meta descriptions for SEO, it paves a great way to increase the CTR of your article in SERPs. Try to give a unique description that holds a maximum of 150 – 160 characters. For example, using Yoast SEO Plugin will be a good choice to add meta descriptions for your blog posts that fit the exact word count expected by the search engines.

It would be great to find all of your old posts that exceed the meta description character limit and rewrite the meta description in 150-160 characters. You can also refer to the official Google help page on using meta descriptions here.

Not Optimizing Images

When search engines find images in your blogs with meaningful ALT tags, there are chances to gain maximum visibility on the search results. Also, giving a proper name to your images is accountable.

For example, if you’ve written an article what is the perfect length for a blog post, and named and image as image 1. Instead of this, you can change it by mentioning the actual name like this, perfect length for a blog post. Also, you can specify keywords in your images to get maximum exposure from the search engines.

Why Isn’t Your Blog a Success Yet? (Not Optimizing Images) - ColorWhistle

No Keywords in the Content

Search engines use bots to crawl through your blogs for finding the exact keywords specified by users. Therefore, it’s crucial that you place meaningful keywords in your content, title, heading, images, and others. Make sure that the usage of keywords doesn’t alter the meaning of your context. Forcing the keywords into your content will ruin your users’ experience, which spoils your presence on the SERPs.

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Build a Successful Blogging Strategy for Your Business

Hopefully, we’ve covered all the reasons that prevent your blogs from acquiring the expected results. If you don’t want to be trapped in these nets, then you need to formulate a blogging strategy. Through your smart and ethical blogging strategies, your efforts will not return in vain.

If you are struggling to strategize your blogging practices, then it would be great to take assistance from professional content marketers at ColorWhistle. Before starting a topic, we will do complete research about the topic, and based on your target audience demographics we will build SEO-friendly content for your business.

Also, if you’re looking to elevate your brand’s social media presence with impactful visuals, consider seeking professional social media design services from an experienced agency like ColorWhistle.

We can create relevant content starting from blogs, news, press release, whitepapers, case studies, email pieces, e-newsletters, catalogs, brochures, billboards, postcards, sales letters, to online ads.

If you have plans to work with us, then all you have to do is reach us via message or call +1 (210) 787-3600 at any time. We are ready to work with you.

CW Content Marketing Team
About the Author - CW Content Marketing Team

ColorWhistle's content team is a group of rockstar writers and curators who create killer content for clients across industries. From blog posts to social media campaigns, ColorWhistle's content team creates content that captivates audience with content that educates, entertains, and inspires. With a passion for creativity and expertise in digital marketing, the team has what it takes to make your brand stand out in a crowded online space. In short, they're the wordsmith wizards that you want on your side for content that on-brand and on-trend.

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