Business name: Zack Location
Industry: Real estate
Client’s requirement:
This real estate client is from France. They were renting rooms, lodges, and properties. Their tenants were especially students. So, to provide detailed information about the available properties to their prospects, the client needed a website.
Process followed:
We follow a common process for all our clients. As this client had unique requirements, we brainstormed within the team and tailor-made the process that best suited the client’s goals.
What did we do for the client?
After a few brainstorming sessions, we chose a customizable theme that blends with the real estate tone. We decided on a 10+ pages website for the client. We made use of certain tools for payment, multi-lingual support, rooms availability calendar, and other purposes.
After reviewing the tenant’s application, the client would allocate the best-matching room/property. We optimized the page speed to 4 seconds to make it the fastest-loading site. Also, the forms & fields that we created are customizable.
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