Website Development for Power Bench Marking

Website Development for Power Bench Marking
Business name: Power Bench Marking
Industry: Power and energy
Client’s requirement:

The client wanted to build robust online visibility to expand the reach of their premises. For this, they sought us to develop a full-fledged website & quality content.

Process followed:

We follow a common process for all our clients. As this client had unique requirements, we brainstormed within the team and tailor-made the process that best suited the client’s goals.

What did we do for the client?

We developed a website using WordPress. We registered with a dedicated domain name and used SiteGround for hosting the site. Then, our designers and content creators started with designing the site and creating content for all the pages as per the client’s inputs & suggestions.

Once the client approved the design, we moved on to the development phase. We built a fully-responsive website with clear navigation, location-specific pages with clickable maps, user-centric call-to-actions, etc. In addition to it, we only designed their logo as well.

Excited to get a detailed explanation of the project, do click here.


Power Bench Marking logo-design-portfolio

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