Website Development for Cryptonypto

Website Development for Cryptonypto
Business name: Cryptonypto
Industry: Cryptocurrency
Client’s requirement:

The client wanted to curate all the information regarding cryptocurrencies like news, videos, tweets, etc., on a single website.

Process followed:

We follow a common process for all our clients. As this client had unique requirements, we brainstormed within the team and tailor-made the process that best suited the client’s goals.

What did we do for the client?

 We discussed the immediate marketing objectives. After the analysis, we planned to retain the required modules CryptoSweep, social media login, and discussion forums login in the homepage from the client’s existing rough design.

Also, we added the other required modules to the homepage. We started with the development of CoinGecko API inorder to integrate with third-party APIs. Using this API, we developed other cryptocurrency pages like DeFi and currency converter.

Excited to explore more on the project, do checkout our case study page.


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