7th Anniversary – A Walk through Our Memories

Hurrah! That’s the joy of a new milestone! First things first, thanks for all the good happenings of this year as well as the worse things that taught us how to keep moving despite uncertainties.

We’re 7 years old now.

Today, if we’re standing here, the contribution of our collaborators & followers has a major part.

Yes, without you, this would’ve been an unfulfilled dream. We’re happy to share this winning moment with you!

Colorwhistle’s journey kick-started with just 2 members in 2014. Today, our team has grown with over 20+ members. It’s again our whistlers’ dedication towards delivering expected quality, instant communication, and healthy bonding with clients that have brought us this far.

For us, 2021 was not a bed of roses. We had to cross over many hardships that were sometimes pulling us down. However, our untiring efforts helped us to weather the storm.

Our anniversary celebration day – 10th of December has finally come. Once we came in the morning, we started decorating the floor with balloons, thermocols, ribbons, and stars.

The day started with cake-cutting. Then, we whistlers started off with our presentations. After that, we had chapatis for potluck lunch. Also, we had some yummy icecreams, contributed from our passed-out whistler. 🙂

Post-lunch, the captain of the crew, Sankar continued with his presentations. Before leaving for dinner, we got our anniversary gifts. After a complete dinner meal, we left home with filled tummies and lots of memories.

We would like to share some of our anniversary clippings here. Do take a look. 🙂

ColorWhistle 7 year celebration
Cake Cutting – Our theme was blue 🙂
Our expert team
Our expert team
The posers
Cake Cutting
Cake Cutting with the last 7 joinees 🙂
No 7
Random Clicks 🙂
More presentations 🙂
Random Clicks
The whole team

Like these, we’ll keep posting blogs & social media posts on our channels. To get regular updates, stay tuned. Marching towards the next milestone.

Have you celebrated any anniversaries at your office? Share about your special events in the comments below. We would like to read yours.

What’s Next?

Now that you’ve had the chance to explore our blog, it’s time to take the next step and see what opportunities await!

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About the Author - Archana

I'm Archana and I love all things social media. I enjoy curating content and designing engaging visuals that help people connect with the content they love. I also have a passion for accounting and human resources, which I also pursue currently. I love using Statista to help me understand the latest trends in the world of social media. I also enjoy reading books, spending time with my pets, and I'm also a bit of a crafter - I enjoy making things with my own two hands!

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