How This Dropshipper Made Millions from Bubble Tea Plushes?

Nowadays, many individuals aspire to become entrepreneurs, but not everyone has the resources to invest time and money from production to execution. This is where the dropshipping business model comes into play. In dropshipping, you promote products manufactured by someone else, and once an order is placed, the manufacturer handles the shipping and delivery. Subtle Asian Treats is a prime example of dropshipping success

Tze Hing Chan, the co-founder of dropshipping store Subtle Asian Treats, initially tried various businesses before tapping into the concept of bubble tea plushes. Tze started by selling bubble tea-themed phone cases but didn’t find a good profit margin. So, he researched further and discovered bubble tea plushes. During the COVID-19 pandemic, bubble tea became increasingly popular in Asian countries. 

What Made Subtle Asian Treats Stand Out?

  • Tze built a professional-looking store using Shopify, aiming for a quality comparable to Nike. He edited every product image and wrote unique descriptions to give a good impression of the products.
  • Tze actively engaged with customers on Facebook and other social media, to build strong relationships with people.
  • Tze kept support response times low, showing customers they mattered and weren’t dealing with a scam site.

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