Logo Design for Power Bench Marking

Logo Design for Power Bench Marking
Business name: Power Bench Marking
Industry: Power & energy
Client’s requirement:

The client was very keen on having a powerful logo as they were planning to benchmark the service for the power industry.

Process followed:

We follow a common process for all our clients. As this client had unique requirements, we brainstormed within the team and tailor-made the process that best suited the client’s goals.

What did we do for the client?

As first things first, for a logo design project, we get to know the expectations of the client. We brainstormed and created a logo depicting lightning. We designed the logo using yellow as the color illustrates energy. Furthermore, we used negative spacing in the logo for representing their brand and service.

We moved on with the sketching. Then, we went up for initial mockups. We’ve submitted a few options initially to the client. After a few iterations, the client was happy with the final logo that we designed.



Power Bench Marking logo-design-portfolio

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