Business name: Organic Blends
Industry: Cosmetics
Client’s requirement:
The German client is an organic cosmetic group that manufactures hand-made, flavored soaps and face washes. The client approached our team for branding elements including logo, brochures, pamphlets, stickers, and labels.
Process followed:
We follow a common process for all our clients. As this client had unique requirements, we brainstormed within the team and tailor-made the process that best suited the client’s goals.
What did we do for the client?
We designed a logo in a calligraphy style. As the products were organic, we thought of choosing earthy colors & earthy blends. We picked some random colors from the watercolor palettes to further give the logo a subtle look.
Soaps & face washes generally are packed in boxes to bring the same look-and-feel in the logo, we planned to bring the logo within a border. Labels are usually seen in landscape orientation, but here as the client requested, we went on with designing the labels in portrait. As the client loved the logo we designed, they still continue with our team.