Business name: CodingTown
Industry: Software management
Client’s requirement:
The CodingTown has decades of experience in providing services for software management. They approached us for a unique logo design representing their brand.
Process followed:
We follow a common process for all our clients. As this client had unique requirements, we brainstormed within the team and tailor-made the process that best suited the client’s goals.
What did we do for the client?
As first things first, for a logo design project, we get to know the expectations of the client. We planned to create a logo with a combination of an icon and text. The negative spacing between ‘C’ and ‘T’ gave an impressive look to the logo.
We chose a specific color palette and moved on with the sketching. Then, went up for initial mockups. We’ve submitted a few options initially to the client. After a few iterations, the client was happy with the final logo that we designed.