Business name: CIAO Patisserie
Industry: Food & bakery
Client’s requirement:
The client is from North India. To give their customers more varieties, they were keen on baking French and Italian pastries. Also, they were famous for baking macroons. The client requested a simple text logo that looks appealing and soothing.
Process followed:
We follow a common process for all our clients. As this client had unique requirements, we brainstormed within the team and tailor-made the process that best suited the client’s goals.
What did we do for the client?
After a few brainstorming sessions, we designed a simple logo with pastel colors. To give a minimalistic look, we created the logo’s text with flowy lines. We chose white color for the text and peach for the background.
As the client sells customized cakes, we decided to go for an innovative design for pastry boxes, inline butter papers, and inlets.