Business name: Atrity
Industry: IT
Client’s requirement:
Atrity client approached us from India. They looked for a partnership with us for their complete website & content revamp.
Process followed:
We follow a common process for all our clients. As this client had unique requirements, we brainstormed within the team and tailor-made the process that best suited the client’s goals.
What did we do for the client?
This website development was not something usual, we were asked to develop a 64-pages site. Also, the client asked us to work on the content part for each page. We built the courage to take up the new challenge.
As content took a major portion in this site, we started off content followed by the design & development. We used hover animations, flip effects, sliders, and other appealing effects. There were a few iterations in the design & development, then the client was happy with the final look of the site.